I got blisters from Jordan 6 Rings?

Mar 4, 2009
I balled in the Jordan 6 Rings two times now, and I got blisters on my feet. I thought it would be gone during my second wear. Is it because the fact that theyare new shoes, and I need to get used to them before the blisters are gone? Or is it because they are just so bad? Would double-socking help?

Thanks NT.
If you're wearing cotton socks then that might be the first step. Cotton socks are *great*.. . . if you like to get blisters.
The socks should be ok.. it's the lining in the sneaker...i find the XIIIs are like that too
i havent had a problem with blisters yet but i havent balled in them either, the only blisters i get is from the heel rubbing against my foot. i wouldntsuggest double socks at all.
possible that maybe you bought a half size too big???? i know the 6rings run tight but, just a suggestion. double socks would help, just like everyone else.
Originally Posted by fc1114

If you're wearing cotton socks then that might be the first step. Cotton socks are *great*.. . . if you like to get blisters.

this dude speaks the truth...if your gonna drop 150+ on shoes, get some good socks that will prevent blisters.
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