I make 45k a year working 2 hours a day Vol. Office Space in real life

This was my old job in a nut shell. It was volume based and my only performance metric was meeting that minimum number, which was EASILY done.

A full day for me was at minimum 20 mins, max 2.5 hours. I worked remote most of the time, so I'd come and go as I pleased. Had my emails forwarded to my phone, so I knew what was going on and could respond accordingly. Would go to the gym, movies, sometimes a bar and just hang out.

Got bored, went back to school and used my free time to study for my first semester. Started a new job related to my coursework. I wasted too many years at that BS job.

what was your old job
1. This is no secret we know there are employees like you who are stealing and slacking from the Company (reason why we are overstaffed and keep you in cages like guinea pigs)

2. FYI we know who you are, you are literally posting from our IP address

3. This site will be blocked and added to sites that are blacklisted
4. I will look into that raise

5. Get yo punk *** back to work

- Your Boss



My company does this if you're on their wifi.
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My buddy works from home and gets tracked via his "activity." So he opens up a chat window and puts a weight on his keyboard so it appears as if he's not idle.

Then he goes fishing.
Let your buddy knows there's a program he can get that will move his mouse around or "type" random stuff to make it appear that he's working. I'm not monitored that closely anymore, but I used to be... Off the top of my head, one is Mouse Jiggler. Here's one I used with a Windows batch file. If he does either of these, he won't have to put a weight on his keyboard. 

Source: I'm an application developer lead and make $150k a year. I've worked remotely full time since 2012 and off/on since 2008. I usually get my work done ASAP and then release my code in spurts. Living the life. 
You win a scratch off?

MFs love to try to **** on ppls work lives and then proceed to provide zero details how they sustain themselves "doing whatever they want" :lol:

Hey if the shoe fits for ya... But the only persons work life I was ******** on was my own before I quit that job. I felt trapped in the same situation most people ITT are speaking on. Great pay and benefits but basically showing up to do nothing 80% of the time just for a paycheck. What kind of life is that? I got sick of rotting away at a desk so I went and did my own thing. I no longer feel like I have to wait until 5 PM or the weekend to start living. Lose track of what day of the week it is now sometimes. Excited to wake up every day and get to it now since I live life on my own terms. Now that I can utilize my time better instead of being trapped in a cubicle half the day for someone else, I'm making a lot more money than I was before and traveling constantly. Never been happier in my life. I'm not trying to put anyone down, rather show them that if you feel this way, you can change it. It's not easy but you can do it. If you aren't learning anything new at your current position, there's no promotion looming, you do nothing 80% of the day...why are you still there?

Yeah yeah yeah, freedom, happiness, biker boys we make our own rules. We get it.

But what do you do, my guy? Thats what we asking. You sounding like Tai Lopez right now.

I own a business and do some consulting on the side.
Sucks to have someone else dictate what you do with most of your waking hours. Wasting most of your day sitting around to enrich your boss/CEOs life. Most people seem to be ok with being an unimaginative cog that just toes the line sitting at a desk all day. Having to wait for the same direct deposit to hit your account every week regardless of how much work you put in sounds like more of an allowance than a job to me.

Did it 8 years and never going back. Do whatever I want and travel all the time now. Life is good [emoji]128526[/emoji]

Not everyone who has a job is a slave working for da man b.
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Sucks to have someone else dictate what you do with most of your waking hours. Wasting most of your day sitting around to enrich your boss/CEOs life. Most people seem to be ok with being an unimaginative cog that just toes the line sitting at a desk all day. Having to wait for the same direct deposit to hit your account every week regardless of how much work you put in sounds like more of an allowance than a job to me.

Did it 8 years and never going back. Do whatever I want and travel all the time now. Life is good [emoji]128526[/emoji]

Not everyone who has a job is a slave working for da man b.

Clearly I was speaking from personal experience ("did it 8 years"). Not everyone is but many are. Just read through this thread.

And sure many people have enjoyable jobs working for someone else. I didn't say anything was wrong with that. But you're still lumped in with the 86% of Americans who are stuck sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day. And again, that's the whole discussion of this thread. People stuck sitting idle at work when that time could be put to better use. So if you really aren't working for the man, your boss should be cool with letting you go do what you want after the days work is done or even during the day during down time.
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Consider yourselves lucky.

I'm an NYC bus operator.

The whole time we are on the clock we are working.... No down time unless you're on your meal period.

No NT , no Reddit, no nothing but you and your thoughts.... And traffic.

To make 45k for 2 hours daily, I'd trade for that right now :lol:
Depends on lifestyle too. A young kid with minimal responsibilities would be good at $45k down here in Texas.
Early 20s?

Inexpensive area? (as in, not NYC or San Fran type cities)

Live alone? No kids?

Yea $45k is good bread
Damn I didn't realize this thread was gonna pop or I would have dropped my soundcloud link lol so yeah this is basically what I do all day at work after I finish up my two hours: https://soundcloud.com/sherifmattar703

East side is is so dope dude [emoji]128526[/emoji] Keep grinding so you can drop that day job. I DMed you some info about my company since you're in VA and we're based out of DC. HMU sometime.
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I basically do the same thing and i make around 80k, somebody summe dit up about you just being in the position because you have a certain skill and you handled biz when called upon... I got a family too tho and my wife is home with the kids for now. Leaving to start my own thing isnt ideal right now.

besides the things im really interested in and passionate about dont make enough money to support a family like my 9-5.

I got aspirations to be director, VP etc... but sitting in this cub every day sometimes it gets difficult to see that happening. I only get excited when I have meetings with the higher ups.
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East side is is so dope dude [emoji]128526[/emoji] Keep grinding so you can drop that day job. I DMed you some info about my company since you're in VA and we're based out of DC. HMU sometime.
Thanks bro! The video is dropping next week. I definitely check your company out. Got a lot of friends into that stuff. 
You win a scratch off?

MFs love to try to **** on ppls work lives and then proceed to provide zero details how they sustain themselves "doing whatever they want" :lol:

Hey if the shoe fits for ya... But the only persons work life I was ******** on was my own before I quit that job. I felt trapped in the same situation most people ITT are speaking on. Great pay and benefits but basically showing up to do nothing 80% of the time just for a paycheck. What kind of life is that? I got sick of rotting away at a desk so I went and did my own thing. I no longer feel like I have to wait until 5 PM or the weekend to start living. Lose track of what day of the week it is now sometimes. Excited to wake up every day and get to it now since I live life on my own terms. Now that I can utilize my time better instead of being trapped in a cubicle half the day for someone else, I'm making a lot more money than I was before and traveling constantly. Never been happier in my life. I'm not trying to put anyone down, rather show them that if you feel this way, you can change it. It's not easy but you can do it. If you aren't learning anything new at your current position, there's no promotion looming, you do nothing 80% of the day...why are you still there?

Yeah yeah yeah, freedom, happiness, biker boys we make our own rules. We get it.

But what do you do, my guy? Thats what we asking. You sounding like Tai Lopez right now.

I own a business and do some consulting on the side.

Ah good money.

Keep on flourishing my man
Just peeped your profile bruh... you seem to be well off! Doing shows & videos
Keep grindin'
Thank you bruh I really appreciate that. Grind never stops 
Real talk how many hours do you actually spend working a day at your 9-5 job? I legit, no exaggeration work 2 hours a day max. I take 2-3 one hour breaks throughout the day. One for lunch, one for gym, and one to walk around aimlessly and ponder life. It's just hilarious to me that no one notices and I'm just stealing company money doing absolutely doing. Just got a raise too. Anyways, hit me up if you need a job getting paid to do nothing. Peace Niketalk, have a wonderful productive day. 

what I do while I'm not working at work: https://soundcloud.com/sherifmattar703
And I am sure you posted this from your job's network.

Keep thinking they don't notice
I had this type of gig for a little over a year. I lived at home with my parents, I was good. I was happy when I was not working but bored and depressed the little time I was at work. I spent time working on my resume, but mostly just surfing the web. I really wish I did something more creative like start a website or learn something

I am not employed now. I am looking to land a chill job again I need it. I was working hard too much at the po and it's not the life for me. 
at my current job i dont do a damn thing and it drives me crazy. spend my day driving around in a truck listening to podcasts, reading, crosswords, heck anything to stimulate my mind. I even take naps. some people are good not doing anything and getting paid. not me. i have to be working on something

only reason i even stick around is because technically its in my career field and its gonna look good on my resume. just gotta suck it up now, make some connects in the business, and hope it pays off.
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