Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

Reminder: this thing is huge; all of Florida may be in some way impacted

Gotta give it up for Florida's governor. Don't agree with the man's politics but for the past like 96 hours, the man has been a machine with the statements, executive decisions, and precautionary measures.

If there was any real way to properly brace for a horrific and historic storm such as this, Rick Scott has done a tremendous job (at least in the public eye)

Praying and hoping for the best possible scenario man; a real miracle. I hope everyone is safe.

Rick Scott ain't ****. So much insurance fraud is about to ensue after this hurricane
What makes this storm's exact path so hard to predict?

Been sitting on hot water, messes with the storms core. Think of it like an engine, if it stays hot it keeps running and soaks up more fuel. No pressure systems effing with it have helped it keep strong and formed and minimal land mass to stop it. That is why once it hits FL wherever, the mass is gonna cause sheer and it will start to lose power since it has less energy. Problem then becomes wind related stuff like gusts, gales, and Tornadoes/Waterspouts.

Just typing this ish worries the hell out of me.

To all the FL NT fam, if stuff goes down, reach out if possible. It is these times that the differences need to be put aside and we need to help one another.
The landfall in FL won't be pinpointed down for another 18 hours, it still has to make that turn. Jet streams and air pressure is why it's still too early. And it could strengthen back up more after it leaves Cuba.

Basically this right here. I am no expert so I am just going from the models and what I have seen but until it gets a bit closer we really do not know where this thing will make landfall. Hitting Cuba could weaken it but also it can gain steam in the waters right after it leaves Cuba and from there who knows what can happen.
when it hits the mountains of cuba its gunna come charing hard north. this last day of nwn though is all bad for my peoples in Tampa. father in law jus bought a dope crib right off the water

also jus reclassified again as a 5...
To all those with Tmobile, call and talk to them about service. They are suspending overdue/Payments for the storm until the 18th. That way everyone can stay connected to family and friends.
IDK how true but from what I have read/seen the price increases came from the algorithm they use to account for supply/demand.
It's stupid, and their reason doesn't make it right. Supply & Demand my ***!

Just shows they are using natural disasters to boost up ther sales.

Tickets to Florida was $200 round trip last week, tell me why it was almost $3,000 for ONE WAY out of Florida the other day?
We left Tampa yesterday at 12:30, should've took 6.5 hrs to get to Atlanta normally, but it took 13 hours with all the traffic

I'm really surprised how so many people are staying , looking at FB I think 99% of ppl in Tampa are staying. IMO y'all dumb asf but praying for everyone

What's everyone going to be doing once the power goes out to keep themselves occupied

This is one of the reasons we left, we can have a good time in Atlanta with our friends, it's beautiful here at least now
Thanks to shift in Irma's movement the Bahamas won't be getting the brunt of its impact anymore.

It's overcast right and the wind has been picking up over the last few hours.

Happy Irma won't directly hit us anymore because we're still recovering from Matthew last year.

I fear for what Irma has in store for Florida though.
Thanks to shift in Irma's movement the Bahamas won't be getting the brunt of its impact anymore.

It's overcast right and the wind has been picking up over the last few hours.

Happy Irma won't directly hit us anymore because we're still recovering from Matthew last year.

I fear for what Irma has in store for Florida though.


I feel better about my situation here on the east, but my fam up in central Florida on the west might get it worse than was expected.
We were on the East Coast, evacuated to the West Coast, but may head back to Central Florida (Winter Park) tomorrow morning. Wish we could get a clearer picture of the direction.
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