I never knew that......

Nah the problem with nuclear weaponry is that it creates a bigger mess than countries want, anyone smart enough would opt to not drop a-bombs
Yeah some nazi/german scientists were allowed refuge in both south america and the US. They made the highest and closest ones to Hitler an example by setting them to trial on crimes against humanity (The Nuremberg Trials) But usually scientists aren't the real bad guys and they get forced into research. Which brings up the next point. War is good for economies and technologies. You want to try to always be ahead of the opponent so you develop newer weapons. During WW2 Germany made the V2 rocket. Deadliest guided missile at the time that can be launched from the ground cross the boundary into space (1st in history) and destroy with no harm coming from the attacker.

After WW2 America had another threat coming its way from the Soviet Union. The cold war happens. America decides to take the german scientists to help with offensive missiles at the ready again the USSR and also help America with the Space Race. Operation paperclip https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip

TL;DR America kept the important nazis around for their benefit after the war and gave away the rest of them to Israelis and others to make them happy

[rule]most common first name is Mohammed
most common last name is Lee

hitler was developing a mega machine as well

View media item 1658095
crazy to think it a little over after d-day for the allies to defeat the facist of europe.
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Yeah some nazi/german scientists were allowed refuge in both south america and the US. They made the highest and closest ones to Hitler an example by setting them to trial on crimes against humanity (The Nuremberg Trials) But usually scientists aren't the real bad guys and they get forced into research. Which brings up the next point. War is good for economies and technologies. You want to try to always be ahead of the opponent so you develop newer weapons. During WW2 Germany made the V2 rocket. Deadliest guided missile at the time that can be launched from the ground cross the boundary into space (1st in history) and destroy with no harm coming from the attacker.

After WW2 America had another threat coming its way from the Soviet Union. The cold war happens. America decides to take the german scientists to help with offensive missiles at the ready again the USSR and also help America with the Space Race. Operation paperclip https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip

TL;DR America kept the important nazis around for their benefit after the war and gave away the rest of them to Israelis and others to make them happy

[rule]most common first name is Mohammed
most common last name is Lee

hitler was developing a mega machine as well

View media item 1658095
crazy to think it a little over after d-day for the allies to defeat the facist of europe.
it wasn't a mega machine, it was just a giant cannon on railroad tracks which isn't that smart really
it wasn't a mega machine, it was just a giant cannon on railroad tracks which isn't that smart really

by mega machine i meant mega machine gun cannon. but i was wrong for calling it a machine. for some reason i call guns machines sometimes lol

yeah but how else are you going to transport that thing. it's the size of a building
it wasn't a mega machine, it was just a giant cannon on railroad tracks which isn't that smart really

by mega machine i meant mega machine gun cannon. but i was wrong for calling it a machine. for some reason i call guns machines sometimes lol

yeah but how else are you going to transport that thing. it's the size of a building
pretty sure guns do count as some kind of machinery tho

Nah the problem with nuclear weaponry is that it creates a bigger mess than countries want, anyone smart enough would opt to not drop a-bombs
That's why the Cold War brought on M.A.D (mutually assured destruction). Both USSR and the US knew that if one started the war the entire world would be destroyed with nukes hitting left right and center. It was literally for the sake of humanity that they didn't kill each other.

Fun/Sad Fact: because of the cold war there was abundance of scientists and intelligence in the world. now that the war was over the nukes are sitting there doing nothing. naturally you would defuse them but the problem was that the people who created them and knew how to defuse them were either too old or dead and couldn't do it. So it's taking a lot of time for countries to defuse them. It's a lot harder then it sounds. This generation is dumber then the last and overall ambition for intelligence has gone down.

video showing every single nuclear launch in history
Nah the problem with nuclear weaponry is that it creates a bigger mess than countries want, anyone smart enough would opt to not drop a-bombs
That's why the Cold War brought on M.A.D (mutually assured destruction). Both USSR and the US knew that if one started the war the entire world would be destroyed with nukes hitting left right and center. It was literally for the sake of humanity that they didn't kill each other.

Fun/Sad Fact: because of the cold war there was abundance of scientists and intelligence in the world. now that the war was over the nukes are sitting there doing nothing. naturally you would defuse them but the problem was that the people who created them and knew how to defuse them were either too old or dead and couldn't do it. So it's taking a lot of time for countries to defuse them. It's a lot harder then it sounds. This generation is dumber then the last and overall ambition for intelligence has gone down.

video showing every single nuclear launch in history

i feel like thats a two part statement and its not completely true tho, we are indeed dumber than our predecessors but at the same time we're smarter, they had GOVERNMENTS backing their research and development and the only reason they had that was because everyone wanted to have the bigger stick, silicon valley developments can probably go toe to toe with yester-millennium's brightest minds, if the gov pushed the sustainability card as hard as they back their military, things would be much different
From the same article
 Bumgarner and his wife were roping cattle when Madison was startled by a large snake he figured was a rattler. He quickly grabbed an ax and hacked it to pieces. When Ali, an expert field dresser, examined what was left of the snake, she found two baby jackrabbits inside pieces of it and extracted them. A short while later the Bumgarners noticed that one of the rabbits had moved slightly. It was alive. Ali brought the rabbit back to their apartment and for the next few days kept it warm and bottle-nursed it. The rabbit soon was healthy enough for them to release into the wild.
Troll game is BLASTERCOMBO level.
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i normally slur my words when i talk. i have horrible grammar, in writing and speech, and i always add S to words for no reason lol.
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