I mean do we really need Texas? Got The Need to Secede?

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by hieu23

Texas > all

Draw your own conclusions about education vs. votes                              AVG IQ      AVG Income       '04 Electoral(40) Texas........................92      $17,892          BushBush..... IQ:  91Kerry.... IQ: 128* ******ed is considered 75-85.


Sees Mississippi has 85.. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo *Dead*
Originally Posted by HigherGround

I am neutral in this situation but bringing up Bush to an argument is pretty dumb, especially when talking about a state. Not to mention this guy you are downplaying have an MBA from HARVARD and BA from YALE. Just because he dumbs down himself to talk to average people such as yourself doesn't mean he is dumb.
Damn this is unfortunate. This wont stop in Texas though. After looking at my high school text books i found out they are made in Texas and I'm in AZ.
Let Texas become a part of Mexico again. AZ>Texas
I would like to see how Bush answer the 2nd question in the 2nd video rite at the end there...
"Mr President, I want to ask a follow question about polls...."
Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Honestly anything between the east coast and california is a wasteland, besides some cities like Chicago,Seattle, etc. most ******ed, illiterate, ignorant people on earth

The irony...
Seriously? try living in Memphis for a few years like I did and lets see what you have to say then. I've been to most states in the South and all of them are trash...only a few cities like ATL and Miami are cool. Rest of them are filled with rednecks,bigots, and general population with mental capacities of 3rd graders. I don't see whats ignorant about my comment when it's a fact.

The South is the only place where I felt more uncomfortable in minority neighborhoods than in white ones  
 also the only place where I saw white people hating on each other based on their skin tones. Some white dude called an Italian guy a n___ and all hell broke loose 
@ "Atlantic Triangular Trade".Sounds like some bull**** Phil Jackson would come up with.
Originally Posted by MASARO

I would like to see how Bush answer the 2nd question in the 2nd video rite at the end there...
"Mr President, I want to ask a follow question about polls...."


Best I could find you'd have to go around 12 minutes....

There was more to her question.. Bush basically said; He thinks protests don't bother him, but it is good for democracy.. Then says you can't have a president who governs based on polls. Gotta make decisions on principle.He didn't go to DC to chase political opinion, went to lead the nation in a very historic time. He hears the voices of discontent but will do the best he can do and govern in a way that he thinks is right. Too much noise, ego, politics for a president to concentrate... He can't sit around looking at the latest PUBLIC OPINION poll. His judgement is that it doesn't serve the nation well. Then went on about Iraq, and then talked about importance of expressing oneself.
But to actually comment on the story.. THANK GOD (sarcasm intended) I live in the North East... Where education is actually viewed as something important rather than pushing your Anti-Constitution, Anti-Science, Anti-Muslim, Pro-God, Pro-Gun Racist viewpoint on innocent children who will be none the wiser.

They are setting these kids up for a lifetime of failure by rewriting history..
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by outbackbob24

I wouldn't miss texas...
You would be missing alot...


- Home of the most Fortune 500 companies
- U.S. Largest Military base
- No personal income tax
- Austin is the Live Music Capitol of the world
- Oil/Natural Gas
- Lead the nation in export revenue since 2002
Yes, I want to visit Texas JUST to sight see those things!
The parties of God and specifically the Christian right continue to ****** our society and mis-educate the masses according to their illogical, irrational, mythology and the political agenda based on that mythology.
One curriculum amendment describes the civil rights movement as creating "unrealistic expectations of equal outcomes" among minorities. Another seeks to place Martin Luther King and the violent Black Panther movement as opposite sides of the same coin.. One curriculum amendment describes the civil rights movement as creating "unrealistic expectations of equal outcomes" among minorities. Another seeks to place Martin Luther King and the violent Black Panther movement as opposite sides of the same coin.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

One curriculum amendment describes the civil rights movement as creating "unrealistic expectations of equal outcomes" among minorities. Another seeks to place Martin Luther King and the violent Black Panther movement as opposite sides of the same coin.. One curriculum amendment describes the civil rights movement as creating "unrealistic expectations of equal outcomes" among minorities. Another seeks to place Martin Luther King and the violent Black Panther movement as opposite sides of the same coin.
exactly. people are accusing me of being ignorant towards the South when theres still openly institutionalized racism there even today 
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