I need some Fiscal advice NT.!

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cudderz... i feel what you're saying...
but you gotta understand that when you get older, you'll understand how finances work.
i'm not gonna bash you like other people, b/c you simply dont know...
get you a lil part timer at footaction or something... you'll have a lil bread in your pocket and it will ease the burden on your people...
alotta people get into debt early... and they manage their money bad...
make sure you learn from it and do better when you get older...
i deeply appreciate you trying to understand where im comin from, and sheded some postive advice bro. IM defitinley looking in to getting a job FOREAL NOW.
wheres your father
 I dont know!?...i didn't grow up with him. smh yall need to be understanding foreal son.
hilarious.. b/c you show no understanding of the fact that your mom is providing you with a roof and food.  All that costs money
Bro listen, i understand that, but what im really stressing on is not how to end up living paycheck to paycheck. Dont tell me something i already know. HOw about instead of bashing me, give me some advice HENCE THE THREAD TOPIC. YALL DONT LISTEN.
just got to work and live within your means. if that means you can't go out on the weekends, or you cant buy that new pair of shoes for a few months.

i dont know why all you clowns are being so hard on a 17 year old kid, just learning the ropes and asking questions

Good luck bro.
get off NT and get a job herb

get you a lil part timer at footaction or something... you'll have a lil bread in your pocket and it will ease the burden on your people...
alotta people get into debt early... and they manage their money bad...
make sure you learn from it and do better when you get older...
Truth.  Put a little aside for savings and help your mom out.  Try to stay away from credit.
just got to work and live within your means. if that means you can't go out on the weekends, or you cant buy that new pair of shoes for a few months.
i dont know why all you clowns are being so hard on a 17 year old kid, just learning the ropes and asking questions
Good luck bro.
it's hard for them to understand that..but appreciate the advice.
Bro, all you have to do is get a job and SAVE .. SAVE .. AND SAVE SOME MORE. You're living with your mom which means you don't have to pay rent/bills. Take advantage of that. I know all the temptations that you have when there's money in your pocket but gotta fight them. I was at a point once where I was working but blowing all my money on stuff I didn't need. While I had friends who got everything handed to them on a silver platter and had nice cars. One day I told my self I was going come up on top. I worked my a** off for 9 months and saved. Only spent money on food and train fare.Came out of it with a nice bank balance and a nice first car. Just have to know your priorities. Once you have money stacked up, are in the habit of not blowing money on senseless things, and still have a job. You won't go broke. Oh and don't forget to help you mom as well! As to why adults with jobs are broke .. they have more responsibilities and what they make isn't enough to get them by.


When I was 17 I had two part time jobs, one at a retail store and another at the library. The thing was, my parents provided me with everything, a car, clothes, spending money, etc. But rather than asking my mom for the proverbial 'slice of pizza' every time I was hungry, I wanted to go buy myself and my parents WHOLE PIES.

So this is what I'm getting at. Skimmed through this thread but pretty sure another NTer said it already but you seem like a procrastinator. Using the excuse that you're only 17 or that you don't have a car yet or you'll get to it once you graduate, etc. etc. Why not go out tomorrow and ask around for anything you can get? You're 17 so you should have no shame going to work at a grocery store or footlocker or whatever.

You don't need fiscal advice my friend. You need some motivation and here it is: if you don't want to keep asking your mom to buy you a slice of pizza when you're hungry, then you need to go make some money on your own. Don't make excuses and get a job, it's tough but not impossible.

A lot of the members in this thread are saying semi-negative things because it seems to us that you are a very immature 17 year old. Not only are you complaining about 'no food in the house', your mom not buying you pizza but it seems that you have yet to grasp the concept that in one year your moms could kick you out and then you'll have some REAL problems. Right now you have something a lot of people don't have, RENT FREE HOUSING. Take advantage my friend. Understand that these NTers are probably perplexed by your lack of appreciation and maturity (shown through what you have said throughout this thread, especially in your first post).

It's tough some times and I can understand you may have made this post out of frustration at your moms not being able to buy you that slice of pizza. Now you gotta take that frustration and turn it into motivation. Go get that pizza.
Get a job. Save money from every check. Fight the urge to spend. Help mom. Stay the hell away from credit. Do this and you'll be ok.
Op didn't do a good job explaining his situation, go easy on the young fella. Trying to ask for advice
If you're smart enough, and willing to do some research, take some of that money you save and invest it in the stock market, but only once you have a good amount of capital.
From experience, I think all high school students (ages 15-17) should work a part-time job to build work ethic, discipline, and social skills (in terms of dealing with other people and personalities). Beyond that the most important thing is learning the habit of saving money. I feel Americans are overly consumed with materialism and most don't save enough. Our country is based on more of a spend what you make philosophy. Next thing is balancing/managing a budget. Start with the necessities. Luxuries should be limited based on available extra income.
I had my first job at 15 ...u slipping op....I see 17 yr olds employed everyday....try car wash or fast food joint
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