HP Touchpad for $99/$149

Originally Posted by ludex360

Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by iAllan

All of the Best Buys in San Diego show that they have in store availability, could this be true?
How do you check this?


my store has stock ..............ZIPPING THERE DURNING LUNCH...........
Westcoast.. Calif its a wrap haven't heard anything anywhere. I deliver to bestbuy and they got theirs this past Tues. The same day I had to leave early and get my MRI done smh. Since I left early I didnt do the delve another driver did. Just my freqking luck
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

i like that touch stone accessory for it, u guys think they will dramatically lower the price on that?
They already did by 50%. I picked one up yesterday, but haven't tried it out yet...
Still NOTHING from erwincomp, they have no kind of information on that status check, dudes said F it

and the line is busy when i call
Originally Posted by sniper

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

i like that touch stone accessory for it, u guys think they will dramatically lower the price on that?
They already did by 50%. I picked one up yesterday, but haven't tried it out yet...
What store is this?
i got back from best buy an hour ago and picked one up. i called last night and the girl said they were getting a few on the truck today. i went down around 11:45 (she said be there by 12) and there were 4 ppl in line (a family of 4) and then me. a few others showed up but they had 13 of the 32g in stock and sold out in minutes to the few of us in line. 1 per person and that was that. i wouldnt have camped out for one but standing in line for 30 min was worth it. its charging up now
Originally Posted by NICKLE DIME BAY

Still NOTHING from erwincomp, they have no kind of information on that status check, dudes said F it

and the line is busy when i call

I suggest emailing them. They replied fairly quickly. My order was canceled by the way.
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

Originally Posted by sniper

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

i like that touch stone accessory for it, u guys think they will dramatically lower the price on that?
They already did by 50%. I picked one up yesterday, but haven't tried it out yet...
What store is this?
Best Buy, but I'm assuming everywhere has or is in the process of price-matching it...
Went to a ghetto Best Buy at 9:30 and there was a line with like 40 people. Got to one in the suburbs at 9:50 to get the the last of the tickets. They only had 10 of each model, got the last 32gb.
HP.com now shows "OOS"...Did they restock earlier? 

I dont think I'll make the trip to the local BB.
This is why I hate living in the Bay Area every Best Buy I went too had hella people waiting already. I check out the bestbuy website too see if any were available anywhere and Curtner in San Jose said available I fly down there trying to call and the signal was busy, I get there and there are hella people trying to get one.

This is like the PS3 back in 2007, impossible to find one. This really pisses me off like this one hurts right in the heart ya know? I like cheap things, 12 midnight I'm at mcdonalds ordering off the dollar menu who cares?

Who knows if the iPad dropped to this price I might end up on my knees, ok I wouldn't go that far........
anyone that ordered from HP small business have any info? I got order confirmation and that's about all I've gotten. I can't check the order status anymore. And I ordered before 4am on Monday.
Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by ludex360

Originally Posted by dtb00201

How do you check this?


my store has stock ..............ZIPPING THERE DURNING LUNCH...........
I wrote the sku # on a paper and i thought i would hand them the sku # without telling them what i was looking for and the dude was like your looking for the touchpad are you and i said yes with a warm flash going through my body. dude said "yeah we got 16 16gig models this morning and we had a line at store open". im done.
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