I don't care for the ads displayed on the bottom of each page


formerly swendro88
Aug 1, 2005
It surprises me to see no complaints about these.

It's just a tad intrusive to me.

I whitelist NT to support the cause, but can we do something else?

Or, if they must stay, can the x be removed? bc I can't help but to click it every time.

Every nt’er when the bottom ads were implemented.
Eh, they're easy to close for me if you're talking about the ones with the red x
You gonna pay to host the site?

Don't do that. That's not what OP said.

OP said he whitelisted and literally asked if can we do something else.


Ads can exist without being intrusive. I fully realize that they're necessary to keep the site going...

Methodical Management Methodical Management what's the compromise?
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While i agree, along with the ones that pop up in middle of a thread as you scroll, id rather have these than the ones that take up a whole page and you have to scroll to pass or the ones you have to watch an ad for x amount of sec before clicking an X
Meth said they were working on something possibly where you pay to have no ada or something.

I think and might be wrong so don't take that as truth but I said something in another thread where users were discussing these things and I think Meth said something like a little fee to be ad free.
It surprises me to see no complaints about these.

It's just a tad intrusive to me.

I whitelist NT to support the cause, but can we do something else?

Or, if they must stay, can the x be removed? bc I can't help but to click it every time.
If you'd like more information about these ads, you can find an explanation here: https://niketalk.com/threads/annoying-pop-ups-ad-while-browsing-nt.646912/page-11#post-31703915

We need to make these ads dismissable to give each user the means to remove it if it interferes with their browsing. (If, for example, someone is browsing the site from an old, low res mobile device, it's possible that the unit might cover up a link or button they need to use.) There are so many different possible configurations and use cases these days that it's important to build in an "escape valve" where possible.

If the interface is something that triggers a compulsive behavior for certain people, they deserve an "escape valve," too, and we don't want to encourage anyone to start blocking ads entirely, which would of course be counter-productive and would rob the site of the revenue it needs to continue to operate and improve.

We've already had some discussions about offering a reduced ad or ad free subscription service as an option for those who would like to support the community, but strongly dislike the presence of persistent ads.

Although we've only heard from a small number of people who would be willing to pay for something like that, if nothing else I believe that everyone deserves the option.

We don't control the going rates for online advertising. All we can do is do our best to adapt, like any other publisher out there.

I don't have exact pricing information yet, because it's still just a concept right now, but the subscription fee would need to be commensurate with the estimated revenue loss associated with removal of ads for a power user (as opposed to a casual user, who would be unlikely to purchase the subscription.)

It would probably need to be in the area of $15/year to remove the persistent ads, and maybe $25 for an ad free subscription.

I'd also like to be able to give each subscriber a list of options so they can determine the charity that will benefit from their subscription fee, but I can't guarantee that at this point.

Would a program like that address your concerns?

There have been MANY complaints.

Original OP doesn't care.

Let OP tell it there hasn't been any complaints about it.

Yall love new threads though
"MANY" is a relative term. I don't agree that there have been "MANY" relative to the number of active users who participate in our community, but obviously I am aware of the complaints - as I've participated in each of the threads users have created to discuss the ads. You know this, because you've been present in at least one of those threads yourself.

If I didn't care, or if I believed that there hadn't been "any" complaints, I wouldn't be responding to those concerns or working on a solution.

Your claim is self-evidently false, but why let facts get in the way of a good story arc?


While i agree, along with the ones that pop up in middle of a thread as you scroll, id rather have these than the ones that take up a whole page and you have to scroll to pass or the ones you have to watch an ad for x amount of sec before clicking an X
This is a problem that every ad supported website is grappling with right now.

We've tried to find a solution that will keep the site viable and improving without ruining the experience. It's tricky for our community in particular because our members were really ahead of the curve in adopting mobile technology. During our time on Huddler, NikeTalk was I believe the first community on that network to receive the majority of its traffic from mobile devices - and we had the highest percentage of visits from mobile devices by a wide margin.

Mobile ad units are notoriously low yield. That's why you're seeing some really obtrusive unit types on other sites right now - full screen ads, ads like those you've described that take up an entire page to scroll through, interstitial video ads, etc.

Of those options, the persistent ad placement was the least intrusive. If we tried to obtain equivalent value by simply adding more and more of the small, traditional mobile ad units to each page, the result would be far, far worse.

People who buy ads want those ads to be seen and, ideally, interacted with. If an ad is easily ignored, it will be priced accordingly.

Meth said they were working on something possibly where you pay to have no ada or something.

I think and might be wrong so don't take that as truth but I said something in another thread where users were discussing these things and I think Meth said something like a little fee to be ad free.
Yeah, we are working on that and hope to have it available when we relaunch the site in a couple of weeks following a significant software update.

The updated site will include a few interesting new features - including one of our top requests.

I look forward to sharing more information about that soon, including details about how those interested can apply to test and provide feedback on the new site before launch.

I greatly appreciate everyone's patience and continued support.
They were 1000× more annoying when they were @ the top of the banner.

The move to the bottom has me browsing NT in a silent furious anger but I saw the changes when big ads would be in between posts given I'd accidentally click the a lot on mobile.
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What device are you using?

Off hand, I'd guess that the site is serving you tablet ads because your display resolution is closer to the average tablet than the average phone.

With the second example, ads are currently shown after set post numbers. So if there's only one post on a page, for example, the result can be a screen like that.

I've passed this report on, and I've been told that the updated site can be more responsive than the current one in terms of ad placements, which should hopefully allow us to avoid or minimize both of those examples.

Methodical Management Methodical Management

I would like to volunteer to be put down as a tester for the beta of our new site/platform if space is available to do so.

I appreciate your interest in volunteering. We'll be sure to let you all know when our test site is ready for feedback. I expect that to occur within the next week or so.

To be clear, we aren't changing platforms. You won't need to learn a new system and we shouldn't have substantial downtime. Think of it like a feature update to an OS rather than a security update or bug fix.
Most of the user-facing changes are small, but significant, quality of life improvements, but the underlying code changes are substantial enough that we need to redo the entire layout. Don't worry: we won't lose any features.

In fact, we are adding back one of the features we lost last time around - which is one of the items we'd like help testing out prior to release.

Hopefully we'll have more to share on this next week.
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