I feel like I will never finish school

Oct 28, 2006
I'm in my 3rd year in college and i never got left back/summer school etc...

I hated going to school but always managed to get pretty good grades...I knew college will be way better then H.S., but damn you still have to go to class doHW and other *%$@. I am almost done and it feels like I've been in school forever. It is just getting old to me lol

Yes i got mad *%$@ to do for class tomorrow morning at 8 and it's 1 right now
word i feel that way sometimes, sitting in class daydreaming about what it would feel like to finally finish college, get a job, start a family. livin theamerican dream with 2.3 children, a house in the suburbs, and a wife that bakes cookies everyday
Originally Posted by jplikejayz

word i feel that way sometimes, sitting in class daydreaming about what it would feel like to finally finish college, get a job, start a family. livin the american dream with 2.3 children, a house in the suburbs, and a wife that bakes cookies everyday

Originally Posted by jplikejayz

word i feel that way sometimes, sitting in class daydreaming about what it would feel like to finally finish college, get a job, start a family. livin the american dream with 2.3 children, a house in the suburbs, and a wife that bakes cookies everyday

you forgot your white picket fence, and a dog named rover!
i know how you feel, i feel like this stuff will never end. i am in my 3rd year and i have roughly 2 left. blah
I'm done after this semester, but yea feels like I've been in school forever. Then getting a good!$#% jobs becomes a whole new struggle that probablywill take equally long and seem like forever. I've been considering grad school but 2 more yrs, will have my 25 when I get out. No thank you.
But then think about how much time you spend outside the classroom having fun. And think about what your life options would be without schooling.

It can suck, but it's the best road available.

I get that feeling too. Follow your passion, I guess. I don't know what mine is, not that I'm at the age where I need to know yet, but I know most ofmy family has made a living on Wall Street working mutual funds, hedge funds, bond trading, etc., and I've always felt pushed to go that route, butI've realized I don't enjoy that line of work.

Sounds corny, but let your heart guide you, don't go down some path you dread just because it seems safe.
yeah i took this semester off so now i feel like i wont ever go back to school! im only 3 semesters in but i already feel like i dont want to go back!!!
i feel the same way and im a senior in highschool...
stay up yo though your almost done....it'll feel good once its over with.
i feel the opposite... i feel like it's coming too fast and what that guy said up top about finding a job is going to be whole another struggle is right.finding a job after graduation is one of my main concerns right now
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

i feel the same way but i'm still striving to finish college, even if it takes a while

word.. for me to go anywhere in my field i have to get my doctorate... thats 8 years in school...

it kinda sucks but i know its gona pay off...
i know i should go to grad school...but i honestly don't think i have it in me...i need a break after this...hopefully i'll find a job that'll payfor me to go back...
I have these 6 classes this semester and then 3 in the summer...5 yrs and its finally finishing, but damn if it isn't crawling. School started Thursday andI'm already wishing for Spring Break so ill know I'm halfway done. Up until this semester I was planning on not walking the stage, wasn't reallyfeeling sitting there hot and sweaty just to wave at my family that I probably won't be able to pick out in there crowd. But first day of class I decidedhell yeah I'm walking. I don't care if Satan is in charge of temperature control and my family sits in the parking lot, I owe it to myself to enjoythat bit of recognition for my accomplishment...anyone know any spells that'll speed up time??
i always felt that way, I was 25 when I graduated b/c I went late...just finished last May, felt like the weight of the world was off my shoulders

i def miss being up Penn State sometimes
Dont feel bad fam...
hang in there, it will be over soon

look at me late twentys and i still havent finished,

about to go back in the summer...wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn dude, as much as havin homework sucks, I'm not trying to graduate anytime too soon. I'm a junior in college and I do not want to leave this place.I just talked to my friend who is working on Wall Street. He's lucky if he's out of the office before 2 AM (its usually 3ish though), and then back inby 9. There is no such thing as Saturdays for him. Sure, he's caking (120k in salary and bonuses, plus he's still livin at home cuz he lives in nycanyway, and his company provides transportation if you leave the office after 9pm), but man that is not somethin I am looking forward to. He can't rememberthe last time he got to "go out."

Don't be a fool, stay in school. Truer words were never spoken.
my last semester. best three words i know right now. planning to go get the masters and maybe phd, but not for awhile.
i felt that way, but now that I have been done for a month I reflect and wonder where all the time went.

enjoy it while you can.
Originally Posted by jplikejayz

word i feel that way sometimes, sitting in class daydreaming about what it would feel like to finally finish college, get a job, start a family. livin the american dream with 2.3 children, a house in the suburbs, and a wife that bakes cookies everyday

grass is always greener my friend... i was in the same boat.

they both have their pros and cons. Being out of school assuming you can get a good job that you enjoy can open a lot of things for you. If money is animportant part of your life then that can be a huge stress relief. Most recent grads arent bankin by any means, but its definitely a few steps up from being acollege student. Its kind of nice to be able to go out when you want, buy a toy when you want it, etc... etc...

some of the cons (huge one for me) is vacation. Atleast theres a beginning and an end to school. Assuming you dont take summer session, as long as you cantough it out and make it to summer you have 2 full months of sittin around chillin with your boys, relaxing, partyin, havin a good time. When you join thework force and work a typical M-F (or M-Sat job in some fields) those weekends become so precious. Furthermore there is no end in sight. You get your 2 weeksvacation each year (plus holidays) and thats it.

If I had to choose I would definitely say its better being out of school working than being in school, but its not by the landslide you might think it wouldbe. I love my work because at the end of the day I dont take anything home with me. Work stays at work, aint no homework or studying or stuff like that. Itsgood to be able to relax once the day at the office is done.
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