Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

Shouldn't even be legal. Basically telling the public those less fortunate financially are more expendable. I hate this country sometimes.
Hopefully this doesn't happen....but lets say 10s of thousands can't afford to evacuate and something devastating the airline at fault?
profit and humanitarianism are like oil and water.
'We're staying here. We've been here 15 years. We've been told many times to evacuate. I don't think it's going to hit us directly. But it happens we got food water supplies, everything we need.'

Dude lives in an 11th floor building in Miami

Wife wants to go to San Juan Puerto Rico for her birthday in mid October. I was buying the tickets this weekend. Should I hold off on it ?? Not sure how bad they were hit and all I heard about were power outages.
Jet blue I hear capped their flights at 99

One of the reasons why I'll choose to stick with jet blue as much as I can
Shouldn't even be legal. Basically telling the public those less fortunate financially are more expendable. I hate this country sometimes.

IDK how true but from what I have read/seen the price increases came from the algorithm they use to account for supply/demand.
Holy **** man

Latest Euro has it hitting Cuba, still west as ****, possibly later hitting Key West?

Way more west than was modeled yesterday

This **** cray man. I don't know what to think or believe.
New Euro has it making landfall in Cuba for a short time before coming back out and heading NORTH WEST and directly hitting the Keys before making its way towards the Tampa area
matta fact.

LOL... imma refer to you as, "IT", from now on... cause u are def. a clown...
NT Florida checking in

Been in Florida all my life my family has decided to ride this one out. Since we are more inland and will be on the left side of the hurricane (the weak side) we fill it won't be anything we can't handle.

Not in a flood zone

No trees around

Next to a fire station

3 miles from a new hospital

Next door to a Walmart (still has supplies)

On the rich side of town on the power grid of shelters and a fire station so if power does go out unfortunately for others they make sure our power gets cut on first
Reminder: this thing is huge; all of Florida may be in some way impacted

Gotta give it up for Florida's governor. Don't agree with the man's politics but for the past like 96 hours, the man has been a machine with the statements, executive decisions, and precautionary measures.

If there was any real way to properly brace for a horrific and historic storm such as this, Rick Scott has done a tremendous job (at least in the public eye)

Praying and hoping for the best possible scenario man; a real miracle. I hope everyone is safe.
NT Florida checking in

Been in Florida all my life my family has decided to ride this one out. Since we are more inland and will be on the left side of the hurricane (the weak side) we fill it won't be anything we can't handle.

Not in a flood zone

No trees around

Next to a fire station

3 miles from a new hospital

Next door to a Walmart (still has supplies)

On the rich side of town on the power grid of shelters and a fire station so if power does go out unfortunately for others they make sure our power gets cut on first

Where you located? New Euro has it making a significant move west and potentially making landfall near Tampa... All I know is that nobody is safe in southern FL this thing has changed several times and anyone near that area should be prepared for the worst.
Holy **** man

Latest Euro has it hitting Cuba, still west as ****, possibly later hitting Key West?

Way more west than was modeled yesterday

This **** cray man. I don't know what to think or believe.

What makes this storm's exact path so hard to predict?
The landfall in FL won't be pinpointed down for another 18 hours, it still has to make that turn. Jet streams and air pressure is why it's still too early. And it could strengthen back up more after it leaves Cuba.
The landfall in FL won't be pinpointed down for another 18 hours, it still has to make that turn

Which is why this so scary

What makes this storm's exact path so hard to predict?

The computer modeling is based on atmospheric pressure conditions at the time and their potential for movement throughout the week. I presume they use algorithms to "predict" how and where hurricanes move. They only take the path of least resistance.
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