I got arrested last night...over a Whopper Jr. sans the cheese

Apr 14, 2006

It was around 10:40 when I hit the drive thru for service. I had a little cash on person and decided to hit up a BK for somequick (yuck) nourishment. Noticing that the line was not moving the good 10 minutes that I had been idling in mycar listening to the new Paste magazine sampler, I deduced that I would probably get better service if I go IN tothe dining room.

I pull out of the drive thru lane and park my car, did my best Carl Louis to the dining room entrance.

Nearing closing time, I feared it may have been locked. My assumption was wrong, and I strolled in with asmile on my handsome face.

Hungry, chest heaving from the sprint, I stood in the line for service and politely waited for an employee to takemy order.

Come closing time, the manager sees me, and proceeds to tell me, "I closed the dining room man, you need toleave."

To which I replied, "No its not, I JUST walked in."

He repeats himself

I repeat MYSELF. Furthermore, I explain that I entered the establishment before it was physicallyclosed and therefore should be servicing me.

To my left, an old voice, slight spanish accent side with me.

"Its true, that door WAS open."

I nod at the older gentleman for his bolstering the truth.

Seeing this the manager instructs one of his employees to call the police and have me escorted from the property.

Still at this very moment, I believe myself to be totally in the right. I did get rather passionate about it,as well as being vocal.

Officer Michelle Tucker shows up rather johnny on the spot.

I try in vain to explain the situation as she yanks me up by my collar, unprovoked, and points the tazer in my face.

Exiting slowly, so as to not catch a tazer in the nostril, I try to plead my case.

She's not having it. Wouldn't let me speak a word really.

4 other units show up. Making it a grand total of five.

They circle like buzzards. Each one doing they're damnest to intimidate me.

I must've been emboldened at that moment. They're all yelling at me "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" with suchtension, holding their tongues by their reigns.

One of the cops, who happens to be black, seems to try and get friendly with me, yet still trying to employ some kindof fear inducing vernacular.

Respectively, I told dude..."Look, I respect your authority here, but none of you are my Father, soI'm not havin' any of that."

This continues for about 10 minutes.

Officer Tucker tells me to leave the premises, I comply.

However, as I leave, I see them fiddling with my car.

I move to shouting distance of the officers and inquire what they were doing with my car.

No answer, so I get closer and repeat myself.

From the megaphone screams, "You're still on BK property."

Yet again I yell, "What are you doing to my car?"

She exits, walks over with a partner. Turns me around and slaps the cuffs on me...

They take the license plate from my vehicle, which may I add, was still valid. I even had the valid registrationin the glove box...

We drive down to the John E. Polk correctional facility...

She books the kid...

I got out this afternoon.

My car is still in the parking lot of the BK...waiting.

Don't think it truly applies but my Miranda rights were never read as they cuffed me and took me away...

I went through the whole
What a ridiculous story. Where are you located?

Cops with nothing to do a friday night FTL!
Pretty sure you were giving them a hard time, but they shoulda read you your miranda rights. I would come bakc to that Bk and order food right when i came outof the cell. Like can I order now?
Wait... all of that just from not wanting to wait in the drive thru
damn i know how you feel. happened to me last week minus the arrest.
walked to Mickey D's, got there at precisely 10:45 P.M. i try to open the door, but the lady says that the inside is closed, im like no its 10:45 you closeit at 11:00. she says no we are close, i start to get real upset bcuz i just wanted some sweet tea. she tells me to leave so i proceeded to slam on the window& then stormed off. luckily the window didnt break.
I woulda just went back to the drive threw

Problem solved.

You're DUMB.
Really though...people need to learn how to choose their battles. If I was there late night after I just smoked a blunt or something I probablywould have died of laughter because you made a scene over the dinning area being closed at BURGER KING. You serious though?
prolly got tagged for DC.... but im assuming the BK lounge didnt press charges, so he got shown the door.

but... this brings up something that i cant understand about folks. when it comes to haters, its simply "yes sir/no sir" or "yes maam/nomaam"... yes some police like to flex, thats why you cant give them the opportunity.

all i really read up there, was that you got loud at a BK... and when the haters showed up, you continued to run your mouth... so you got taxed, accordingly.

should the haters have been summoned? prolly not. but when the black/whites showed up and told you to bounce, you should have chunked the duece and took your*#$ to wendys.

thats just me though.
over a whopper jr?
i can understand if this would have happened over a regular whopper (no onion, extra pickle)
chicken fries even...
but you got jaked over .99
that sucks man at least u got out...u shoulda only said good evening to the cops and nothing else and just dipped. cops are never there when you need em
I would have just bounced.

Sounds like your one of those loud dudes.

Them: Get off the property we closed

Me: OK *bounces

But why try to convince them the joint was open.

L for you
Im sorry to hear..I been arrested for some dumb $%$% too so you have my empathy. Just take it as a lesson, you still got your pride.
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