I Guess Every Superhero Need His Theme Music...

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Oh Lord. So Melanin is the "soul molecule?"

Here we go again....the melanin theory has been discredited years ago.

Let me break it down for you.....melanin absorbs and breaks down UV light. It is advantageous for those near the equator, such as blacks, southern Indians, etc. to posess large amounts of melanin due to the large amounts of sunlight in their lands of origin. Low melanin + lots of sunlight = skin cancer.

For those living further North and South, where one receives less sunlight, less melanin is advantageous because the skin also absorbs Vitamin D through sunlight. Too much melanin + not as much sunlight = vitamin D deficiency.

It's that simple. To be fair yes, melanin has been shown to have other beneficial properties......but they are not discussed in this article nor are they of the fantastic variety you imagine it to have. It is an antioxidant and may help neutralize some toxic metal ions in the body.

White supremacists have just as many idiotic theories as to why whites are superior. You're no different from them if you buy into and spread this nonsense.

Use your head for a moment......melanin is responsible for civilization, philosophy, and religion? You can't think of white civilizations? Ones that had.......surprise surprise......philosophy and religion?
Thats definitely not true.

You're mocking other posters but your breakdown was by far the most inaccurate, unscientific and definitively refuted statements on melanin in the entire thread.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Melanin gives Black people superior physical, mental &spiritual ability.

Melanin refines the nervoussystem in such a way that messages from the 
brain reach other areas of the body most rapidly in Black people, the
Original People. Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than
whites, and demonstrate more advanced cognitive skills than their white
counterparts because of their abundance of Melanin.
I am aghast after reading this information.

How was this not clear to me before?
Don't know if you were being sarcastic or not but melanin does act as a steroid in fetal development of "black" babies...


Effects of Melanotropic Peptides on Fetal Adrenal Gland

RAJENDER K. CHAWLA, Department of Medicine, Emoryj University School
of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322

The effects of the peptides were measured on production of glucocorticoids, and on incorporation of labeled thymidine or leucine into DNA or protein, respectively. The findings were similar in all three species. ACTH stimulated synthesis of glucocorticoids throughout fetal life. Potency increased progressively, as reflected by declining minimal effective dose and rising maximal response. In early and mid fetus aMSH and fMSH caused a modest glucocorticoid steroidogenic effect. ACTH and aMSH stimulated DNA and protein synthesis in the early and mid fetal gland. aMSH was more potent than ACTH in these respects, minimal effective dose being generally 10 times less and maximal response 25-200% greater. The effects diminished or disappeared in the late fetal and newborn gland. These data indicate that a- and 8MSH possess steroidogenic or growth-promoting properties, or both, for the fetal adrenal gland.

But this isn't about racial superiority because there is a flip side to everything.

I like Dingle's question on the previous page, got straight to the heart of the matter...


Oh, now studies like this are legit. The last time a not-so-nice study about black people (the CNN article about the high rate of herpes amongst black women) came up, your response was something along the lines of, "There's no way they can determine that, all black women would need to be tested to reach that conclusion."

But that doesn't help make black people look better than other subsets, therefore, it's bull. By your logic, this shouldn't be taken seriously. Like Joe Camel said, white supremacists say similar things. I lurk stormfront, they do. If white members on here were to post something about melanin being a liability, they would be looked at as racists.

I thought that entire summary of melanin was bull; not just the part about infants. I mean, it helps their spiritual ability? Like, really? The part about melanin being the reason for blacks' superiority in athleticism and dancing simply doesn't make sense to me either. I think those things are clearly results of their environments. I guess I'm in the minority, but I just don't buy into a race being innately better at something than other races.
It's not like I said I was a member who joins in on one of their hate fests. I just find it somewhat fascinating that people actually believe the things they say and how eerily similar posts on there are to posts on here at times. They're just allowed to say a few extra words. The same way dudes on here talk about how "they" have a ploy to do takethem down or whatever, the "they" SF members usually refer to areJewish people.

I mean, there was a Khalid Muhommad appreciation on here not too long ago, and people were actually saying he was speaking the truth. It doesn't get much worse than people like him. Or look at how dudes react every time that video of the black guy insulting the white girl is posted. "That's what's up," "My dude was keeping it real.
" Members on there feel just as much pride when they hear a white person saying such nonsense.
It's not like I said I was a member who joins in on one of their hate fests. I just find it somewhat fascinating that people actually believe the things they say and how eerily similar posts on there are to posts on here at times. They're just allowed to say a few extra words. The same way dudes on here talk about how "they" have a ploy to do takethem down or whatever, the "they" SF members usually refer to areJewish people.

I mean, there was a Khalid Muhommad appreciation on here not too long ago, and people were actually saying he was speaking the truth. It doesn't get much worse than people like him. Or look at how dudes react every time that video of the black guy insulting the white girl is posted. "That's what's up," "My dude was keeping it real.
" Members on there feel just as much pride when they hear a white person saying such nonsense.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.

What justice would you like this racial minority to face?

People in power have it because they sought it out. To ask for every race to have its own separate government? That's begging for a racial war..And what about "red people?"
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.

What justice would you like this racial minority to face?

People in power have it because they sought it out. To ask for every race to have its own separate government? That's begging for a racial war..And what about "red people?"
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.
Dude.....what? Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, but there clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutions like affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simply can't say that "nothing has been done."

As for the second paragraph........each race should have their own governments? 
The *%!%? Really? Would they all live where they do now, or would they be shipped off to various parts of the world to be with their own races? Hopefully whites don't get sent to Russia or something, I hate the cold. What do we do with mixed people? I say the moon. Or we could cut them in half and send each half to their respective location.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.
Dude.....what? Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, but there clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutions like affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simply can't say that "nothing has been done."

As for the second paragraph........each race should have their own governments? 
The *%!%? Really? Would they all live where they do now, or would they be shipped off to various parts of the world to be with their own races? Hopefully whites don't get sent to Russia or something, I hate the cold. What do we do with mixed people? I say the moon. Or we could cut them in half and send each half to their respective location.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.
Dude.....what? Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, but there clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutions like affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simply can't say that "nothing has been done."

As for the second paragraph........each race should have their own governments? 
The *%!%? Really? Would they all live where they do now, or would they be shipped off to various parts of the world to be with their own races? Hopefully whites don't get sent to Russia or something, I hate the cold. What do we do with mixed people? I say the moon. Or we could cut them in half and send each half to their respective location.

If you're not bright enough to figure out that I mean in countries where the majority race or ethnicity is run by a minority (see South Africa) then what's the use in having this discussion with you? Are you trolling or do you suffer from a low IQ? There are nations all around the globe that can not govern themselves without white interference. Oh, but wait, it's racist of me to say that, right?
Affirmative action? Really? Do you have any black friends? Ask them how tough it is for them to get a job.

Whites with criminal records, who are also less qualified are often selected over blacks and other "minorities" with clean records and better qualifications. It happens all the time. I'll let you research it yourself if you seriously care to know, but I doubt you want anything more than a useless debate and you won't get one from me. I'm definitely not trying to change your perspective as you seem to know everything already.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.
Dude.....what? Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, but there clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutions like affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simply can't say that "nothing has been done."

As for the second paragraph........each race should have their own governments? 
The *%!%? Really? Would they all live where they do now, or would they be shipped off to various parts of the world to be with their own races? Hopefully whites don't get sent to Russia or something, I hate the cold. What do we do with mixed people? I say the moon. Or we could cut them in half and send each half to their respective location.

If you're not bright enough to figure out that I mean in countries where the majority race or ethnicity is run by a minority (see South Africa) then what's the use in having this discussion with you? Are you trolling or do you suffer from a low IQ? There are nations all around the globe that can not govern themselves without white interference. Oh, but wait, it's racist of me to say that, right?
Affirmative action? Really? Do you have any black friends? Ask them how tough it is for them to get a job.

Whites with criminal records, who are also less qualified are often selected over blacks and other "minorities" with clean records and better qualifications. It happens all the time. I'll let you research it yourself if you seriously care to know, but I doubt you want anything more than a useless debate and you won't get one from me. I'm definitely not trying to change your perspective as you seem to know everything already.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.
Dude.....what? Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, but there clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutions like affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simply can't say that "nothing has been done."

As for the second paragraph........each race should have their own governments? 
The *%!%? Really? Would they all live where they do now, or would they be shipped off to various parts of the world to be with their own races? Hopefully whites don't get sent to Russia or something, I hate the cold. What do we do with mixed people? I say the moon. Or we could cut them in half and send each half to their respective location.
If you're not bright enough to figure out that I mean in countries where the majority race or ethnicity is run by a minority (see South Africa) then what's the use in having this discussion with you? Are you trolling or do you suffer from a low IQ? There are nations all around the globe that can not govern themselves without white interference. Oh, but wait, it's racist of me to say that, right?
Affirmative action? Really? Do you have any black friends? Ask them how tough it is for them to get a job.

Whites with criminal records, who are also less qualified are often selected over blacks and other "minorities" with clean records and better qualifications. It happens all the time. I'll let you research it yourself if you seriously care to know, but I doubt you want anything more than a useless debate and you won't get one from me. I'm definitely not trying to change your perspective as you seem to know everything already.

@ your whole presumptuous tone.

i'm aware of the discrimination blacks face in all aspects of life, including the job search. does that somehow contradict anything i said? no.

i said, and i quote:

"Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, butthere clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutionslike affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simplycan't say that "nothing has been done."'

Note the parts in red. To summarize: the "balance" clearly has not been restored, but your claim that "nothing has been done" to restore it is completely and utterly false.

as for me being dumb because you failed to make yourself clear....please.

i still don't know what you're saying, please explain yourself in greater detail. let's use the south africa example. south africa is a predominately black nation. to me, it would make sense that, if racial equality were present (it's not) the country would naturally have a predominantly black body of elected officials. in fact, the % of black gov't officials would more or less mirror the % of blacks in the nation as a whole.

but are you saying blacks should have their own separate government? what do you even mean? do you mean blacks should be governed under their own system of laws and whites theirs, or that they should both be ruled by an all-black government? 
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by General Johnson

I have a fundamental problem with a post racial world in that it aims to wipe the slate clean and "forgive and forget" while doing nothing to address the huge imbalance of power throughout the world.

A racial minority directs and controls the world's wealth and assumes it has some right to do so. I'm not with that at all. If the world is going to be post-racial and expect "an all people are created equal" harmony then black, brown and yellow people need to be able to run their own governments with no white involvement.
Dude.....what? Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, but there clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutions like affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simply can't say that "nothing has been done."

As for the second paragraph........each race should have their own governments? 
The *%!%? Really? Would they all live where they do now, or would they be shipped off to various parts of the world to be with their own races? Hopefully whites don't get sent to Russia or something, I hate the cold. What do we do with mixed people? I say the moon. Or we could cut them in half and send each half to their respective location.
If you're not bright enough to figure out that I mean in countries where the majority race or ethnicity is run by a minority (see South Africa) then what's the use in having this discussion with you? Are you trolling or do you suffer from a low IQ? There are nations all around the globe that can not govern themselves without white interference. Oh, but wait, it's racist of me to say that, right?
Affirmative action? Really? Do you have any black friends? Ask them how tough it is for them to get a job.

Whites with criminal records, who are also less qualified are often selected over blacks and other "minorities" with clean records and better qualifications. It happens all the time. I'll let you research it yourself if you seriously care to know, but I doubt you want anything more than a useless debate and you won't get one from me. I'm definitely not trying to change your perspective as you seem to know everything already.

@ your whole presumptuous tone.

i'm aware of the discrimination blacks face in all aspects of life, including the job search. does that somehow contradict anything i said? no.

i said, and i quote:

"Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected or anything, butthere clearly have been efforts to address the problem. Institutionslike affirmative action were created for this sole purpose. You simplycan't say that "nothing has been done."'

Note the parts in red. To summarize: the "balance" clearly has not been restored, but your claim that "nothing has been done" to restore it is completely and utterly false.

as for me being dumb because you failed to make yourself clear....please.

i still don't know what you're saying, please explain yourself in greater detail. let's use the south africa example. south africa is a predominately black nation. to me, it would make sense that, if racial equality were present (it's not) the country would naturally have a predominantly black body of elected officials. in fact, the % of black gov't officials would more or less mirror the % of blacks in the nation as a whole.

but are you saying blacks should have their own separate government? what do you even mean? do you mean blacks should be governed under their own system of laws and whites theirs, or that they should both be ruled by an all-black government? 
I mean that government should proportionally represent the race, culture, ethnicities and genders of its citizens.

Oh, and let me clarify, I said nothing and should have said next to nothing. If you really think affirmative action is anywhere near the advantage of a 500 year head start (free labor included), that watered down the culture and destroyed the family structure and morale of those it used to gain the advantage then I'm not sure what to tell you.
I mean that government should proportionally represent the race, culture, ethnicities and genders of its citizens.

Oh, and let me clarify, I said nothing and should have said next to nothing. If you really think affirmative action is anywhere near the advantage of a 500 year head start (free labor included), that watered down the culture and destroyed the family structure and morale of those it used to gain the advantage then I'm not sure what to tell you.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

I mean that government should proportionally represent the race, culture, ethnicities and genders of its citizens.

Oh, and let me clarify, I said nothing and should have said next to nothing. If you really think affirmative action is anywhere near the advantage of a 500 year head start (free labor included), that watered down the culture and destroyed the family structure and morale of those it used to gain the advantage then I'm not sure what to tell you.

You serious right now? Did you read what I wrote? 

"Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected"

"the "balance" clearly has not beenrestored" 

Come on dude. I made it pretty clear. All I was disagreeing with was your assertion that nothing has been done.

Now you say "next to nothing."

It may not work as well as it should due to racism still being alive and well (look at the studies where applicants with "black sounding" names were less likely to get job offers than similarly-qualified applicants with "white sounding" ones) but affirmative action is a big step in the right direction. Serious question: what do you propose as a solution? It's easy to say "the system's broken," it's much harder to find a way to fix it.

As for the stuff about the gov't in this post, I completely agree. Not that there should be laws in place so that the proportions HAVE to represent the society, but with racial biases not playing a role in the election process they should naturally be more or less equivalent. Unfortunately this is a long way off.

Originally Posted by General Johnson

I mean that government should proportionally represent the race, culture, ethnicities and genders of its citizens.

Oh, and let me clarify, I said nothing and should have said next to nothing. If you really think affirmative action is anywhere near the advantage of a 500 year head start (free labor included), that watered down the culture and destroyed the family structure and morale of those it used to gain the advantage then I'm not sure what to tell you.

You serious right now? Did you read what I wrote? 

"Not to say the imbalance of power has been corrected"

"the "balance" clearly has not beenrestored" 

Come on dude. I made it pretty clear. All I was disagreeing with was your assertion that nothing has been done.

Now you say "next to nothing."

It may not work as well as it should due to racism still being alive and well (look at the studies where applicants with "black sounding" names were less likely to get job offers than similarly-qualified applicants with "white sounding" ones) but affirmative action is a big step in the right direction. Serious question: what do you propose as a solution? It's easy to say "the system's broken," it's much harder to find a way to fix it.

As for the stuff about the gov't in this post, I completely agree. Not that there should be laws in place so that the proportions HAVE to represent the society, but with racial biases not playing a role in the election process they should naturally be more or less equivalent. Unfortunately this is a long way off.

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