I Applaud This Woman For Having The Courage To Say And Do This On Live Tv

But being obese unhealthy. I don't understand why fat people get a pass.

her being obese doesn't give her a pass from criticism; however, her being obese should not give people the green light to hurl insults at her.

Otherwise she should just take down her PUBLIC facebook page.

Thats the uncomfortable part about "free speech"

I understand that it was an insulting thing to go through, but she chose to give that comment life. 
Finnns2003 attacking news anchors now?

:lol: Probably the only person that got this. Dude abhors fat people.

This wasn't bullying and the video FutureMD posted as a rebuttal proves it. The fact that this went national as a victim of bullying shows how we've twisted the word to include anyone that has been made to feel bad. As the anchor in the second video said, we truly need to define bullying especially for the youth because this is not it.
it's only now that I realize by calling my sister fat/chubby as a joke and her just laughing it off that i'm doing the same thing that guy did in his letter to that anchor.

what i'd like to add is that I DO think that the news anchor used that insult to justify her position on her own body but she did tie it into a more important cause which is bullying. I was bullied in elementary school...nothing that bad just normal crap, BUT it is a problem...you guys are saying "Yo, you better toughen up" like it's an easy thing for some people. Either your too young or your talking out your *****. You SHOULD know how to defend yourself, but this attitude you guys have of "dishing it back out" while it may seem satisfying isn't gonna help us as a people.

The example should start somewhere if we would one day want to live in a utopia. But then again some people believe that with order you need the chaos and if I was a conspiracy theorist I would def believe that some forces set it up this way to hold us down.

with the rebuttal vid that future posted firstly that lady is disgusting looking so that guy up there that is :pimp: that needs to get his vision corrected. That news anchor imo was only doing that piece so she could get some shine in all honesty....she saw the opportunity to comment on something that would be in the spotlight for it's 15....she chose to highlight the negative of the vid and say the same comment the og news anchor already made a comment on "expecting that sort of response from the public"....she was spot-on on her closing comment though.
I'm a fool, when you're the one making sweeping generalizations of a dubious nature? 

There's "no need to talk about it" when the chubster in question is not actually being bullied.  It's the equivalent of a person falsely crying racism. 

Not only is the person in question being untrue in an attempt to paint themselves as a victim, it makes it harder for those legitimately experiencing racism to gain credibility.

You're an enabler
MASSIVE enabler. No fatty gets a pass from me.
If she didn't have kids most of you that are in her corner wouldn't consider her a hero.
If Michael Jordan couldn't play basketball, there wouldn't be Air Jordans.

"Did this dude just compare this fat chick to Michael Jordan? LOLOLOL"

I'm not enabling her or promoting obesity, saying it's fine and should be applauded, just that the idea that she's not an acceptable role model for young children simply because of her weight is absurd. Is Adele someone that girls shouldn't look up to?

"Did this dude just compare this broad to Adele? LOLOLOL"
It's really not worth addressing but there is no possible way you came you came to that conclusion based on what I wrote. In fact, read the last part of my post above this before I read your idiocy.
its bigger than that HOW? :rolleyes he did nothing wrong, he called a spade a spade. There is literally NO WAY to address this women's weight without her feeling offensive. He didn't bully her he wasn't amused by her unhealthy weight, none of that came from his message. She got offended because he told the truth and it stings, and she's not so proud about her appearance. Don't get mad, do something about it.

Is everyone and every topic above criticism, are we expected to live in a world where we lie everyday and compliment each other on complete ********.
It's really not worth addressing but there is no possible way you came you came to that conclusion based on what I wrote. In fact, read the last part of my post above this before I read your idiocy.
its bigger than that HOW? :rolleyes he did nothing wrong, he called a spade a spade. There is literally NO WAY to address this women's weight without her feeling offensive. He didn't bully her he wasn't amused by her unhealthy weight, none of that came from his message. She got offended because he told the truth and it stings, and she's not so proud about her appearance. Don't get mad, do something about it.

Is everyone and every topic above criticism, are we expected to live in a world where we lie everyday and compliment each other on complete ********.
First, there's no possible way you got that I think "anorexic models are cool" from what I wrote.

Is it necessary to call someone fat because you're not amused by their unhealthy weight? Is that what people do now...just call others out of their flaws? It's true, the internet has allowed people to be brazen with their remarks. How many people sit behind a computer getting joy from making disparaging remarks about others for no reason? It's like an easy way to build yourself up by insulting others because you can sit behind a computer and be as big of an ******* as you want, as homophobic, misogynistic and racist as your little heart desires.

It's not even about being fake and complimenting people for the sake of it. It's amazing to me how not finding it appropriate to criticize someone's ability to be a positive example because of their appearance somehow automatically means that people should instead give empty compliments, as if those are the only options. What kind of logic is that? Can't you just not insult people without having to compliment them? How about keeping your mouth shut? Free speech...blah blah blah.
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what the man said was not bullying in any sense of the word. Her attempt to group being overweight with being black is both laughable and insulting. notice how she made the issue not about her, but rather the "children". She admittedly said herself that she is obese, yet, did not indicate that she was working to change. If the guy had said anything positive about her looks, she wouldn't be making a fuss about it, but instead, because the comment was negative, she is outraged. Grow Up. Continuing to be overweight is conscious decision, not an uncontrollable affliction. 

All that being said, I have no issue with her being on TV nor do I agree with what the "bully" said, but making this incident bigger than it is, is ridiculous. 


shes acting as if she didnt care when in fact she does, enough to address it on natioal television, worst is she piggybacked the issue of bullying to justify what shes doing, the majority of the time obesity can be controlled, however American adults cant even keep in check their own nutrition and health, so now our youth is starting to be affected as well, parents rather put video game or ipad in front of their toddler than teach them how to ride a bike and then you want others to pitty you?...eff outta here.....i get my *** up at least 4 times a week to the gym, not to be brolic because im not much of a lifter, but to stay healthy...maybe she should do the same, instead of riding the pitty train of "ohh im a mom of three, blah blah blah" you care so much about them you will try to lead a healthier lifestyle, obesity causes, diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, DVT's, the list goes on....keep on and your kids might not have a mother to look after them....people who justify or glorify obesity are just as guilty, if you are a young strong individual which she obviously look like she is, there is no reason as to why she can try to make a change, from the looks of it, she not once said, im trying to shed the pounds, instead she somewhat justified it and let it be known she was ok being a fat role model.
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it's only now that I realize by calling my sister fat/chubby as a joke and her just laughing it off that i'm doing the same thing that guy did in his letter to that anchor.
what i'd like to add is that I DO think that the news anchor used that insult to justify her position on her own body but she did tie it into a more important cause which is bullying. I was bullied in elementary school...nothing that bad just normal crap, BUT it is a problem...you guys are saying "Yo, you better toughen up" like it's an easy thing for some people. Either your too young or your talking out your *****. You SHOULD know how to defend yourself, but this attitude you guys have of "dishing it back out" while it may seem satisfying isn't gonna help us as a people.
The example should start somewhere if we would one day want to live in a utopia. But then again some people believe that with order you need the chaos and if I was a conspiracy theorist I would def believe that some forces set it up this way to hold us down.
with the rebuttal vid that future posted firstly that lady is disgusting looking so that guy up there that is :pimp: that needs to get his vision corrected. That news anchor imo was only doing that piece so she could get some shine in all honesty....she saw the opportunity to comment on something that would be in the spotlight for it's 15....she chose to highlight the negative of the vid and say the same comment the og news anchor already made a comment on "expecting that sort of response from the public"....she was spot-on on her closing comment though.

the thing is she HAD to tie to it to something that more people can sympathize with, shes not stupid....had she gone on TV simply to defend her obesity she wouldnt had gotten as much support, but she tied it to "bullying" an issue thats become worst and claimed lives, at this point it became about the dude being a bully rather than an honest viewer....he did not bully her, he was blunt and direct with her, he didnt have to, but he did, he felt somehow these news anchors are role models, whos appearance is very important, so maybe his own kids look up to them, he doesnt want his kids looking up to a woman that justifies obesity...i can rock with that...

obesity is not a form of racism, we donot need to be so sensitive around the topic, being fat has a solution up to a certain point.
Whatever, I bet she is over it now. She went home, drew a bubble bath and downed some of this...

funny enough a friend of mines posted this on her timeline applauding what she did, sure enough she could lose a few lbs herself.... :rolleyes
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