Most of you must not be into games in general if you really think that games nowadays suck. Last year was probably the biggest year for games in terms of good games coming out. Some of the biggest and best games have been coming out and its not just the same old genres like shooters or whatever. All sorts of different and creative games have been coming out. I cant even list all the great games that have come out the past 2 years and there are some more great games coming out later this year too.

I actually dont think theres ever been a better time to be a gamer or get into games.
Hey, im def not a "gamer" but i definitely like a game with a good story that i can play through...but FPS's are def not my favorite, and that seems to be the popular genre
idk what op speaks of. red dead, uncharted series, bioshock, gears, all great games. especially uncharted. cant wait for the next one.
One of my wet dreams come true.

I think the creation of "quick find" matches for consoles, which then spread to PC games due to porting, killed the online community. Prior to these types of systems you had lobbys and chat rooms where everyone would hang out prior to joining a game. Here you could really interact and get to know others in the community, a la the old MSN Gaming Zone. These days you hop into a game, meet ten strangers, proceed to get cussed out back 12 year olds and then start all over again. There's no reason to make friends or gain rivals because 99% of the time you're never going to see that person again with the quick match system.

Maybe I'm just too old school, but for me I enjoyed playing the games. However, I loved being part of a community.
Anyone playing skyrim is laughing hysterically at you. As an online fps junky and a mvc3 player i couldnt give two
*!%*@ about online when im playing skyrim
I've been playing video games ALL my life and for some reason...I have not gotten into online gaming. I've played a couple homies in a few matches online a handful of times but I NEVER EVER have the urge to just throw in a game and go play online w/ or against random people.
^Obviously it depends on what games and how you enjoy playing them, but you'll never get better if you don't play against human opponents.

And grats on the upcoming 1000 posts
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by solarius49

ok so i dont completely hate all video games, i just hate the state of video games nowadays.  All video games are marketed to being played online, so the whole concept of "the story" is being washed down the drain! This is why the Metal Gear series is so appreciated


not only that but this demand for every game to be/feel the same, especially this drive for military shooters

im a killzone fan and i hate seeing these +%%!!%% COD #*$##%$+ complain about how they would get more sales if the game was like COD

x 84098340328403248302483204832048340

Killzone is boring though. People think it's a "serious" game and it takes all the fun out of it.

I still buy games for the story lines though. For any other COD game besides MW3 I don't care for the story line. That story line was actually pretty good.

Games like Black Ops though... omg *+! is that?

Nintendo. They don't give a damn about online play. All games have different stories and unique styled game play.

But as said in this thread, that's why I rock w/ all the old school games..
The only thing i HATE about gaming nowadays are DLC that we have to pay for

i miss unlocking things, now i have to pay for it...not fun or cool
do you guys recommend the God of War or Fallout series? Ive given up on sports games bc I get bored after the first season of the franchise and dont like online (i suck, nh). Havent played MW3 in abt 2mos; just lost the urge to play it. I want more adventure games. Any more recommendations would be appreciated.
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