how were humans made?


we evolved from apes who evolved from proto primates which evolved from simpler organisms that were originally from the sea.

simpler organisms that were avoiding competition for scarce resources and predation from giant arthropods.

"God" didn't beam us down magically 6000 years ago, I'M SORRY but that's the truth.
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we evolved from apes who evolved from proto primates which evolved from simpler organisms that were originally from the sea.

simpler organisms that were avoiding competition for scarce resources and predation from giant arthropods.

when he says

why is there still "monkeys" he means apes...

because there was a separation of the human clade from other great apes.

throwing around insults doesn't make Katt right. He's an ignorant human being and has never actually put any time or effort into learning this stuff.

His credibility is less than zero.

Young earth creationists calling atheists "stupid *************" is just ignorance. I'm not sitting here hurling insults. I'm open to debate.
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this is a pointless debate.

young earth creationists are NOT going to stand for anything that contradicts their personal beliefs, at least that's what the nature of NikeTalk is.

these debates are better suited for classrooms, where young earth creationists put their personal beliefs aside and objectively listen to the tenants of evolution.

so until you take the time to understand what science is saying you're going to have the same classical ignorant line of questioning, which goes along the lines of....

1. If humans came from apes, why are there still apes?

2. If humans evolved from apes, what did apes evolve from?

3. if humans originated from Africa why are there white people?

4. If apes came from proto-primates and simpler organisms, where did those simpler organisms come from


5. where did the universe come from?

and so on and so forth.

And they direct these questions at atheists, but guess what? Most atheists don't know the answer to these questions because that's not the point of ATHEISM.

Being an atheist =/= being an expert on evolution.

But realize this when you ask these incredibly loaded questions expecting to stop an atheist in his tracks and be completely dumbfounded, don't be ungracious or insulting when an informed individual, atheist or not actually wants to sit down and explain these questions for you.

Because that? That is the point where most young earth creationists check out of the conversation. IF you don't want to hear the answer(s) to the question why ask? If you just want to call everyone who doesn't share your belief system

"stupid *************"

do it, and get on with your day.

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