I have a problem, Jordan 6/17 pack related

Jun 6, 2005
Alright, I ordered my packs (2 size 12s) from finishline.com the night of release. I woke up the next morning (this is Saturday) feeling ******ed forspending 650 bucks on shoes when I have far more important things to buy so I called FNL first thing and canceled the order. Thursday of last week a refundfrom FNL posted to my bank account. I got back from a trip to Florida today, and had a UPS sticker on my door so I went and picked it up. It's 2 Jordanpacks and the invoice inside the box says my order date was May 27 which is three days after I canceled the order. So now I have 2 packs and my money back. The shoes were shipped from a FNL store. I know people have had this happed to them before. What happened? Did you get charged in the end?
That's not a problem, it's a blessing.
This may get moved tho...
wait 1-2 weeks to see if they call or take the money out of your account again
if nothing happens then keep them or send me another pair of carmines for cheap
This happened to me with the grey IX's they sent me 3 pair but only charged me for one
I called eastbay one time to complain that the tracking said my order was being sent back to their warehouse. The guy was like ill place a reorder. The nextday i received the first order, and a following week i received the reorder. They called me and asked for it back, and i jus told them i only received onepackage, and they said ok. DENY DENY DENY
they may end up charging you in a few weeks but hopefully u got away with a Steal
YO! Damn... I had something similar happen but it was only a JB t-shirt. The one about 4 years back that had 23 in Mike's different uniforms. I actuallygot shipped 2 but only charged for 1. DF!!!
I'd wait a couple of weeks before I started celebrating, especially given that your order date is after your cancellation date. Shoes? What shoes? Ididn't get NO SHOES!!!
Originally Posted by short MI

wait 1-2 weeks to see if they call or take the money out of your account again
if nothing happens then keep them or send me another pair of carmines for cheap

whose the girl in your avy
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