I don't wanna live no mo...Sometimes I hear death knocking at my front door....

im a fan of music in general, so I always try to keep a open mind and hear another opinion out.

But you thought this was a Buddens line...so it don't really make sense going back and forth. You just don't mess with the BIG for whatever reason.
i didnt think it was a budden line... budden spit it to open a song just like big did...i know its big's line... but when i clicked the post i wasexpecting budden...

i mean to me jay is MORE skilled... at least on the making songs side... but thats really all that matters right? lyrics are not the end all b all of rapMUSIC...
Originally Posted by iLLscan

There are only around 4 MCs TODAY that can have the lyrical repertoire and can match the quality of Hip-Hop on Life After Death.
I think you mean "skill level". The quality of hip hop??? BIG had a lot of BS pop tracks on that album. One's skills & the quality of the music they produce are many times different.
I don't like the tone LAD set for hip hop. I've said that many times (and I'm tired of talking about it).
In todays market, I think BIG would have been a far more skilled version of Fat Joe. Making joints just to satisfy the mainstream (tell me I'm lying??). Doing joints with cats that would have gotten no respect in the official era's of hip hop.
Flame on BK, but there's truth to my statement.

Name 1 "BS pop track" that BIG did?
From your posts on NT I get the vibe, that if a female can dance to a rap song....its trash in your eyes.I'd like to hear what pop trash BIG produced in you opinion...cuz i'm sure myself and others are going to strongly disagree.....

Im not even gonna justify that Fat Joe comparison with a response...
In 94, Scarface had The Diary, UGK had Ridin Dirty (which had One Day on it, one of the realest rap songs ever), Outkast had Southernplaya..., Nas of course, so yea I cant dismiss all that and say Biggie WAS 94 like that. That had to be the GOAT year for Hiphop....
i agree with most of what you said, but Ridin Dirty was '96.

i love this song, but to me, Can I Live=the pinnacle of hustler anthems.
Skys the limit
Big Poppa
one More Chance
Whats Beef
I Got a Story to Tell
Mo money Mo Problems
Miss U
Me and my B
Long Kiss
You're Nobody
Ready to die
Everyday struggle

Like I said Jay is my favorite MC....but how you figure he was more skilled at making songs than BIG? Not knocking your opinion...I really would like to know.
i figured by listening... i like jay's songs better... he has better production, better hooks, and he can switch it up to WHATEVER... im not about to typeparagraphs and list songs and all that cuz im too high... thats y i didnt wanna get into this in the first place...

lets just leave it at u think big's better and i think jay's better...

but if u think big is better why isnt he ur favorite rapper?
Honestly & with all due respect, I don't give a I SH what vibe you get from my posts.
You know damn well Big was looking to crossover with a gang of joints on LAD (to deny that is just lying to yourself). And I just didn't like that abouthim. It's cool to crossover & all that, but that comes with a consequence.
From your posts on NT I get the vibe, that if a female can dance to a rap song....its trash in your eyes.

Stop it duke............. You would like to peg me as a "backpacker", but it's not going down like that. I've said a gang of times thatNice-n-Smooth is my I SH. NICE-N-SMOOTH!!!!!!!!!
That I SH had the broads jumping in my day. But N-N-S were who they were. They did what they did. And dudes put them in their proper perspective. Youunderstand what I'm saying??????? Big blurred those lines in hip hop & ushered in an era of BS in my opinion.
All I'm saying is keep this thing through, Big was nice & did a lot. But he also got on a lot of BS. As much of a Big fan as you claim to be, I'msure you heard the rumors that Big wanted to leave BadBoy because he just wasn't digging the music Puff was pushing him to do. Doesn't that tell yousomething?????????? It does to me.
Originally Posted by TW3EK

i figured by listening... i like jay's songs better... he has better production, better hooks, and he can switch it up to WHATEVER...

im not about to type paragraphs and list songs and all that cuz im too high... thats y i didnt wanna get into this in the first place...


That I can definitely dig...say no more fam.

Illscan...simmer down homie.

Since when was it a rap law that crossing over was a bad thing? Thats where me and you differ....

The first thing that pops into your head as a defense of your tastes is Nice and Smooth?....You not a backpacker...you just an old head

I mess with N &S too but that was a totally different era in Hip-Hop. "Sometimes I rhyme slow"...is a pop track with hip-hop lyrics....same thingBIG did. You just in love with that era and that style of Hip-Hop...its all an evolution keiko.

You still ain't list not 1 BS track neitha.
That old head I SH sounded cute & all, but yo............. NY (eff that, the east in general) is so much more than just Big & dudes want to make itseem like dude defined the region. Not for me. Leave that for the Pac heads out west.
While BadBoy was dominating the radio, the East (from Philly, NY & Jersey) were laying a serious foundation that will never be seen again in hip hop. Bigwas what he was. But at some point the Big riding gets in the way of the regions true legacy. Consistent banging albums back to back from a wide variety ofartists from a wide variety of perspectives. For more than a decade.
All I'm saying is put Big in his proper perspective & allow the truth about the time period to be told.
Again, your old head jokes are only slightly funny. Nice-N-Smooth was an extreme example to prove a point & you thought you could pull a joke out of that.Not so much duke.
Im really not a fan of the whole Bad Boy era either....i'm more of a Boot Camp dude myself.

I was commenting on BIGs talent, not the way he or the EC is perceived. I never said that he was the EC, that he had the best albums ever, that he representedthe region...I don't know where you getting any of that from. You been speeding since your first response.

All I was speaking on was his talent level. I have never heard a BIG song that I can call trash and I never heard another MC as versatile with as much naturaltalent as BIG....That all.

Eventhough Puff threw BIG on some tracks with str8 commercial intentions....BIG was so gutter he still ripped them! Mo Money Mo Problems is one of the mostbubble gum tracks ever....and BIG spit one of the most vicious verses ever over it. B.I.G P.O.P.P.A NO IN-FO FOR THE D.E.A, FEDERAL AGENTS MAD CUZ IM FLAGRANT,TAPPED MY CELL AND A PHONE IN THE BASEMENT.....and thats now an American classic. How can you hate that?
I have a new found appreciation for Ready To Die (if that was even possible to begin with). Like said above me:

abeautiful haze wrote:

Jay's my favorite MC and I think hes the GOAT because no other MCs career can compare to his .... talent wise tho BIG was off the charts.
my ~N~

Long live the true KING!

I can't argue in this post because I'm going to get tight because yes BIG, to me, is the best to ever do this.

I guess you have to grow up in a urban environment to truly understand him or really listen to what he was saying/spitting in his rhymes, but I've seendudes who I've never thought vibing to BIG so I'm not going to use that rational. Honestly, to me when I hear someone say Jay-Z is the bestthey're basing it moreso on his accomplishment's he made outside of rap, his cash flow, his B
, how long he's been in the limelight, and his business ventures. To methat has zero with making music and spitting that real raw sh.. that your INTENDED audience can relate to. BIG was so nice, so good that I sit sometimes andlisten to his albums and am amazed that nobody hasn't even come close to stepping on a pedastal with him.

Honestly I would put BIG at number 1, with the person behind him falling to number 7 because that's how ahead of his time he was. I honestly would put NaSand Eminem ahead of Jay-Z based off of raw talent based on everything I've heard from them whether it be album or mixtape or whatever I just never seen thehype with Jay-Z.

Which brings me to NaS... and the fans that support him. Don't get me wrong the dude is dope and has made a FEW, and far between, cuts that I really like,but as time goes on and I listen to his music more and more I see he is talented, still not up to par with BIG, but the closest one. BUT, I just don'tunderstand how dudes continue to support this dude even after he drops a dud after dud album's, and he has...more than once too. I have a friend who'sa NaS fan and he will defend him to no end no matter what, and you know what that is the same with all die hard NaS fans that I've come across to/with.

NaS makes good music, but I have no respect for him. Anyway you look at it he's a sucker for that sh.. he pulled joining with Jay after Jay squirted onthat *****'s face with maybe some catching NaS's daughter in the back seat. I don't know how he can like, bare to just put that behind him becausethe sh.. that I've heard him spit on some of his albums I never thought that he would be that type of dude, but hey it's just music... but stillthat's some real personal sh.. right there.

I remember when he first joined up with Def Jam and Jay, and I was ragging on my boy about it telling him that NaS is a sucker ash N for doing that. You knowwhat that numnut ,as well as other NaS fan's told me...oh he's just trying to get that paper now it's just a business move for money. Let thatwould have been somebody else then you wouldn't have heard an end to it. Fine whatever let them think what they think and I'll have my views of him. Besides that too, like Jay's business ventures, have nothing to do with their music, but it does make for motivation because it is something emotional thatthey're going through that reflects in their music.

NaS has all of the talent in the world, but he is just so much of a burnout that he will NEVER really live up to his true potential. When his back was upagaist the wall he came through with Stillmatic, which was a very solid album. If NaS had the work ethic like say Lil' Wayne where he really went hard atthis rap sh.. I have no doubts in my mind that he would be the best at it, but if BIG was still alive it would have been heaven to see those two vie to be theKing of this rap sh.., but I would have went with BIG.

I don't know illscan you say BIG would have sold out, but I don't know. I think he would have just made those same sell out pop songs better because INEVER heard BIG come incorrect on a track EVER. He always came with his A-Game, and always ripped sh.. up, and he did it in a way where a true and real ~N~would recognize it as NOT selling out, but expanding his horizon's so to put it. Even when he did those pop tracks (mind you that he didn't want to dobecause he wanted to spit hard @$@, but Puff insisted) I don't know he did it in way with such a swag and personality that you could only groove to it andhave a drink in a club or smoke a blunt to and pass to some jumpoff in your hooptee your hoping to get twisted and beat.

I just never heard something so gritty and raw as BIG where I felt I could relate to and say yeah that's a New York ~N~ spitting that right there. That's that chilling on your stoop all day long, playing in the fire hydrant when it's hot (unless you had cousin's in Long Island with a pool
), living off of quarter waters and chips, taking train rides tonowhere just to get off your block and be inside something with A/C, playing ball like you trying to make it to the league
I mean going hard at it too, chilling till the wee hours in the morningbreaking night... repeatedly, going to school punching in just to get your attendance done so they don't send cut cards home and then leaving, venturingout of your neighborhood and off your block was like rich kids going to cancun for spring break, making 5 cent gums stretch like it was a steak dinner, yourmoms giving you like $1-$3 and that's like $20 when you're young because you can stretch it, 10 cent icee's pops and italian icee's, playingman hunt all night long, garage roof hopping, snooping around abandoned/burnt down building's, riding your bike discovering new places, and everything elseone remember's from their youth growing up in the type of environment that BIG described in his music on Ready to Die.

Then Life After Death catered to when you where older and started going through stages in life with real beef with dudes from different neighborhoods anddisloyal friends and scheming ash ho's.

I thought more people on here would relate to BIG more because to me I listen to him on Ready To Die he connects me to when I was young, and this being awebsite for sneakers that make me feel still kind of young because a lot of the user's get their favorite pair of retro's to relive their inner youthinside of them of the kicks they had when they were growing up. That's why BIG is considered by me, and many other's, to be the GOAT even with onlytwo albums. That's more disgusting is that the dude died and if these cats was really as good as they proclaim to be they would make it where BIG was outthe equation altogether because the dude only put out two album's yet he's still in most sensible people's top three when it comes to this rap sh.. BIG was/is/will always be the standard for a MC that has it all, lyrics, flow, charisma, swag, content, storytelling, rawness, vividness, ability to adapt towhatever type of music, beat, flow (Bone Thug song), and making his listners emerse themselves in his rhymes and stories, and there's more stats to add,but why bother it's unfair to put anyone up against a beast like this.

I know it's a long read, but go through itand maybe you'll start to appreciate BIG the way me and many other's do.
I got to go to work in like 6 hours so I'll check this when I get into work, and see where it goes from there.

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I disagree with the statements about B.I.G but I absolutely love this song. Hands down my favorite song of his easily.

"I'm seeing body after body and our Mayor Guliani aint tryna see a black man turn to John Gotti"

WoW at all that text. i read all of it tho. i get what you are sayin but peeps disagree...simply put.
Shouldnt it tell you something when YOUR favriote MC's look up to this dude and have HIM in THERE top MC's ever....
Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals

Shouldnt it tell you something when YOUR favriote MC's look up to this dude and have HIM in THERE top MC's ever....

Even some members of the WU who were jealous of him and his success give it up to BIG. That's respect, when dudes with mad pride like the WU come out andgive you your due after years of being bitter about your success.

That's the thing with some rappers that have that 90's mindset of that era they were mad when they seen another dude become successful. Like BIG saidthey were all on that gritty grimey BS, but once he changed up to that Dapper Don style sh.. N's followed. And, on top of that these dudes got the nervesto say that he was biting their style. WHO, WHO, who you know that was rapping like that at that time like that. No one, that's why him and PAC are sorespected like I would say a Rakim because they came with something original that was new to the scene. Jay feeded off of BIG like NaS did Rakim, but Ican't really say who was BIG or PAC's influence's like that because prior to them I didn't hear anyone rapping like them.

That's why these N's is broke now complaining about the next man because N's don't care about their sh.. anymore so they get mad and salty whenpeople move onto something else like they did when BIG came on the scene. If your sh.. is hot it's hot regardless of whatever. If you aren't makingsh.. to be mainstream your doing it for the love and backpackers and all that other BS then fine, but don't complain when you see the next man moresuccessful than you financially because you weren't looking for that type of success in the first place.

Man if everyone shut the F up and mind their own and focus on what's on their plate then this would be a better world.
There is not another MC that could do the things BIG could do...Not 1.

BIG definatly gets it for many elements, but he not the only MC that illustrate the those elements. Theres plenty.

i thought u was talkin bout joey...

?? Y Buddens. He as well is not alone in his strong points. There are many MC's I can think of that are as nice or better. I see Buddens isNT's GOD these days.

SMH... without big jay z looses alot of material...

Jay better than BIG in my opinion. Every rapper has sampled material. In rap it's done all the time, its just cuz its jay and Big people makea big deal out of it. Jay been around for the longest and doing it. Ya forget how young BIG was when he passed. He was like 24. So you telling me jay sampledhis whole career off an emcee who had just blew up. Apart from that Jay is probably one of the if not the best at capturing the deep thought perspective whenit came to rapping about the streets. BIG was not that deep. He had few songs here and there, but for the most part it was his flow, slick lyrics and aggresivemetaphors on the mic that shined. Now jay has all these elements plus he is more deep thought then Big. Look at his track record: D'evils, Dead Presidents,Can I live, Bring it On, A million and one questions,Song Cry,In my lifetime, Renegade, Politics as Usual. Now who can really name a plethra of B.I.G. songsthat are close to as deep. I think Juicy was one of the deepest track big had. And I give it to Big for beeing better at story telling but just cuz u a goodstory telling doesnt mean that you deep. You just tell good stories.Slick Rick did that well too. Please keep in mind reading this that I am not biggest Jayfan, I actually prefer Big. But I don't discriminate when it comes to MC's. I just give credit where its do. Thats why my fav. Jay albums are"reasonable dought" and "in my lifetime" , because he raps about the street as if he was watching it from a distance and analyzing as muchaspects as possible.
big was definitely one of the best story tellers and his delivery was on point...but i dont think he is the greatest rapper of all time
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