I Bring You LULZ

that joker one LOL and the CSI one too!
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by jamergrady

Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by 85wasagreatyear

somebody help me with this

Me too, looks like it will b OD funny if i understood it
They told him( maybe the parents) to build a base, thinking that he would build a simple couch base. As all little kids do.

But he wined up building the Death Star.( god knows how)

he's saying build a base they said. As if he mocking his parents.

Don't over think this.

Or have I.

I think these are school pictures where they told the kids to not smile or something and the result was a picture that became unintentionally funny and very quotable.  There is another one where they there is a chubby kid in a band uniform saying "they told me I could be anything...so I became a god".   I personally think these are hilarious and I want to find more.

If anyone knows where to find others let me know.
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