I got it tatted on me, i love my city

DC had 181 murders last year (actually up from 2007) in a city with half a million.

The latest Miami-Dade county figures I could find was 2006 but it was 89 homicides in a 2.5million person county.

180 is a lot better than the 450 from the 90's but still... yall need to learn to get along.
Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by infamousod

yall would've made a crack no matter what city I posted. of course Miami has crime but it was never the "murder capital of the US"
point is DC is up there with Detroit and Baltimore as the least desirable major cities in the US and if you like it there you're probably part of the reason why its so bad.

just keep hating that its the coldest night of the year here and its in the 50's. People don't dream about retiring and moving to DC...
Hating???? There isnt hating on my end, yeah its cold here and its like 60 down there so what? I like DC cuz its good networking for my major, DC has the best universities in the nation (HU, Georgetown, George Washington, American, and Catholic) as well as a university for the hearing impared (Galludet), there is power in the Government, and we have history. Not to say Miami has doesnt have good schools cuz they do, and only ONE SECTION OF DC HAS CRIME that gives the whole city a bad image. The murder rate has actually declined since those 90s statistics that every out of towner wants to qoute. Not to turn this into a rep yo city thread, but before you say something about DC get ya facts right please thats all Im saying. Im done with this cuz i hate going back and im over it. Have a good one



um, NO

and to the OP, you should no better than to post this tatoo trash in general...go to DMV regional if you wanna post this type of stuff.
Your city is trash. If it wasnt for the national government, Your city wouldnt be anything....and the Inaguration doesnt occur every year, its every new president genius.....

Why are you so mad? Who said anything about inauguration being every year? Seriously why would i post it in the DMV section if they already know how great thecity is, that would be a bit redundant wouldnt it?
Originally Posted by foampositefreak

nice tattoo did u think of it on ur own or did u have the artist guy draw it

Yea i got the images i wanted him to use online and told him how i wanted it and he made it work.
Originally Posted by infamousod

DC had 181 murders last year (actually up from 2007) in a city with half a million.

The latest Miami-Dade county figures I could find was 2006 but it was 89 homicides in a 2.5million person county.

180 is a lot better than the 450 from the 90's but still... yall need to learn to get along.
Good Job doing research, Keep hating DC will always be the Nations Capital. Where does your Governor go to get funding??? Thats right the littleghetto murder capital that you keep talking about. DC!!! Like I said Im over it. I love DC will always love DC. Not everyone here is hood and ghetto, Igraduated Suma Cum Laude from college and Graduated at the top of my graduate school. Besides if it wasnt for those beaches what would Miami be anyway???EXACTLY nothing. Have a good weekend
I thought you were done before. and my state's government doesn't go to the ghetto they send people straight to the capitol building to get money.

Miami wouldn't have as many tourists without the beaches but ain't like there's nothing here, plus that's geographic, take away thosepoliticians and DC = Baltimore, aka a dump.
DC is a cesspool of corruption and crime.
Yep. DC sure is on the map.

I guarantee that during the Cold War the feds would have rather seen DC be nuked than NYC, the steel producing state of Pennsylvania, the heavy industry stateof Michigan, the ports in LA, the metals producing states in the Upper Midwest , the timber producing states in the Northwest, the crop producers of theMidwest, and the Oil/ Nat Gas producing states of Texas and Alaska.

Why is DC important?
Wow, heads are getting serious about their cities with this heated talk

I like the tattoo, but no need to worry about all this 'city v. city' bs.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- when will people learn your city/team/state/ is not you. no matter how much you love it.

- i once had a roomate thet used to rep Haiti and NY to the fullest, when he had never been to Haiti and had moved from NY to FL when he was 3.
Totally agree, I know way too many people who are too in love with their city/stateand treat it like they have some personal vested interest init. No matter what there is always a city/state/country that has something better than the one you live in. Besides its just a place to live, if you movedsomewhere else the only thing you'd probably truly miss would be family and friends.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by you right

Originally Posted by I R Andre

If you only knew what that flag and those monuments meant, you definitely wouldn't want them tattooed on your body.

The Washington Monument is a Pagan symbol to Egypts God Amun/Amen Ra. It's also an obelisk, obelisk roughly translates to "the shaft of baal". Baal being Satan's main assistant or his right hand man. Over time Baal became synonymous with Satan. The Washington Monument is basically a statue that pay's homage to Satan's penis, and now you have it tattooed on your body. Federal Triangle means some other stuff I won't get into too. Their flag means some other stuff you can look up on your own.

NT gets funnier by the day
^I dont know how much more I can explain that my family has been here for 5 generations.
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