I don't smash vol. Need some advice SMH

lmao. thats a shame. I was always able to close the deal. if i hit first base in the right place im stealing all the bases 9 times out of 10. grow a pair andgo for wat you want. lol at grown men having 10 year old problems
yo straight eastbound and downed himself. i didnt think that was possible just something in the movies get some valtrex or something cuz. or either pregame
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

thats an awesome GIF
Originally Posted by Blacka2Hood

Take a L....see where it goes....try again??....
Word to Aaliyah. If at first u don't succeeeeeeeeed. Dust yaself off and try it again....
Pre-mature Ejaculator

but in all seriousness fam, we ALL have our off nights, brush it off and move on to the next chick and hopefully you don't get tagged out rounding 2nd
Originally Posted by FreshOne12

I thought I had the game mastered, But last night something that has never happened to me happens and I was on stuck, and had no idea what to do.

so I took the L
And had an akward moment and shamefully just left.

story is, gamed up this chick, chick wanted the D like the 4th quarter! Yet I FAIL
(and the worst way)

I dont know if it was premature or She was soo fine (No Pics) or a combination of the both! But before I hit second base I came and went so to speak

now she is probably thinking I am some lame and she probably telling all her homegirls. NT, in all seriousness WHAT DO I DO?
lol, to be young again...
Originally Posted by FreshOne12

I thought I had the game mastered

[/td] [td] [h3][/h3]
I don't smash vol. Need some advice SMH
[/td] [/tr][/table]Not trying to clown or nothing, but those two statements sound contradictory and the root of your problem. either that or I'm not totallycomprehending the title/story
you're cute don't even worry about it
first response i read and what a useless piece of advice. did you even read his post. just send him a message next time
it's not that bad dude....

just focus on rubbin one out before hand ....pun intended.
then you'll be good to go, and after a few times it'll be like pie.... pun intended
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