I got arrested last night...over a Whopper Jr. sans the cheese


In retrospect yeah, I should kept it pushin'.

However, I still believe I was in the right. Especially from me working in retail. I was there before the door was locked. On the inside, inline, hungry and willing to pay.

I was hungry in lock up. They gave us some rubber grit lookin' thing, bread, and some whispy water.

To reiterate, I still feel I was in the right. As such, I got passionate and vocal about it. I had over customers agreeing with me too!

Far as the fuzz...don't really mean to use this as a cop out, but the officer had the tazer out as soon as she arrived. Immediately took the side of dude,didn't even hear me out.

Funny how the police will rescue cats when car dealerships won't let you leave, but not otherwise...

I fight for what I believe in...

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by doosta45

son found a thesaurus around the house and decided to put it to use
. As I read through the story it had all the suspense andcharacter detail I found in the da vinci code. I was on the edge of my seat by the end of it. well done sir.
so I'm guessing you took an L for the night?

you didn't get your whopper jr

you got arrested

and you don't have your car now

sucks man....
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

all i really read up there, was that you got loud at a BK... and when the haters showed up, you continued to run your mouth... so you got taxed, accordingly.

should the haters have been summoned? prolly not. but when the black/whites showed up and told you to bounce, you should have chunked the duece and took your *#$ to wendys.
^ Pretty much sums it up. They don't "have" to serve you. And once the cops showed, you were taking the L. Now instead offorfeiting, you got defeated the old fashioned way

I only wanted to say upload that Paste tape & send it to me
i think that there is a new law so that cops dont have to read you your miranda rights but i could be wrong
Wow dumb kids -_-

We already know you were acting a damn fool, and the BK Manager had a valid reason to call the police.

Should have just walked away.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


It was around 10:40 when I hit the drive thru for service. I had a little cash on person and decided to hit up a BK for some quick (yuck) nourishment. Noticing that the line was not moving the good 10 minutes that I had been idling in my car listening to the new Paste magazine sampler, I deduced that I would probably get better service if I go IN to the dining room.

I pull out of the drive thru lane and park my car, did my best Carl Louis to the dining room entrance.

Nearing closing time, I feared it may have been locked. My assumption was wrong, and I strolled in with a smile on my handsome face.

Hungry, chest heaving from the sprint, I stood in the line for service and politely waited for an employee to take my order.

Come closing time, the manager sees me, and proceeds to tell me, "I closed the dining room man, you need to leave."

To which I replied, "No its not, I JUST walked in." Julius F. Wrek

personally I think you're a little selfish punk for not leaving. people gotta go home after a longs day work, especially working in a hell hole like fastfood. Instead of being a superman, you should've just left.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek

Don't think it truly applies but my Miranda rights were never read as they cuffed me and took me away...
They can't legally charge you for anything.

But, from the sounds of it, the other officers would vouch for the 1st one.

Still, you could probably get paid if you filed a lawsuit. Especially if you're black.

I can't say that you deserve to, though. There was a drive through.

All because you didnt think that they were closed beceause the door was open? Well i guess you proved your point, good for you.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek

Don't think it truly applies but my Miranda rights were never read as they cuffed me and took me away...

No, it doesn't apply. They did not ask you any incriminating questions
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