I never knew that......


This is struggle, I know struggle all too well so it gets a pass.

Ok but a turkey club

Curkey Lettuce Under Bacon.
I knew this but I dont think others knew.

In the early 1600s slaves and poor white laborers worked together in the fields. They often rebelled together. This spawned white supremacy. The plantation owners curbed the rebellions by telling white indentured workers that they were better than the slaves. It led to plantation overseers which lead to the police.
Carrie-Anne Moss played a part in a TV show called Matrix in 1993 that had nothing to do with her role in the The Matrix movie in 1999
Carrie-Anne Moss played a part in a TV show called Matrix in 1993 that had nothing to do with her role in the The Matrix movie in 1999

It's like when George Clooney was on a short-lived sitcom called E/R, which like the more famous drama ER, was set in Chicago.

i don't know why but that beyonce fact reminded me that Umbrella by Riri was originally written for Britney Spears
i don't know why but that beyonce fact reminded me that Umbrella by Riri was originally written for Britney Spears

Britney got so many lost hits. Milkshake by Kelis and Umbrella woulda put Spears in GOAT category. Can’t imagine how many more she lost out on over the years.
Damn, I never knew it worked like that. People write songs then give em to artists?

I thought the artists had their own songwriters so it belongs to the label or something.
"One of the symptoms of the plague was coughing and sneezing, and it is believed that Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) suggested saying “God bless you” after a person sneezed in hopes that this prayer would protect them from an otherwise certain death. The expression may have also originated from superstition."

I've also heard it had came from people thinking a demon could enter your body(during witch trials)
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