I can give you a million dollars

Sadly, I would.
tons of people die everyday and I ain't getting paid, so if it is some faceless person whom I never met, so be it. pay me that money...

...now if it was someone I knew, it would be a different story...
Jesus. You guys can't read. OP clearly says you've never met this person in your life and never will.
I'd press it alot more than once.

Never know how many other people get offered that opportunity after you. Could be next.
Think about it this way. What if someone that you dont know got the same conditions as yourself. If they press it it could be you.
Originally Posted by KiNGJRMZair23

Think about it this way. What if someone that you dont know got the same conditions as yourself. If they press it it could be you.

Thats why i wouldnt hesitate.
Kill that bastard before he kills me.
Army people kill people they've never seen before/will never see again, and they're not millionaires.

With that being said...

I'd press it twice to make sure.

[Smokey] Give me my moneyyy [Smokey]
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

How can any of you guys say yes? Killing an innocent person? Your basically murdering someone you don't know for a million $.

Instant no.

Originally Posted by jawn piece

Originally Posted by jeenewed

Y'all are some liars. You guys know damn well you wouldn't even hesitate to push it
no id say the liars are the ones that say they would would push it

Yall are some %$@@$+ up dudes if you really would do this, money isn't everything.
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