I have a Major Crush on Marie Digby

great version of the song "what i've done"

the girl herself....ehh not really but to each his own
Some of you NTers are clowns. Saying she's not hot is understandable. But calling her ugly/scary/hideous is just stupid. Just stop denying that ur a%!+@#.Dudes always tryin to pick out little flaws in every girl you see as an excuse for not being attracted to them.

You NTers are either:

Gay. Which is perfectly fine. Its 2008. Come out the closet...u don't gotta be afraid anymore.

People who set their standards too high and use it as an excuse for not being able to get girls. The reason you can't bag is not cuz ur standards are toohigh and you're waiting on that perfect girl. The reason you can't bag is simple. You're not good looking and you have just about 0 game.

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

She grew up huh? I remember her in the Adam's Family.


yea shes scary...she doesnt smile...but she makes good music...i like stupid for you

and wth at that shaftway video lol
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