i swallowed a handful of tylenol.

Best Thing Bout Being At The Bottom Is You Can Only Go Up.
Speaking Personally On Losing Everything Before (Job, Home, Car, Loved Ones Etc) The Best Part Is You Have Everything To Gain

I Pray For Your Strength, Wisdom, And Guidance OP Things Will Get Better, This Is A Setup For Future Blessings And Testimonies
Originally Posted by UnCalled4Boy

Best Thing Bout Being At The Bottom Is You Can Only Go Up.
Speaking Personally On Losing Everything Before (Job, Home, Car, Loved Ones Etc) The Best Part Is You Have Everything To Gain

I Pray For Your Strength, Wisdom, And Guidance OP Things Will Get Better, This Is A Setup For Future Blessings And Testimonies

How many shift buttons do you go through typing like that?

You make English teachers cry.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

I got no friends man 

nor family. Just me. im pretty much a loner in real life. 

For those wondering, this wasn't becus of a girl...it was because of me. Erika had nothing to do with this, so don't judge nor hound her. 
PM me.
Sorry to hear that. Always remember that YOU are the most important person. 
Hope all is well man. Hope you found someone to talk to and release all you worries/frustration.

Good Luck and Live Happy.
Feelings are only temporary. Always think of the long term and how much better things are going to get.

Stay up OP... hit me up on private box if you need to talk.
Originally Posted by UPYOURSWAG

all i gotta say is suicide is the most selfish thing you can do, those that do it lose all respect in my book, i understand we all have rough patches, but seriously, think of the billions that have it worst than you do..thats right, there are BILLIONS that have it way worse than any of us on here. by killing yourself you are not solving any of your problems you are just transferring them onto the people around you.
hope you learned from your hand full of hell brother
get off your high horse son.  anyone you love ever tried it? not everyone thinks the same and is rational at their worst points.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

i've thought about takin' the same route for a while. but i know tylenol wouldn't do anything.. it's all i got though. since this isn't about me, i'll stop there.

i hope that you get out of this funk you're in. it's only temporary.
You keep your head up too

Don't know your situation but hopefully you keep fighting through it and it gets better
I hope that you are feeling better now physically. Mentally and emotionally, you got to pull it together. People lose jobs, cars, houses,family and everything else every day. There has been one line that I go back to whenever I feel low.

"I ain't dead or in jail so I can't complain"

As long as you are in this race, you always have a chance to win. There is always someone in the world out here worse than all of us. Keep ya head up and move on.
Supermanblue79 wrote:

It's a tough thing when you hit these types of pitfalls in life, but no pitfall is worth taking your own.  Take some time to yourself and regain your focus.  As long as you have your health and time, you have everything.  Hit reset, back up on your feet, and slowly start to get back on track.

Listen to this man. 
hey hope you make it through these tough times in your life!

from the medical perspective how many pills do you think you took and how many milligrams in each pill.

also lot of misinformation in here. Ie saying Tylenol won't kill you and it is weak is totally false tell that to the people I have treated with organ failure etc
OPs life isnt worth living...

let that man cook in the afterlife

godspeed son. uve always had my respect on here
Yo E, hope you're doing better since yesterday fam. Hit me on a DM/PM with your number if you wanna talk or anything.

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

hey hope you make it through these tough times in your life!

from the medical perspective how many pills do you think you took and how many milligrams in each pill.

also lot of misinformation in here. Ie saying Tylenol won't kill you and it is weak is totally false tell that to the people I have treated with organ failure etc
i guess 10-15 500mg. I wasn't counting, but it was a handful. 
Thanks for the pm's, texts, and calls from some of y'all. 

I obviously wasn't using my head at the time and this is probably something that'll affect me forever.  My stomach feels like it's on fire, but besides that, im fine. Lil stressed but i'll live. 

Everything just kept falling to pieces. Kept a lot of stuff bottled up and i just couldn't handle it anymore. For that brief time i just felt like life wasn't worth it. 
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