I need help from religious NTers

Jul 13, 2006
I feel like I really need to start going to church. The only problem is I don't even know what type of church I should go to. My family isn't reallythat religious so I don't even really know where to begin. In my past I would just blame my faults and anything bad that happens on "my belief ofthere not being a god" but here lately, I just feel different. I feel like if I had faith in something then I would feel better. So basically can a fewNters just point me in the right direction on where to start
you don't need to go to a specific church,to believe. I am religious and i just go inside a church whether it's christian or catholic and then pray.
You don't necessarily have to go to church to get closer to God. Just find a nice peaceful spot and pray.
why dont you read on the different religions out there and see which ones align the most with your current morale and ways of life. I think that will help youdetermine which church to go to.
go to a mosque man....learn about islam..and within a few weeks convert to Islam...trust me ..it will change ur life for the better...its the best decision youcan make
do you not realize what you do when you convert to a religion<--- this is more in response to SN souljah
its not like "oh Ill go to a mosque/synagogue/church and if I like the vibe/teachings ill convert"
many religions, especially islam are "ways of life" rather than simply belief systems
read the holy books yourself and learn about what you are labeling your self as

If I go to a mosque ill learn its a religion of peace, pray 5 times, dont eat pork, repect blahblah
the perception of nonbelievers, hell, sins, attitudes towards the opposite sex differ greatlyrom the average americans life though
you cant really half-as' on religion man..

I suggest you hit up wikipedia and read about the ins and outs of religions (and particular sects) before joining them
If you simply need some sort of spiritual connection I highly recommend meditating
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

do you not realize what you do when you convert to a religion<--- this is more in response to SN souljah
its not like "oh Ill go to a mosque/synagogue/church and if I like the vibe/teachings ill convert"
many religions, especially islam are "ways of life" rather than simply belief systems
read the holy books yourself and learn about what you are labeling your self as

If I go to a mosque ill learn its a religion of peace, pray 5 times, dont eat pork, repect blahblah
the perception of nonbelievers, hell, sins, attitudes towards the opposite sex differ greatlyrom the average americans life though
you cant really half-as' on religion man..

I suggest you hit up wikipedia and read about the ins and outs of religions (and particular sects) before joining them
If you simply need some sort of spiritual connection I highly recommend meditating

Who said anything about halfassing? I basically know nothing about any kind of religion. I wanted to ask actual people first rather than reading aboutdifferent types
Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

do you not realize what you do when you convert to a religion<--- this is more in response to SN souljah
its not like "oh Ill go to a mosque/synagogue/church and if I like the vibe/teachings ill convert"
many religions, especially islam are "ways of life" rather than simply belief systems
read the holy books yourself and learn about what you are labeling your self as

If I go to a mosque ill learn its a religion of peace, pray 5 times, dont eat pork, repect blahblah
the perception of nonbelievers, hell, sins, attitudes towards the opposite sex differ greatlyrom the average americans life though
you cant really half-as' on religion man..

I suggest you hit up wikipedia and read about the ins and outs of religions (and particular sects) before joining them
If you simply need some sort of spiritual connection I highly recommend meditating

Who said anything about halfassing? I basically know nothing about any kind of religion. I wanted to ask actual people first rather than reading about different types
do you mind if i ask why...because by asking other people, you run the risk of them being biased to their own. by studying and researching themyourself...i believe you will be bale to form a sound opinion of which one is best for you if any...
go to the book store or library and read up on different religions.

attend mass, worship services, fellowships, talk to priests and ministers, do anything to learn as much as you can about other religions and choose the onethat best aligns with your beliefs.

i don't know anything about you, but from what you posted it seems like you have a good heart so i think no matter what route you choose will be positive.just remember to keep an open mind about everything.

i'm catholic if that matters
if you feel you need an actual church setting to be closer to higher power (I'm not going to say "God"), just get in your car and find a place ofworship and go in.
honestly, it's that simple.
whether it be Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, whatever.
just go. walk in. watch what's going on. if you are drawn to it, talk to the people you see there. let them know your story.
and of course, like other people have said, maybe what you need is too just find a quiet place and pray or meditate.
good luck.

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

do you not realize what you do when you convert to a religion<--- this is more in response to SN souljah
its not like "oh Ill go to a mosque/synagogue/church and if I like the vibe/teachings ill convert"
many religions, especially islam are "ways of life" rather than simply belief systems
read the holy books yourself and learn about what you are labeling your self as

If I go to a mosque ill learn its a religion of peace, pray 5 times, dont eat pork, repect blahblah
the perception of nonbelievers, hell, sins, attitudes towards the opposite sex differ greatlyrom the average americans life though
you cant really half-as' on religion man..

I suggest you hit up wikipedia and read about the ins and outs of religions (and particular sects) before joining them
If you simply need some sort of spiritual connection I highly recommend meditating

Who said anything about halfassing? I basically know nothing about any kind of religion. I wanted to ask actual people first rather than reading about different types
do you mind if i ask why...because by asking other people, you run the risk of them being biased to their own. by studying and researching them yourself...i believe you will be bale to form a sound opinion of which one is best for you if any...
^^ exactly I was saying
my response was more in response to SN souljah's
"go to a mosque man....learn about islam..and within a few weeks convert to Islam...trust me ..it will change ur life for the better...its the best decision you can make"

that really struck me because there ARE people that go to houses of worship and to not get the entire picture (which you would get from independent research),and in turn "half as" the religion
Read up on the different Religions and if you find one that corresponds with your beliefs check it out
and if you have any questions on the Catholic church I'll be more than happy to answer or share
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

do you not realize what you do when you convert to a religion<--- this is more in response to SN souljah
its not like "oh Ill go to a mosque/synagogue/church and if I like the vibe/teachings ill convert"
many religions, especially islam are "ways of life" rather than simply belief systems
read the holy books yourself and learn about what you are labeling your self as

If I go to a mosque ill learn its a religion of peace, pray 5 times, dont eat pork, repect blahblah
the perception of nonbelievers, hell, sins, attitudes towards the opposite sex differ greatlyrom the average americans life though
you cant really half-as' on religion man..

I suggest you hit up wikipedia and read about the ins and outs of religions (and particular sects) before joining them
If you simply need some sort of spiritual connection I highly recommend meditating

Who said anything about halfassing? I basically know nothing about any kind of religion. I wanted to ask actual people first rather than reading about different types
do you mind if i ask why...because by asking other people, you run the risk of them being biased to their own. by studying and researching them yourself...i believe you will be bale to form a sound opinion of which one is best for you if any...

Like I said, I know hardly anything about any religion other than stuff that I have read or seen in movies. I figured in here people would give experiences orreasons to why they are the religion that they are. I'm not saying that I want to walk out of this thread with a new religion, I just want to be more opento experiencing different things I guess. Does any of this make sense or am I just sounding like an idiot? Edit- Sorry heartofthacity I misread your postearlier smh at me
you dont sound like an idiot...you just kind of sound lazy. and i mean that in the most not to be mean way possible.

i dont think this thread will help you achieve what you want because people will come in here saying what religions they are, if any and people will probablywind up attacking each other.
problem is if you run into a bible beater, they gonna harrass you. ive ran into quite a few of those in my lifetime. my family was buddhist but i recentlyconverted to Catholicism on my own. if you got any questions about the religion, pm me. i'm no expert but i'd be more than happy to help. good luck!
Yeah, you definitely don't sound like an idiot but the fact of the matter is that you will not get all the info when you go to a house of worship
Of course some priests etc are very knowledgable but independent research of the holy texts is best, you get to see the religion in a pure, unbiased form
I understand where you guys are coming from. I guess it would have been better to look into everything first.
Originally Posted by selrahc123

I understand where you guys are coming from. I guess it would have been better to look into everything first.
There are different established religions for people with different ideas towards life. For example, Buddhism is known for its spirituality andpeacefulness. Islam for the discipline and self-control. Hinduism for respect to others and justice. Decide what type of person that you are and see whichreligion you feel suits you best. It doesn't have to be a mainstream one either, Jainism, Sikhism, etc. are all small religions that have great morals too.
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