
Oct 13, 2008
Yes, I went to a bible study today with my boy and I was pleasantly surprised. I expected to see a group of the most straight-laced, bible-thumping, boringgroup of people ever. But they were mad open-minded, hilarious and I had a great time. They asked if i was religious and I said no and they encouraged me toask questions and share my views. The questions I asked bred a lot of intelligent and respectful discourse between opposing views. (something NT needs work on)

The most interesting aspect of my experience, is that they seemed to have as much questions about Christianity as I did....we were supposed to stay on acertain topic but ended up digressing. They were making dirty jokes, cursing and one of them was taking sarcastic shots at Christianity. It had me
. We were talking about how ridiculous the story of Noah's ark was and dudesaid "Did he really collect two of every insect? That's so much work".

Church tomorrow morning, I'm excited. I hope I don't spontaneously combust the second i walk in there.

BDW "Ball-in-a-cup" is a real toy?
They randomly had 3 ofthem and I was
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

It rained today and I was wearing my Aquas...smh

at least you didn't get other people's doo doo on them like I did mine
I'm glad you're acquiring some faith...but don't expect church tomorrow to be as fun/rewarding as the experience was that you had at Bible study.Just sayin'

Good looks though
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

It rained today and I was wearing my Aquas...smh

at least you didn't get other people's doo doo on them like I did mine

How did that happen?

speaking of VIIIs... I left my playoffs at my cousins house, I went over there to get them back.. and this $+#$!* was hoopin in them.
Originally Posted by northparkblind


are you learning anything?
Actually yes.

Christians (except catholics) don't believe in hell as a place you go. Catholicism thrives on fear...they are essentially tryna scare people in heaven.Christians (eg Seventh Day adventist" say there is no such place as "hell". In the bible it say "hell"=death=ceasing to exist.....youburn and you die. Hell isn't eternity. The only eternal life is heaven.\

My reactions was:

"That doesn't sound so bad"
Funny, you make this topic. I just came back from a Christian youth group, my girl dragged me out there. It was good, no one asked any questions from me orhounded me whatsoever which is what usually is the case. The entire crowd was about 20 years old or less.
Originally Posted by JPZx

I'm glad you're acquiring some faith...but don't expect church tomorrow to be as fun/rewarding as the experience was that you had at Bible study. Just sayin'

Good looks though
I didn't acquire any faith......
. I wasn't swayedat all, if anything it strengthened my resolve.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

It rained today and I was wearing my Aquas...smh

at least you didn't get other people's doo doo on them like I did mine

How did that happen?

speaking of VIIIs... I left my playoffs at my cousins house, I went over there to get them back.. and this $+#$!* was hoopin in them.
I would've beat his ***!
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

It rained today and I was wearing my Aquas...smh

at least you didn't get other people's doo doo on them like I did mine

How did that happen?

speaking of VIIIs... I left my playoffs at my cousins house, I went over there to get them back.. and this $+#$!* was hoopin in them.
took a couple doo doos, made the toilet overflow
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JPZx

I'm glad you're acquiring some faith...but don't expect church tomorrow to be as fun/rewarding as the experience was that you had at Bible study. Just sayin'

Good looks though
I didn't acquire any faith......
. I wasn't swayed at all, if anything it strengthened my resolve.
Oh...I don't understand this post then...?
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

It rained today and I was wearing my Aquas...smh

at least you didn't get other people's doo doo on them like I did mine

How did that happen?

speaking of VIIIs... I left my playoffs at my cousins house, I went over there to get them back.. and this $+#$!* was hoopin in them.
took a couple doo doos, made the toilet overflow
this *++# made me laugh mad hard.

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JPZx

I'm glad you're acquiring some faith...but don't expect church tomorrow to be as fun/rewarding as the experience was that you had at Bible study. Just sayin'

Good looks though
I didn't acquire any faith......
. I wasn't swayed at all, if anything it strengthened my resolve.
Oh...I don't understand this post then...?
The post is about my preconceived notions of people who would attend bible study being wrong. They were very open to discussion and alternativeviews.....something I wouldn't expect from religious folks.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

It rained today and I was wearing my Aquas...smh

at least you didn't get other people's doo doo on them like I did mine

How did that happen?

speaking of VIIIs... I left my playoffs at my cousins house, I went over there to get them back.. and this $+#$!* was hoopin in them.
took a couple doo doos, made the toilet overflow
this *++# made me laugh mad hard.

You tryna play Gears?
Originally Posted by DUB 253

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

It rained today and I was wearing my Aquas...smh

at least you didn't get other people's doo doo on them like I did mine

How did that happen?

speaking of VIIIs... I left my playoffs at my cousins house, I went over there to get them back.. and this $+#$!* was hoopin in them.
took a couple doo doos, made the toilet overflow
this *++# made me laugh mad hard.

You tryna play Gears?
I see you online my dude.... I got you the invite in a minute.

I'm bout to make some Chocolate Chip Cookies real quick fam
thats cool how you were respectful

what prompted you to go in the first place though?
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