I was told you only get one shot at this thing called life, so it might as well be a swish.

You know what? I hear the same message everywhere: "Don't waste time", "Time is money", "Today is a present", etc..

Question for y'all, as well as OP: How exactly DO you make the most out of life? I've noticed countless people who hear this on a day-today basis, and yet, they still do nothing about it. People's reaction? A simple "Hm, cool post. But I'm just gonna wake up tomorrow from my bed and do whatever the $!*% I was supposed to do today."

Even after reading OP's post, maybe, MAYBE you're inspired for a minute... But then afterwards, you continue to browse the web, look at porn, play video games, and countless other unproductive @+!#. Don't lie. You do things in your everyday lives that, after doing so, you go like, "$!*%, I should've been doing something else." I know, because I have, too. Countless times.

What I'm saying is, why don't you MAKE something happen..? I understand that most of us, including myself, probably won't take this quote to heart and actually learn from it... But if you and I truly believe it, then, in my personal opinion, I think we really need to start doing @+!# that matters. STOP sitting around doin' @+!#. STOP talking about making something happen. STOP messing around... Because when it all comes down to it, you really only have ONE life to live. Just ONE. There are millions who have 'made it' in life.. You think they wasted their time *++@$** around? Hell to the $!*% no...

I see the first page filled with
's and
's, but I just KNOW that 99% of y'all are just gonna read it, go to sleep, and forget it... Myself included.

Solution? Get off your +%%, and MAKE something happen. It doesn't have to be spontaneous... Wake up tomorrow, set yourself a goal, and DO IT. Don't sleep until it's done... The process can be gradual, but you have to take the small steps if you want to live up to what OP said...

Bottom line is, no more excuses.
On the flipside, who said material wealth was any indication of one's significance of contributions to humankind?
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

On the flipside, who said material wealth was any indication of one's significance of contributions to humankind?

This!!!! Most of us may never be able to afford a lot of the luxuries mentioned in the op, but the general theme of this thread is be proactive and know your priorities
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Damn, this thread makes me want to quit my new job and get better one where I can be really happy and not just a clock puncher.

I actually did this a month ago

Spoiler [+]
Think REAL hard before you act.  I'm still looking for work

But this post did motivate me to dust off this drum machine I have sitting on my desk.  Bought it years ago but never got it hooked up

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

On the flipside, who said material wealth was any indication of one's significance of contributions to humankind?
truth,  still want to live well though. Another question, When and where is the line drawn between thinking of your path and executing it? After reading the what is your passion thread, I like many others don't have a clue what our passion is? Scared as $**! to choose a major in college because studies like this http://www.techfilled.com/7-fastest-rising-jobs-in-world.html versus jobs/careers i may find interesting but not have a job in. There are 40 year old rappers still saying they're going to be rap superstars, so in essence their taking their shot at life too right?
 Also, being "self made" is the new in thing but in this economy how can one start a successful business. I can't tell you how many businesses have failed down with that "dollar and a dream mentality". Once again I don't even want that Ye/Richard Branson money/life just being happy and well off. $**! Fate One of the lowest moments I feel in life is leaving musicians' concerts, Leaving J Cole's I had a great time but felt like crap because not that anyone wants to be a rapper and be on stage but the fact WE were watching HIM on stage was depressing. 
At the end of the day NO ONE wants to look back and say I wish I or I should have done this 
I appreciate the sentiment and all OP but no one has defined IT
Get out there and do IT!  Time is money you better start doing IT!

What exactly am I supposed to go do? What exactly do I go get? People saying this like we supposed to rally and do something but we honestly have nothing to do.

My take on it is if you are not going to change the world change you.  If you are single and you see an attractive girl just say hi and smile at her, maybe introduce yourself today.  If you have a girl buy her some flowers today, show her you care.  If you have a job (like myself) I will try to be more then just sort of productive today.  It is extremely hard to wake up every day and attack life.  So just start small one step at a time.  Work toward something you want in the long run and don't let people get you down or tell you no.  If you believe you can do something 99% of the time you can do it.  It will take a lot of work and a lot of failure.

But nothing starts off easy....it is always hard first.

Spoiler [+]
heads to music section to talk about how kendrick lamars verse is >>> drakes whole album
The 2% rule....

Not everyone is built like that and has the creative vision, drive, determination to make it.  Some people are comfortable settling with the "American Dream" of normality in society....house, wife, two kids, dog, 9 - 5, etc.

Having done all of those things...I concur with OP.  Live life with a zest and contribute to something/anything.  I truly believe people that come from struggle and hardship, having lost something or had to work to get where they want to go will flourish.  They are cut from a different cloth.  Cheers to all of that.  Much success to all fellow NTers on here.  Take what you want out of life....it is all there.
really needed this before i go to work in an hr

gotta keep grindin son! started this job last tues and got 35 hrs by sunday ( day off mon and tues)
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