i swallowed a handful of tylenol.

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

hey hope you make it through these tough times in your life!

from the medical perspective how many pills do you think you took and how many milligrams in each pill.

also lot of misinformation in here. Ie saying Tylenol won't kill you and it is weak is totally false tell that to the people I have treated with organ failure etc
i guess 10-15 500mg. I wasn't counting, but it was a handful. 
Thanks for the pm's, texts, and calls from some of y'all. 

I obviously wasn't using my head at the time and this is probably something that'll affect me forever.  My stomach feels like it's on fire, but besides that, im fine. Lil stressed but i'll live. 

Everything just kept falling to pieces. Kept a lot of stuff bottled up and i just couldn't handle it anymore. For that brief time i just felt like life wasn't worth it. 

i don't mess with tylenol (acetaminophen), period.  your liver apparently doesn't like it at all.  get checked out bruh.  i'm planning on building my car system soon and need you for it.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

hey hope you make it through these tough times in your life!

from the medical perspective how many pills do you think you took and how many milligrams in each pill.

also lot of misinformation in here. Ie saying Tylenol won't kill you and it is weak is totally false tell that to the people I have treated with organ failure etc
i guess 10-15 500mg. I wasn't counting, but it was a handful. 
Thanks for the pm's, texts, and calls from some of y'all. 

I obviously wasn't using my head at the time and this is probably something that'll affect me forever.  My stomach feels like it's on fire, but besides that, im fine. Lil stressed but i'll live. 

Everything just kept falling to pieces. Kept a lot of stuff bottled up and i just couldn't handle it anymore. For that brief time i just felt like life wasn't worth it. 

i don't mess with tylenol (acetaminophen), period.  your liver apparently doesn't like it at all.  get checked out bruh.  i'm planning on building my car system soon and need you for it.
I know a chick who developed ulcers because of this

I seen this thread yesterday but I didn't look at the thread starter. Hope everything is straight with you E.
What city you in OP?

Want to take a vacation somewhere? I don't know you but I have 100k miles + and absurd amount of free Marriott nights if you want them.
Niketalk disgusts me sometimes .....here is a man who could have quite possibly ended his life and the comments in here are ridiculous ... a lot seem to be reaching for laughs.


nMonday... you definitely might need to get physical and /or mental assistance. Not a safe amount at all.
I hope everything gets better.
Take it easy sir, be well, once you feel better please seek some help even if its just someone to talk to.

Life is not easy bruh, just keep family close.
Leave it to NT to take something completely out of context. And thytkrjobs, come on girl....you know I'm perfectly heterosexual seeing as I tried to pm you but you had a bf. Anyways I'm done in this thread carry on.

Spoiler [+]
assuming that you're still alive, cheer up OP, better days are sure to come
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

What city you in OP?

Want to take a vacation somewhere? I don't know you but I have 100k miles + and absurd amount of free Marriott nights if you want them.

wow, that is really kind of you sir
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

What city you in OP?

Want to take a vacation somewhere? I don't know you but I have 100k miles + and absurd amount of free Marriott nights if you want them.
I would take some tylenol for this offer
i think everybody feels down at some point. but all meds react differently with every individual. just at least head to the ER so they can monitor you bro, if you are by yourself and you black out nobody will ever know. i had a friend of mine die in his sleep about 6 months ago just mixing 2 different medications not purposely at all. just to make sure man! best wishes, everything can turn around for the better
Hope you're alright OP.  I know we don't really know each other, but you can always pm me if you need someone to vent to...
Hope you get back on your feet man.

I have noticed though that people are considering suicide as option or attempting it in higher frequencies than I can ever remember. Is it because of the outlets of information have increased, or depression is really spreading that fast?
If you think you're feeling bad, imagine what your family and friends would have to go through.

Head up MNR.
Hol' on playa - Ns givin' out free vacations?

I just downed a whole Batman of Pez...

...put me down for Miami.

Spoiler [+]
All jokes aside, MNR stay up my N' - just mash through it.
keep your head up, man. i dont know your exact situation, but i been feeling way down over the last year or so due to some family %#%* but its finally turning around. just remember, things can only get better.

and to you turds telling Monday to "man up" and "cut the games" and whatever else, take that crap elsewhere.

Toy Collector123 wrote:
What city you in OP?

Want to take a vacation somewhere? I don't know you but I have 100k miles + and absurd amount of free Marriott nights if you want them.

thats some love.
If you're in my area, we can discuss this over a couple of McRib value meals (my treat).
Damn, E... Saw the tweet sayin you were alright. I know depression isn't the easiest thing to deal with. I had to go through therapy most of the year for the same thing. Just know there's always more reasons to live than there are not to.
Man I've gone through so much this year and it's all hit hard because I've never experienced anything like this before. I just keep moving, some days its easier than others but I know things will get better.
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