I can give you a million dollars

The state of the world today

Horrible logic abounds.
The really ironic thing is that you would end up back right where you were, with nothing to show for it but someone else's blood on your hands.
Originally Posted by jeenewed

Y'all are some liars. You guys know damn well you wouldn't even hesitate to push it
no id say the liars are the ones that say they would would push it
How can any of you guys say yes? Killing an innocent person? Your basically murdering someone you don't know for a million $.

Instant no.
at first i thought yes

but then i realized that that person could be someones mother or father and who wants to have a dead parent ?

plus theres a chance it could be you and that would just suck
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Nope, because that person can in turn could have affected your life. Indirectly or directly. Everyone has a purpose here (even those who reckless take people's lives themselves on a regular basis). So for you to do that, is pretty selfish, then again this world is naturally selfish. So it's a circular problem for human beings in general...smh.

What if his purpose was to die so I can get a million dollars
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