how were humans made?

I challenged you to help me learn something, and possibly teach yourself something. That best you could muster was your "jimmies were rustled"

Don't ruin the thread by tossing shallow insults expecting me to engage in it. If you're not feeling my opinion, keep it moving.


you didn't challenge me to teach you a damn thing bro.

you came in here to say that me agreeing with dude in his clip is me "settling" spiritually or whatever and that I need to further my pursuit of knowledge.

you're over here on your high horse preaching.

you're not asking any questions or exploring the other side of things, you're over here actin' holier than thou. Please....
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I don't think the dude was actually high. He just used that as a prop to explain how chill he was at the time of KW pissing him off, thus extending the range of how pissed off he could get. Instead of being 0 (sober and calm) to 100 (extremely pissed), he went from -100 (extremely chilled out beyond human capabilities w/o drugs) to 100.
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I don't think the dude was actually high. He just used that as a prop to explain how chill he was at the time of KW pissing him off, thus extending the range of how pissed off he could get.

exactly it was for effect.

partially satire.

but he was dead serious in his subject matter.

SMFH man, this is exactly why NT can't have these type of discussions. Always someone.
So getting back on topic. Evolution is a theory and flawed one at that.
exactly it was for effect.

partially satire.

but he was dead serious in his subject matter.

SMFH man, this is exactly why NT can't have these type of discussions. Always someone.

I've already pointed out on the last page back how evolution is fundamentally flawed hoping to generate some conversation on people's opinions. Still waiting to see your rebuttal besides a personal attack.
perhaps 'humans' were before monkeys and apes. and monkeys and apes were the 'defective' humans and were abandoned. then they procreated their own species
Religions, gravity, and evolution are all theories.

Only one doesn't have facts to support it and IDK why people just accept it as true.

Evolution may or may not be 100% true but it does lead somewhere that has factual evidence that could start to answer a lot of questions.

Now, where we came from originally is a whole new question that I don't think can ever be proven. Evolution may be true but that doesn't answer where we came from at the base of our evolution tree.

Just look into the sky and try to imagine where space ends. There are possibilities we don't even know about that could factor into the equation.

I've always believed we are all just smart animals. Even through Catholic school for eight years.

I just can't believe we were put here by unicorns.
On topic why is it so hard to understand evolution in a quick Wikipedia search there are 16 families, 72 genera, and 543 species of primate. Is it SO hard to believe that one of those in the bunch had the ability to grow into what Man is today? The earth is a old and magical place. Tons of times to nurture and encourage such changes in species.

you guys late.


View media item 761316
Lol No Try Mega Mewtwo Y

View media item 763370
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Religions, gravity, and evolution are all theories.

Only one doesn't have facts to support it and IDK why people just accept it as true.

Evolution may or may not be 100% true but it does lead somewhere that has factual evidence that could start to answer a lot of questions.

Now, where we came from originally is a whole new question that I don't think can ever be proven. Evolution may be true but that doesn't answer where we came from at the base of our evolution tree.

Just look into the sky and try to imagine where space ends. There are possibilities we don't even know about that could factor into the equation.

I've always believed we are all just smart animals. Even through Catholic school for eight years.

I just can't believe we were put here by unicorns.
You gotta look at the dimensions. After watching DBZ it clicked for me that the afterlife is just proceeding to the next dimension.
So getting back on topic. Evolution is a theory and flawed one at that.
I've already pointed out on the last page back how evolution is fundamentally flawed hoping to generate some conversation on people's opinions. Still waiting to see your rebuttal besides a personal attack.

Before I even offer a rebuttal how about you explain how evolution is "flawed".

It's a theory, but not for the reasons you're thinking, it's a theory because despite all the biological and anthropological data that we have collected there's still an immense amount for us to learn.

but that doesn't mean there isn't substantial evidence that evolution is a solid theory.

And it doesn't hurt that its backed by biology. Mutation is real as is natural selection.

How is it difficult to see that life is a process, a process that never stops adapting to its environment.

And that our ancestors through millions of years slowly adapted anatomically. This is natural selection at work, if life didn't adapt it died.

We didn't just fall out of an ape's *** one day.
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Before I even offer a rebuttal how about you explain how evolution is "flawed".

It's a theory, but not for the reasons you're thinking, it's a theory because despite all the biological and anthropological data that we have we've collected there's still an immense for us to learn.

but that doesn't mean there isn't substantial evidence that evolution is a solid theory.

And it doesn't hurt that its backed by biology. Mutation is real as is natural selection.

How is it difficult to see that life is a process, a process that never stops adapting to its environment.

And that our ancestors through millions of years slowly adapted anatomically. This is natural selection at work, if life didn't adapt it died.

We didn't just fall out of an ape's *** one day.

It's flawed in the sense that under its own parameters it can't explain how early homoerectus evolved into modern day homosapien. There's a huge missing gap, in the explanation process, and without an agenda it would've fell to the wayside long ago. It's also flawed like I said because what we were supposed to have evolved to, already existed when evolution supposedly begins.

For the most part I agree with everything you said. This stuff Is just theoretical and a stab in the dark to figure something out. However, if it's wrong there's no point in building a foundation of knowledge on something with a corrupt core.

Just like Einsteins theory of relativity. For years it held up, but quantum physics is figuring out that he had it wrong, and quite wrong at that. If I remember quickly even Einstein said it was the biggest blunder of his career and spent the latter years of his life trying to figure it out.

My point is this, they're just theories. Educated belief systems. When we start battling over beliefs, were right back where religion put us.
Before I even offer a rebuttal how about you explain how evolution is "flawed".

It's a theory, but not for the reasons you're thinking, it's a theory because despite all the biological and anthropological data that we have we've collected there's still an immense for us to learn.

but that doesn't mean there isn't substantial evidence that evolution is a solid theory.

And it doesn't hurt that its backed by biology. Mutation is real as is natural selection.

How is it difficult to see that life is a process, a process that never stops adapting to its environment.

And that our ancestors through millions of years slowly adapted anatomically. This is natural selection at work, if life didn't adapt it died.

We didn't just fall out of an ape's *** one day.

It's flawed in the sense that under its own parameters it can't explain how early homoerectus evolved into modern day homosapien. There's a huge missing gap, in the explanation process, and without an agenda it would've fell to the wayside long ago. It's also flawed like I said because what we were supposed to have evolved to, already existed when evolution supposedly begins.

For the most part I agree with everything you said. This stuff Is just theoretical and a stab in the dark to figure something out. However, if it's wrong there's no point in building a foundation of knowledge on something with a corrupt core.

Just like Einsteins theory of relativity. For years it held up, but quantum physics is figuring out that he had it wrong, and quite wrong at that. If I remember quickly even Einstein said it was the biggest blunder of his career and spent the latter years of his life trying to figure it out.

My point is this, they're just theories. Educated belief systems. When we start battling over beliefs, were right back where religion put us.

you have this belief that evolution is an agenda, do you think scientists are all in on this agenda pushing it along? I ask because the field of science is extremely competitive and like I said before, if someone came out and was able to debunk evolution today they would win the noble prize, thats how solid it is. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.

Could you also clarify what you mean by "what we were supposed to have evolved to already existed"? what are we supposed to evolve to? It's all based on the selective pressures of the environment.

I do agree however we should continue to question the ideas. In this case you're just throwing it aside as a baseless theory pushed along because of an agenda.
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the great thing about scientific theories is that they dont claim to know or be able to explain everything, yes there are still gaps in it which is why there is so much more work to be done

the fact that new scientific discoveries continue to fall in line with the theory of evolution suggest that it is a credible theory

i never understood people that believe something without any scientific backing just because it makes sense, everyone wants to be able to understand everything but we cant. hopefully in my life time we will understand the evolutionary connections that we are currently lacking but until then im not going to make up random theories in order to fill the knowledge gap
Can the created posses the knowledge of the creator?......
computers already do 
computers already do :nerd:

Not really. Good try tho...

But to expound on this example:

Computer's can only describe and articulate an heart attack sensation, but can never truly possess that knowledge ( unless we update/ input the data to reflect a true occurrence of such event). The creator will always encompass more knowledge than the creation. So the created will never fully understand all there is to know about the creator.
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Can the created posses the knowledge of the creator?......
Another question is, "Can the created possess the knowledge is that it is the creator."

you have this belief that evolution is an agenda, do you think scientists are all in on this agenda pushing it along? I ask because the field of science is extremely competitive and like I said before, if someone came out and was able to debunk evolution today they would win the noble prize, thats how solid it is. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.

Could you also clarify what you mean by "what we were supposed to have evolved to already existed"? what are we supposed to evolve to? It's all based on the selective pressures of the environment.

I do agree however we should continue to question the ideas. In this case you're just throwing it aside as a baseless theory pushed along because of an agenda.

"I say what were suppose to evolve to" meaning that evolution says were supposed to evolve into the modern day human homosapien which we are now. However there are fossils of modern day homosapiens going back at least 300,000 years and some would argue millions of years.

The agenda comes into play because it completely goes against Christian doctrine. It also comes into play because it doesn't account for white people. Melanin wouldn't be lost in evolution due to all the productive properties it has to offer. So even if people became lighter over the years due to an ice age, the ability to not produce melanin isn't accounted for in evolution. Taking it a step further melanin is responsible for a lot more then just skin pigment. It's more or less what they mean when they say were carbon beings. So if evolution is real, why would survival of the fittest produce a race of people who can't exist in harmony with their environment.

Before people think I'm race bashing. I'm black/white so I have no bias I'm just stating facts trying to get to the bottom of this.

its magic its just magic we dont know lets just chalk it up to magic.
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