Bible Study FTW... I love the community and the fellowship of being in the Word with other Christians.
My question is and I'm late...

How many of ya'll just claim Christianity or Jesus and how many of you actually walk this thing out?

Theres a difference.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by hella handsome

its crazy to me how people respect all other religions BUT Christianity.

yeah same here. but it says in the bible christians arent supposed to be liked anyway. they will hate us.
Yeah they killed Christ so who knows what the future has in store

You guys are so narrow-minded it's comical.....you stay looking at the world from your own perspective. I'm sure there aguy on a Saudi Arabian religious forum saying. "Isn't it funny how people respect every religion but Islam"?

In fact every clash Islam has with other religions and people is out of their perceived disrespect from others. Eg. The issue of drawing the prophet muhammed(sP)

I had lunch in DC with my friends clients both of who happened to be republicans. One went on a rant about how Islam and the Koran is wrong, and muslim areinherently the most backwards people on the planet. That sounds like disrespect to me and i'm sure a lot of non-muslims share these views. Look at thingsfrom other perspectives before you post
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by ShotgunGirl76

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Christians....has God ever talked to you before? Like can you hear his voice same way you hear someone next to you?

No, but you can feel His presence and know that He is there inside you.

I don't want any "he" inside me


nah but seriously.

you know that feeling you get when you see a baby laugh? that's God.

a random stranger sees you short by two dollars in line and gives it to you on GP? that's God in him.

see what i mean?

when you see good things in people, you see God in them.

when people do good things, or use the gifts that God gave them to bring glory to God, they are doing God's will, whether they are playing a sport, or washing dishes.

it's not like a ghost standing behind you, its an inner peace that you have, knowing that no matter what negativity/evil may come to you, none of it will fade you.

So whenever I do something good then someone sees a form of God in me (nh, seriously)?
Real talk, I do a buddy a favor that's gods work? That's not a representation of the environment I was brought up in or my parents nourishment but, Godin me?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by hella handsome

its crazy to me how people respect all other religions BUT Christianity.

yeah same here. but it says in the bible christians arent supposed to be liked anyway. they will hate us.
Yeah they killed Christ so who knows what the future has in store

You guys are so narrow-minded it's comical.....you stay looking at the world from your own perspective. I'm sure there a guy on a Saudi Arabian religious forum saying. "Isn't it funny how people respect every religion but Islam"?

In fact every clash Islam has with other religions and people is out of their perceived disrespect from others. Eg. The issue of drawing the prophet muhammed (sP)

I had lunch in DC with my friends clients both of who happened to be republicans. One went on a rant about how Islam and the Koran is wrong, and [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]muslim are inherently the most backwards people on the planet[/color]. That sounds like disrespect to me and i'm sure a lot of non-muslims share these views. Look at things from other perspectives before you post
there are muslims that think that!
Everyone has a right to believe and NOT. If you do, then great. If you dont then thats great too. I dont know why some people need to judge others. JUST LET ITBE.. IM CATHOLIC IF THAT MATTERS.. Dont go to church as much, havent confessed in about 15 years. Go to church maybe 5 times out of the year. But I stillbelieve in god.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

My question is and I'm late...

How many of ya'll just claim Christianity or Jesus and how many of you actually walk this thing out?

Theres a difference.
I'm in the process of crawling
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by hella handsome

its crazy to me how people respect all other religions BUT Christianity.

yeah same here. but it says in the bible christians arent supposed to be liked anyway. they will hate us.
Yeah they killed Christ so who knows what the future has in store

haha dude even when Christ was around the romans saw the miracles he preformed and still crucified him. even peter denied Jesus while he was getting tried.
im in the process of crawling as well... although I must say my faith has gotten stronger over the past few years
Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by hella handsome

its crazy to me how people respect all other religions BUT Christianity.

yeah same here. but it says in the bible christians arent supposed to be liked anyway. they will hate us.
Yeah they killed Christ so who knows what the future has in store

haha dude even when Christ was around the romans saw the miracles he preformed and still crucified him. even peter denied Jesus while he was getting tried.

Yeah thats the scary part
. They crucified even with him providingproof that He could perform miracles. Well what the anti-christ will do is bad as well.
When Jesus comes back it will be not as a Lamb but as a Lion. Word to the Lion of Judah. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His name is above all othernames. Ooooooo can I get a witness?

But like I always say. It's either true or it ain't.
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