I don't wanna live no mo...Sometimes I hear death knocking at my front door....

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

my ~N~

Long live the true KING!

I can't argue in this post because I'm going to get tight because yes BIG, to me, is the best to ever do this.

I guess you have to grow up in a urban environment to truly understand him or really listen to what he was saying/spitting in his rhymes, but I've seen dudes who I've never thought vibing to BIG so I'm not going to use that rational. Honestly, to me when I hear someone say Jay-Z is the best they're basing it moreso on his accomplishment's he made outside of rap, his cash flow, his B
, how long he's been in the limelight, and his business ventures. To me that has zero with making music and spitting that real raw sh.. that your INTENDED audience can relate to. BIG was so nice, so good that I sit sometimes and listen to his albums and am amazed that nobody hasn't even come close to stepping on a pedastal with him.

Honestly I would put BIG at number 1, with the person behind him falling to number 7 because that's how ahead of his time he was. I honestly would put NaS and Eminem ahead of Jay-Z based off of raw talent based on everything I've heard from them whether it be album or mixtape or whatever I just never seen the hype with Jay-Z.

Which brings me to NaS... and the fans that support him. Don't get me wrong the dude is dope and has made a FEW, and far between, cuts that I really like, but as time goes on and I listen to his music more and more I see he is talented, still not up to par with BIG, but the closest one. BUT, I just don't understand how dudes continue to support this dude even after he drops a dud after dud album's, and he has...more than once too. I have a friend who's a NaS fan and he will defend him to no end no matter what, and you know what that is the same with all die hard NaS fans that I've come across to/with.

NaS makes good music, but I have no respect for him. Anyway you look at it he's a sucker for that sh.. he pulled joining with Jay after Jay squirted on that *****'s face with maybe some catching NaS's daughter in the back seat. I don't know how he can like, bare to just put that behind him because the sh.. that I've heard him spit on some of his albums I never thought that he would be that type of dude, but hey it's just music... but still that's some real personal sh.. right there.

I remember when he first joined up with Def Jam and Jay, and I was ragging on my boy about it telling him that NaS is a sucker ash N for doing that. You know what that numnut ,as well as other NaS fan's told me...oh he's just trying to get that paper now it's just a business move for money. Let that would have been somebody else then you wouldn't have heard an end to it. Fine whatever let them think what they think and I'll have my views of him. Besides that too, like Jay's business ventures, have nothing to do with their music, but it does make for motivation because it is something emotional that they're going through that reflects in their music.

NaS has all of the talent in the world, but he is just so much of a burnout that he will NEVER really live up to his true potential. When his back was up agaist the wall he came through with Stillmatic, which was a very solid album. If NaS had the work ethic like say Lil' Wayne where he really went hard at this rap sh.. I have no doubts in my mind that he would be the best at it, but if BIG was still alive it would have been heaven to see those two vie to be the King of this rap sh.., but I would have went with BIG.

I don't know illscan you say BIG would have sold out, but I don't know. I think he would have just made those same sell out pop songs better because I NEVER heard BIG come incorrect on a track EVER. He always came with his A-Game, and always ripped sh.. up, and he did it in a way where a true and real ~N~ would recognize it as NOT selling out, but expanding his horizon's so to put it. Even when he did those pop tracks (mind you that he didn't want to do because he wanted to spit hard @$@, but Puff insisted) I don't know he did it in way with such a swag and personality that you could only groove to it and have a drink in a club or smoke a blunt to and pass to some jumpoff in your hooptee your hoping to get twisted and beat.

I just never heard something so gritty and raw as BIG where I felt I could relate to and say yeah that's a New York ~N~ spitting that right there. That's that chilling on your stoop all day long, playing in the fire hydrant when it's hot (unless you had cousin's in Long Island with a pool
), living off of quarter waters and chips, taking train rides to nowhere just to get off your block and be inside something with A/C, playing ball like you trying to make it to the league
I mean going hard at it too, chilling till the wee hours in the morning breaking night... repeatedly, going to school punching in just to get your attendance done so they don't send cut cards home and then leaving, venturing out of your neighborhood and off your block was like rich kids going to cancun for spring break, making 5 cent gums stretch like it was a steak dinner, your moms giving you like $1-$3 and that's like $20 when you're young because you can stretch it, 10 cent icee's pops and italian icee's, playing man hunt all night long, garage roof hopping, snooping around abandoned/burnt down building's, riding your bike discovering new places, and everything else one remember's from their youth growing up in the type of environment that BIG described in his music on Ready to Die.

Then Life After Death catered to when you where older and started going through stages in life with real beef with dudes from different neighborhoods and disloyal friends and scheming ash ho's.

I thought more people on here would relate to BIG more because to me I listen to him on Ready To Die he connects me to when I was young, and this being a website for sneakers that make me feel still kind of young because a lot of the user's get their favorite pair of retro's to relive their inner youth inside of them of the kicks they had when they were growing up. That's why BIG is considered by me, and many other's, to be the GOAT even with only two albums. That's more disgusting is that the dude died and if these cats was really as good as they proclaim to be they would make it where BIG was out the equation altogether because the dude only put out two album's yet he's still in most sensible people's top three when it comes to this rap sh.. BIG was/is/will always be the standard for a MC that has it all, lyrics, flow, charisma, swag, content, storytelling, rawness, vividness, ability to adapt to whatever type of music, beat, flow (Bone Thug song), and making his listners emerse themselves in his rhymes and stories, and there's more stats to add, but why bother it's unfair to put anyone up against a beast like this.

I know it's a long read, but go through it and maybe you'll start to appreciate BIG the way me and many other's do.

god damn
Originally Posted by bodyfullapolo

ya'll wack for thinking about joey before everyday struggle. and aint no excuse for you Tweek ...

i dont need an excuse...im not a big fan...
Originally Posted by bodyfullapolo

ya'll wack for thinking about joey before everyday struggle. and aint no excuse for you Tweek ...

u wack for d riding a dead man...
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Can't really argue with that at all...

But IMO Nas was wild poetic, no on can match him as far as that....I admired his music. But I felt Biggies.

Nas wrote epic hood tales, he was like a project Shakepeare. He could have been an award winning author or poet if he wanted to.

But to me it just felt like Biggie was born to rap. The way he flowed effortlessly, with that charisma and wit...I never felt that from Nas, still to this day. Son would sell his soul for a "One More Chance"or a "BIG Poppa". He just ain't built like that he's a thinker. You could almost hear him writing in his notepad and crossing out words, until he got it just right.

BIG said things with alot more simplicity, so you weren't really trying to figure out what he was saying....you were making an automatic connection. Big made a _ go through a full range of emotions on his joint. From laughing, to feeling some real life anger to your situation, to a deep depression, to wanting to go bag a shorty and get one off...

In 94 Nas was a lyrical master...but he didn't have the full package yet IMO. Alot of the things he picked up...he got it from BIG, so did Hov and EM and just about every one else.
abeautifulhaze i got emotional just reading what you wrote. i agree.
Originally Posted by south sole

Wow putting in work, You sure did put in work, thanks man that is going to be my new essay lol.

Yeah I know it was a long read, but a good one...to me at least.

It's a shame that I only really started to really really listen to his music after his passing.

I just think Biggie is the appitamy of rapper growing up in the hood hustling, and then making it big is.

Like how can people think he's wack. He put out two albums and is considered by most to be in their top 3.

If that isn't telling you something then I don't know there must be a reason for it. But, different strokes for different folks I guess.
Originally Posted by KIXrUS16

There is not another MC that could do the things BIG could do...Not 1.
BIG definatly gets it for many elements, but he not the only MC that illustrate the those elements. Theres plenty.

i thought u was talkin bout joey...

?? Y Buddens. He as well is not alone in his strong points. There are many MC's I can think of that are as nice or better. I see Buddens is NT's GOD these days.

SMH... without big jay z looses alot of material...

Jay better than BIG in my opinion. Every rapper has sampled material. In rap it's done all the time, its just cuz its jay and Big people make a big deal out of it. Jay been around for the longest and doing it. Ya forget how young BIG was when he passed. He was like 24. So you telling me jay sampled his whole career off an emcee who had just blew up. Apart from that Jay is probably one of the if not the best at capturing the deep thought perspective when it came to rapping about the streets. BIG was not that deep. He had few songs here and there, but for the most part it was his flow, slick lyrics and aggresive metaphors on the mic that shined. Now jay has all these elements plus he is more deep thought then Big. Look at his track record: D'evils, Dead Presidents, Can I live, Bring it On, A million and one questions,Song Cry,In my lifetime, Renegade, Politics as Usual. Now who can really name a plethra of B.I.G. songs that are close to as deep. I think Juicy was one of the deepest track big had. And I give it to Big for beeing better at story telling but just cuz u a good story telling doesnt mean that you deep. You just tell good stories.Slick Rick did that well too. Please keep in mind reading this that I am not biggest Jay fan, I actually prefer Big. But I don't discriminate when it comes to MC's. I just give credit where its do. Thats why my fav. Jay albums are "reasonable dought" and "in my lifetime" , because he raps about the street as if he was watching it from a distance and analyzing as much aspects as possible.

i just dont like jay point blank... ill admit he used to be nice...

but now he's just hot trash...
but now he's just hot trash...
Im not a fan of Jay now. However, we don't know if BIG would have still been nice up to date if he was alive. Jay still spits hot lyrics onhis records just not hot enough to grab my attention. Also his musical sound I couldnt stand once "hard knock life" came out. One thing I can say iscats like BIG and PUN were the last of the few MC's to come up and raise the bar excellence, showing that u have to be nice to get a deal. But I still sayBIG is not better than Jay at his best. BIG was mostly glammorising and barely gave any deep perspective as to give his feelings about the street lifestyle.Once in a blue moon maybe, but for the most part straight bragging and gutter @%*$ with sick flow and metaphors. Thats why I could never understand why catssay they can relate to Big. Beside from Juicy name some songs that big had u can really relate to personally. What "10 crack commandments"...doughtit.
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