I don't mind. Of course, I'd rather get what I want right then and there, but I like opening my door and finding a box there
im waiting for my iphone to arrive....it tortures me every time i hear a car drive by...
Been waiting for my item since the 14th
im usually pretty patient with what i order, but if i really need something i'll shell out the extra for next day or overnight
Every time i buy something online it seems like it takes an eternity to get to my house.
i end up forgetting then i get excited when i get it in the mail. today i got a shirt i had traded and i felt bad b.c she sent it priority and i sent itregular mail.
Yea I'm goin nuts waitin for my 360 to arrive...Wednesday can't come soon enough.
idk...patience is a virtue =P

If its something I can save on...I rather get it online. Plus I like having stuff sent to me..it's like a mini Christmas for a day.

Depends how desperate to get it
not only online but in store orders. waiting on footlocker to give me some penny 1's (shipped Wednesday)
im just very impatient
I was supposed to get something today, but my building's office is closed so it won't be delivered until Monday.
i know it doesnt make sense but.... i also hate waiting for shippin but im too cheap so i always get ground...
I hate waiting also, but when the package gets delivered, opening it is so freaking thrilling dood!

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