I got stung by a bee earlier today

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by iYen

OP got stung by a Lil B?

Try again
Originally Posted by langfor5

I can vividly remember getting stung as kid and my grandpa coming over and telling the following story...
'Back when I was your age I knew a kid that got stung by a bee and he was just fine. 
 Then five minutes later he had a seizure and died. 

 grandpa tried scarring yiou huh
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

>Get a blog
>I$$ is that way ----->

Was this seriously thread worthy?

Because you can't contribute makes it worthless? 
contribute to your awesome thread about a bee sting? like most of us haven't been stung already?

people get stung by bees everyday, b.

It's the silliest thing to make a thread to tell everybody about imo, but whatever fam, do you, I ain't mad
Pics or it didn't happen
Spoiler [+]
OP is not the Bees Knees for this
Hendrix Watermelon wrote:
DaBottom305 wrote:
Hendrix Watermelon wrote:
>Get a blog
>I$$ is that way ----->

Was this seriously thread worthy?

Because you can't contribute makes it worthless? 

contribute to your awesome thread about a bee sting? like most of us haven't been stung already?

people get stung by bees everyday, b. 

It's the silliest thing to make a thread to tell everybody about imo, but whatever fam, do you, I ain't mad

You paid to go to a concert so you can "boo" the performer, lol
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