I Applaud This Woman For Having The Courage To Say And Do This On Live Tv

Dude really took the time outta his day to send her a email about her being overweight?

All jokes aside Its really probably the husband.
That email was in no way "bullying".

Fat people be on that high sodium diet. Salty.

This is what I thought. I don't think it was bullying in any way.

I understand where she's coming from though, it ain't really his business, or anyone's. But I guess some viewers feel that they have community responsibility that extends to their appearance. I don't particularly care as long as they're doing their job justice.

But I didn't think this warranted a segment on the show, nor is it courageous by any means. Just my two cents.
I forgot that most of y'all are either young in age or just young-minded and just see this as a fat person complaining.

The idea is that a person who is overweight is automatically a poor example to children is absurd and that a parent could be instilling those values in their children can lead to the mentality that people who are viewed as lower on their scale of acceptability does lead to a sort of bullying. Sure, people can automatically dismiss it as, "You're fat and you can change that, how dare you relate it to other injustices" but the point remains that it's unfair to see someone due to any aspect of their physical appearance and judge them as bad people or unsuitable examples to children.

FYI: I'm skinny so it has nothing to do with me and as I stated earlier, I agree obesity is a huge (no pun) problem but this is bigger (pun?) than that.
Ah, the classic "You don't agree with me so you mustn't be as learned or mature."

The notion that bullying is anything other than a fact of life is laughable.
i hate this stupid ****. she's obese end of story theres no nice way to address this issue caudse its an ugly issue. the dude wasn't even making fun of herif she was as moved on the treadmill as she was by a letter she might not be in this predicament
I respect her opinion and glad she is happy with her lifestyle but I cant back it. She is saying its ok to be over weight and that is just BAD.
fat people are annoying, everyone just about agrees they're an eyesore and they breathe really loudly :lol: :smh:
I forgot that most of y'all are either young in age or just young-minded and just see this as a fat person complaining.
The idea is that a person who is overweight is automatically a poor example to children is absurd and that a parent could be instilling those values in their children can lead to the mentality that people who are viewed as lower on their scale of acceptability does lead to a sort of bullying. Sure, people can automatically dismiss it as, "You're fat and you can change that, how dare you relate it to other injustices" but the point remains that it's unfair to see someone due to any aspect of their physical appearance and judge them as bad people or unsuitable examples to children.
FYI: I'm skinny so it has nothing to do with me and as I stated earlier, I agree obesity is a huge (no pun) problem but this is bigger (pun?) than that.

so you think anorexic models are cool?

sit down, she's a bad example of human beings everywhere.
But you have to admit, dude is a douchebag. He admitted he doesn't even watch her show or know her or anything about her other than she's fat. Who the **** just sees a fat person on tv and writes them such a letter like anything she is doing is impacting him? If anything, a fat/nonattractive female in tv, off assumptions alone I would assume earned their job on a more meritorious basis than the all too common "just got hired because I'm pretty" blonde bimbos who get all the tv jobs.
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I forgot that most of y'all are either young in age or just young-minded and just see this as a fat person complaining.

The idea is that a person who is overweight is automatically a poor example to children is absurd and that a parent could be instilling those values in their children can lead to the mentality that people who are viewed as lower on their scale of acceptability does lead to a sort of bullying. Sure, people can automatically dismiss it as, "You're fat and you can change that, how dare you relate it to other injustices" but the point remains that it's unfair to see someone due to any aspect of their physical appearance and judge them as bad people or unsuitable examples to children.

FYI: I'm skinny so it has nothing to do with me and as I stated earlier, I agree obesity is a huge (no pun) problem but this is bigger (pun?) than that.
Ah, the classic "You don't agree with me so you mustn't be as learned or mature."

The notion that bullying is anything other than a fact of life is laughable.
Actually, fool...My comment about age/immaturity had to do with the reactions early in the thread who merely saw this as fat people wanting a pass, she's just mad, just wants to get famous, her spirits are too heavy to lift and that the e-mail was from her husband. I saw all of that as immature, things that didn't actually address the topic but only her flaws because she's fat and an easy target.

Plus, the idea that you mention that bullying is a fact of life or as someone else also said it's human nature and a popular topic already, so there's no need to talk about it is such a cop out.
It's not so much that I see the writer of the e-mail as a bully, that's not how I feel. My issue is that his stating her inability to improve her appearance over the years then TELLING her "surely you don't consider yourself a suitable example for this community's young people, girls in particular" indicates his values. We see constantly in other threads on NT which discuss the behavior of children that it starts at home...is that a value that's appropriate to teach children? It's great if a parent wants their child to be healthy, that should be encouraged and with the way things are in this country, it needs to be...but there's a difference between that and viewing those who are obese as not worthy of being a positive role model solely because of their weight.

It's a whole different can of worms but I'd much rather see someone who is a good person but overweight influence children than the current shallow celebrities who in all likelihood make a much greater impression on them. I would guess that more children are likely to act in an unhealthy manner to emulate those celebrities and models than to start overeating because of a hefty news anchor. To criticize someone because of their weight in this instance is unnecessary and misguided.
I forgot that most of y'all are either young in age or just young-minded and just see this as a fat person complaining.
The idea is that a person who is overweight is automatically a poor example to children is absurd and that a parent could be instilling those values in their children can lead to the mentality that people who are viewed as lower on their scale of acceptability does lead to a sort of bullying. Sure, people can automatically dismiss it as, "You're fat and you can change that, how dare you relate it to other injustices" but the point remains that it's unfair to see someone due to any aspect of their physical appearance and judge them as bad people or unsuitable examples to children.
FYI: I'm skinny so it has nothing to do with me and as I stated earlier, I agree obesity is a huge (no pun) problem but this is bigger (pun?) than that.

so you think anorexic models are cool?

sit down, she's a bad example of human beings everywhere.
It's really not worth addressing but there is no possible way you came you came to that conclusion based on what I wrote. In fact, read the last part of my post above this before I read your idiocy.
the person that sent out that email is a douchebag , she's an anchor , her only job is to do just that.

it's unhealthy to do alot of thing's but it's her personal option  .... she doesnt owe it to anyone to be in shape.

she went about it wrong by even addressing the person , probably seeking media attention
I see what your saying and your right..but in retrospect the fact she went on live Tv and confronted this issue and basically told the world yes im fat, married with 3 kids takes a lot of courage and guts.
Why though? It would take more guts to change who you are for the better instead of just saying "well thats who I am, deal with it"

being obese is not ok.
It's sad that she couldn't use the letter as inspiration.  She just twisted it honestly, she called it hurtful.  However, we all can clearly see that she is obese.  This is just a message to the world that it's ok to be obese.  It's not.  At all.
what a buncha shmucks you guys are:


In retrospect...while she had to courage to go back at her attackers I was really impressed how she was standing up for anyone else who gets bullied....BUT I think she did that so that she could giver herself a boost/cause. If she just went against that guy just based on her obesity it wouldn't have made that much of an impact.

I'm actually for her losing weight. She shouldn't make excuses and obesity is a form of selfishness/gamble....you put forward negative living habits to your loved ones and the risk of your lifespan being shortened is all the more a reality and you basically taking yourself out of you loved ones lives sooner than need be.

BTW did I mention you fools are shmucks?
Fat people
I recently read an article that stated being fat in and of itself isn't really unhealthy. It's the sedentary lifestyle that leads to being fat that's unhealthy. For example, a fat person who exercises (doesn't have to be strenuous) regulary will more than likely be more healthy than a "skinny" person who does little to no exercise. Sounds crazy, but the article cited various studies which showed this point. I wish I remember what the article was called :\.

but generally if you exercise regularly you'll lose weight. you not just gonna stay fat. plus, forget those studies for a second. it's fact that being obese puts extra stress on the heart.

anyway, there is nothing else to really be said. yeah, dude is doing the absolute most by e-mailing her. but for her to compare obesity and her plight to racism and homophobia (you can't exercise or eat right and become a different race or magically like the opposite sex again) is pretty annoying.
Interesting responses from everyone in here :lol:. I just wonder how many of us here have other unhealthy habits that we are not discussing, but yet continue to point out overweight people. Unhealthy is unhealthy folks. :smh:
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I forgot that most of y'all are either young in age or just young-minded and just see this as a fat person complaining.

The idea is that a person who is overweight is automatically a poor example to children is absurd and that a parent could be instilling those values in their children can lead to the mentality that people who are viewed as lower on their scale of acceptability does lead to a sort of bullying. Sure, people can automatically dismiss it as, "You're fat and you can change that, how dare you relate it to other injustices" but the point remains that it's unfair to see someone due to any aspect of their physical appearance and judge them as bad people or unsuitable examples to children.

FYI: I'm skinny so it has nothing to do with me and as I stated earlier, I agree obesity is a huge (no pun) problem but this is bigger (pun?) than that.
Ah, the classic "You don't agree with me so you mustn't be as learned or mature."

The notion that bullying is anything other than a fact of life is laughable.
Actually, fool...My comment about age/immaturity had to do with the reactions early in the thread who merely saw this as fat people wanting a pass, she's just mad, just wants to get famous, her spirits are too heavy to lift and that the e-mail was from her husband. I saw all of that as immature, things that didn't actually address the topic but only her flaws because she's fat and an easy target.

Plus, the idea that you mention that bullying is a fact of life or as someone else also said it's human nature and a popular topic already, so there's no need to talk about it is such a cop out.
It's not so much that I see the writer of the e-mail as a bully, that's not how I feel. My issue is that his stating her inability to improve her appearance over the years then TELLING her "surely you don't consider yourself a suitable example for this community's young people, girls in particular" indicates his values. We see constantly in other threads on NT which discuss the behavior of children that it starts at home...is that a value that's appropriate to teach children? It's great if a parent wants their child to be healthy, that should be encouraged and with the way things are in this country, it needs to be...but there's a difference between that and viewing those who are obese as not worthy of being a positive role model solely because of their weight.

It's a whole different can of worms but I'd much rather see someone who is a good person but overweight influence children than the current shallow celebrities who in all likelihood make a much greater impression on them. I would guess that more children are likely to act in an unhealthy manner to emulate those celebrities and models than to start overeating because of a hefty news anchor. To criticize someone because of their weight in this instance is unnecessary and misguided.
I'm a fool, when you're the one making sweeping generalizations of a dubious nature? 

There's "no need to talk about it" when the chubster in question is not actually being bullied.  It's the equivalent of a person falsely crying racism. 

Not only is the person in question being untrue in an attempt to paint themselves as a victim, it makes it harder for those legitimately experiencing racism to gain credibility.

You're an enabler
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