I need some Fiscal advice NT.!

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Best Buy was a terrific place to start for me at 16. I would recommend getting yourself together, well shaved and all, apply online, and then put on a tie and dress shirt and slacks and dress shoes and visit your local best buy.

speak to the manager and just say "I applied online, my application is on file and I was told that Best Buy was gearing up for the holiday season and I was interested in being a part of your store this holiday season." do your best to make an impression and leave your name.

try that or go to the store, find a guy or girl around your age and network. you can use their name on the application and they get like $300 for referring you. its a win win.

i tried this, or something similar with the help of a friend and it helped a great deal through high school. I know its not always easy finding work, try this and see how it works.

best buy each winter, usually hires 20-30 new people for either seasonal work or permanent. so do most other retail stores. but now is the time for you to work at getting hired. They usually hire now to train guys like yourself for the holiday season.
You're asking a forum made up of people who've invested in SHOES ... for fiscal advice?
You need a job and some common sense son.
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