I ask basketball fans, not just knick fans, would you match Rockets' offer for Lin?

He is just an overhyped and overrated player.

And Him taking a team to the playoffs alone is just too funny.
Originally Posted by ai3mac1

Yes. And I'm Taiwanese. And yes, that is why I say yes.

At least you're man enough to say this. Most of these Lin "fans" won't even say their Asian. 
at people thinking Lin will play well in Houston. 
Originally Posted by franchise3

Champ, I think McHale is a good coach. Adelman wasnt willing to play young talent. McHale is, as we saw Parsons start as a rookie. But the Rockets actually wanted to hire a guy named Chris Finch. But he has no track record, so he's the coach in waiting, as an assistant. I think if the Rockets get Dwight, McHale will be the coach for awhile. If not, Finch probably takes over in a couple of years. I don't know too much about him, except he's a numbers guy.
Originally Posted by Hank Scorpio

Originally Posted by ai3mac1

Yes. And I'm Taiwanese. And yes, that is why I say yes.

At least you're man enough to say this. Most of these Lin "fans" won't even say their Asian. 
at people thinking Lin will play well in Houston. 

Why they gotta be Asian? Let me guess, you MUST be... (nvm)
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Originally Posted by franchise3

Champ, I think McHale is a good coach. Adelman wasnt willing to play young talent. McHale is, as we saw Parsons start as a rookie. But the Rockets actually wanted to hire a guy named Chris Finch. But he has no track record, so he's the coach in waiting, as an assistant. I think if the Rockets get Dwight, McHale will be the coach for awhile. If not, Finch probably takes over in a couple of years. I don't know too much about him, except he's a numbers guy.

The Rockets were a playoff team before Lowry and Martin got hurt. Lowry was nearly an All Star under McHale. Started Parsons as a rookie, and he made second all rookie team. He did a lot better than I thought he would with that group. Like Peep said, his in game adjustments can be better at times.
i thought having him paid 15 million in the last year would make it easier to move him if they wanted to after two years. some teams look for expiring contracts.

Originally Posted by franchise3

Knicks fans turning on Lin is so
to me. This whole free agency it's been, Dolan has deep pockets. What's a lux tax to him/the Knicks. Knicks are gonna match. 'Up to a billion dollars' and Knicks fans laughed right along with that Tweet from Stein. Marketing. Revenue. Now in the past couple of days it's, Lin has a big head. He's all about the money. He was 85 percent, but didn't play in the playoffs. His knee. The third year is ridiculous. Knicks are better off. It was all good 48 hours ago
Almost as bad as Laker fans
i hate this move.. we went back to the chinese cash cow, milkin it all the way. o well i guess its business over everything with the owner.
no. i'd let him walk. and not just for the grimey !$@@ he pulled this week. but because he was gassed up. let the fame hit him, started sucking as a teammate (per reports) and was never really that good to begin with, just got on a good roll against weak & tired competition. plus the fact dude displayed zero heart when he was clearly well enough to play. let him go.

I'm neither asian nor a knick fan/hater. just a fan of bball.
I don't think I would. That's way too much money in the 3rd year of his contract. If knicks do match. There will be many lulz to be had. Knicks are use to overpaying players so it won't come as a surprise.
Originally Posted by Freeze

no. i'd let him walk. and not just for the grimey !$@@ he pulled this week. but because he was gassed up. let the fame hit him, started sucking as a teammate (per reports) and was never really that good to begin with, just got on a good roll against weak & tired competition. plus the fact dude displayed zero heart when he was clearly well enough to play. let him go.

I'm neither asian nor a knick fan/hater. just a fan of bball.
I kind of disagree with that statement, kind of. If anyone else was in his situation ( cut by 2 teams, making 800k/year, d-league) they would be thinking about their financial future as well. In the regular season when he played against the heat and was 100%, they locked him down.. So jeremy at 80% plus the HEART factor would do so much better.. The series was over before it begun. Let the man make his money, he worked for it.  
Honestly, Lin had a fantastic stretch of games but why didn't he just just be grateful and take the Knicks' initial matching offer? His agent screwed him, New York even knows Jeremy is unproven.
[h1]Jeremy Lin’s Contract Would Cost The Knicks $58 Million In Year Three[/h1]
Barry Petchesky

From a purely basketball standpoint, there are very few fans and GMs who would take Raymond Felton over Jeremy Lin (and Jared Jeffries!). But Houston's offer sheet to Lin, with that massive $15 million salary in the third year, makes this about a lot more than basketball, or Linsanity. As the Knicks are currently constructed, Jeremy Lin would cost them about than $58 million in 2014-2015.

That's what Carmelo Anthony was referring to when he called Lin's contract "ridiculous," and it's sort of hard to argue.

Here's how $14.8 million in Lin's pocket skyrockets to $58.3 million in James Dolan's checkbook. It starts with a loophole in the Gilbert Arenas provision, which penalizes a team looking to match an offer sheet. In this case, the Rockets can average Lin's salary against their own cap—roughly $8.4 million a year. But the Knicks, if they were to match, would take a hit on each year's actual salary. So in 2014-2015, they'd be on the hook for all 15 million.

There's a very good chance every dollar of that would be above the cap. 2014-2015 is the final season on the deals for Carmelo Anthony, Amar'e Stoudemire, and Tyson Chandler, and the three are set to make a combined $61.5 million that season. Expect the salary cap in 2014 to be close to this season's cap of around $58 million.

The Knicks are allowed to surpass the soft cap, but it'll cost them. Considering 2014 will be the Knicks' third straight year over the cap, they'll come in for the highest tax rate allowed in the new CBA. Take a look at the "repeat offender" taxes:
  • The first $5M of Lin's deal, as long as it's all over the cap, would cost the Knicks at a 2.5-to-1 ratio. So that's $5M for Lin, $12.5M in luxury tax, $17.5M all told.
  • The next $5M would be taxed at 2.75-to-1. So, $18.75M in total.
  • The final $4.8M, at a 3.5-to-1 tax, would cost $21.6M by itself.

  • All told, that's $57.85 million for one year of Jeremy Lin—$43 million of that in pure luxury tax payments. (This is exactly how the salary cap and luxury tax are supposed to work. Want to lock up three players to max deals? Don't expect any flexibility in signing the rest of a team.)

    You can make that point that Lin's expiring deal would make a pretty appealing trade chip. Or that the Knicks have only themselves to blame for being in luxury tax hell. (Remember re-signing Chauncey Billups just to waste the amnesty on him a few months later?) But this is where the Knicks are now, and the choice they're faced with. You can't exactly call Dolan cheap, since he already committed to blowing past the salary cap before Lin even entered the picture. 58 million dollars is a lot of money. The last time the Knicks broke the bank on a player based off a good month of basketball, his name was Jerome James, and he barely cost half this much.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Hank Scorpio

Originally Posted by ai3mac1

Yes. And I'm Taiwanese. And yes, that is why I say yes.

At least you're man enough to say this. Most of these Lin "fans" won't even say their Asian. 
at people thinking Lin will play well in Houston. 

Why they gotta be Asian? Let me guess, you MUST be... (nvm)
  Yeah, from now on every Lin fan must put a disclaimer that they are Asian/Taiwanese when they post
luxury tax shouldnt even be an issue for a team like the knicks. it's like a couple sexual harassment settlements right there. but seriously, this franchise has a history of poor decisions. letting lin go for NOTHING is gonna be another. should have never let him dictate his worth and made an initial offer.
Exactly, the Knicks are gonna make money anyway. Only the Lakers are a more profitable franchise. The team needs to prove that it can win (beyond the first round) and fans and people will tune in.

For the most part when this is brought up, it's people who never even paid attention to Lin before Linsanity who are advocating that we keep him...i saw most of the Knicks game last year, nothing about him suggests an exception talent as a PG. His jumper is average, suspect left hand and ball handling, TO prone, picks up his dribble. There's a reason he was cut from all those teams. Then to not compete at 85% in the playoffs shows he has no heart.

I think his contract will prove to be an albatross.
Originally Posted by DMan14

luxury tax shouldnt even be an issue for a team like the knicks. it's like a couple sexual harassment settlements right there. but seriously, this franchise has a history of poor decisions. letting lin go for NOTHING is gonna be another. should have never let him dictate his worth and made an initial offer.

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