I have been called into the judge mathis show (UPDATE: Episode will air on syndication in Mid-April)

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by jumpmankb


Have a pair of glasses stashed away in your pocket. If the right opportunity emerges.. you can put them on and say info?, then look side to side.



Naaahhhhh, get some glasses and bite your lower lip for datass if you see ANY ladies ANYWHERE lmao
Definitely say ducktales.

Pics or it never happened would work too.

What's the story of this case, OP?
Originally Posted by Ryda421

say "judge, you're not a moderator."
you should def. say something like this.
also don't they do some kind of interview once it's done, outside the court room?
i only have seen 1 court show ep, and they did this.

be prepared to say something like "well i agree/disagree with the judges decision, after all he is/is not a moderator"
Originally Posted by MHT214

As the other party is talking and making their point...just softly throw the " Yoooouu Maaddd..Youuuu Madddd.." in there...and maybe a kinda loud DF!

While your making your case...try to say " I then proceeded to ______________ with the power of Captain Planet" [ or whatever you want to draw powers from ]...

And if you see a great time in which you could say "thats real talk"...say " that NT talk ".

Wear a shirt that says "AYO!"....or "No Romo".. but of course take a dress shirt just in case it doesnt fly with the studio..


dont do anything this guy said.
at these responses

Should definitely say something like, it was a "tap tap pull" or say something and at the end be like, it was NT.
wear a choppa suit mayne

"cool story, bro"
"you mad?"
"I'm calling ducktales, your honor"
When its your turn to speak, start off by saying "Thats a cool story bro, but your honor that is ducktales".
some of these are just stupid

Just stick with instead of objecting saying ducktales
or when the plaintiff states their case say "cool story bro" or "pics or it never happened"
and Definitely for the last question at the end of the show say " disregard females obtain currency"
I think everything else would be to much and they wont air your episode.
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