I never want to hurt somebody more than when they just reply "Oh."

its mad disrespectful.

we are in the age of communicating by texts and internet, and nothing is more annoying than writing up paragraphs of entertainment or conversation and to get a 3 word response in return.

Maybe ya conversation skills aren't up to par..
Plus, dudes try and force convo out of women and wonder why they reply with one word

Pump ya brakes, b. Let her breath.
When my friends text me absurdly long messages, I reply with the "k" just to troll them.

But this really bothers you guys that much? Sensitivity levels are off the charts
I'm taking notes on how to get under people's skins...

I will most definitely add these to the arsenal.

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

Its time for you to slowly dettach yourself. sounds like she doesnt care or you have her to high up on the pedal stool. my advise to you is to stop calling her and texing her and if u hit her up via tex or a typical convo keep it minum because you are putting to much into her so much that shes either bored or comfortable. Its sad but communication is key but if you constantly hit her up to the point that u guys have nothing to discuss then u need to keep it minum. best of luck or u could also hit her with the same medicine she gives u. she write u an esssay just say ok or lagggg on response have her tex u first then wait..... till she calls if she calls dont pick up wait for voice mail then when she drops something in the inbox you call her back and if she act mad or stank she loves u if not she's super comfy I don't know this chick only u do also start seeing other girls because she is liable to slip away

"pedal stool" - an embarrassing display ignorance

hilarious correction & additional pic
thank you

Actually its not even upper case, they type 'K' delete it cause it's looking too stately and type the lower case joint cause they think it suitable for your peasant #%+

Make me wanna start elbow dropping my phone on some Ric Flair @*$*
Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

Originally Posted by calibeebee

Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

Its time for you to slowly dettach yourself. sounds like she doesnt care or you have her to high up on the pedal stool. my advise to you is to stop calling her and texing her and if u hit her up via tex or a typical convo keep it minum because you are putting to much into her so much that shes either bored or comfortable. Its sad but communication is key but if you constantly hit her up to the point that u guys have nothing to discuss then u need to keep it minum. best of luck or u could also hit her with the same medicine she gives u. she write u an esssay just say ok or lagggg on response have her tex u first then wait..... till she calls if she calls dont pick up wait for voice mail then when she drops something in the inbox you call her back and if she act mad or stank she loves u if not she's super comfy I don't know this chick only u do also start seeing other girls because she is liable to slip away
didnt want to turn this into a relationship thread, I was meaning in general when anybody does this it bothers me......howeverrrrrr you just said the realist +%%+ ever.  And yes I've gone through all of that with my girl before.  Ended up to the point where I found out she was not being faithful and all of the sudden small things like that just seemed to make sense.  Thats all in the past and it doesnt happen with her anymore but you are exactly right in what you posted
 I bet 9 times out of ten, if you had some sort of title i.e. POLICE OFFICER Or a firemen she would respect you and give you that undivided attention and be the person you originally met. Now that you know shes unfaithful, why are you still with her. whos to say history wouldnt repeat itself. Are you familiar with that movie predator , the latest one. you remmber how they kept killing it and everytime another one came back it was harder to kill only because the predator learn there defense techniques. well in this situation she learned to be more secretive. im almost confident she still cheating. My reccomendation is to leave her. i dont know you but if you got a Good job, then work on some other area where you could high light youre attributes, just find someone else seriously shes playing you like a pawn and you gonna keep coming back thinking things would get better and i know what we have here is just a physical exchange.

Or if he....

Girls take all this gassing up and being chased as license to act like a 
. At the same time, we've become an overwhelmingly passive aggressive society. Not only do we communicate that way, but we're become overly sensitive to any sort of hidden meaning behind an action.

Stop caring. It's never a good thing when, as men, we become needy. Stop it. The way I see it, we should only spend any time on a girl if they are giving us their full and undivided attention. And we shouldn't seek it. It should just be understood.
Oh, K, Ok all annoy me so I've learned it if I want to discuss something that is meaningful to me then I call the person rather than text them. Emotion and context get lost through texting.
K's, Oh's, and Mhm's are the &@^#*$( worst! When I get these replies, I don't even text back no matter who they are.
So when 4 hours goes by they come back with something like "What happened?" I just laugh.
My dude does that +$%+ to me when he gets mad. I want to break his face every time.
I mean there's ways to use that to your advantage.
Whenever the chick is startin to have an attitude or whatever, hit her with the K or Oh
& not reply till she texts you again, she'll be all in your inbox if you play the game right.
Originally Posted by Lyrical92

I mean there's ways to use that to your advantage.
Whenever the chick is startin to have an attitude or whatever, hit her with the K or Oh
& not reply till she texts you again, she'll be all in your inbox if you play the game right.
are you 12?
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