Identity & Self-Perception

Originally Posted by Kicktionair


4. Eternal life exists in my reality. It is because of me that everything exists, when I awake you awake, when I sleep you sleep too. No one is nothing without me..... Its real cause I believe to be real
This is deep.....for someone that puts out a lot of abstract philosophical ideas I'm surprised Huey doesn't appreciate this. If he said this 5 people would respond with "cosign, everyday I learn something new from you".

At the end of the day, we make sense of what's real and what is not by defining life and everything around us. This is why some guy/girl/force in the sky or around us pulling strings is VERY REAL to some and not others. Life is defined through the eyes of the beholder.
1) I honestly do not have an idea where I'll be pushed. I think I'll have some sort of impact on something in the world. Whether it's a positive or a negative, well, I'll see about that. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do. But my goal is to eventually work for the federal government. Maybe I can help fix some of the efficiency problems or something.

2) I'm in between on the two. I care what adults and older peers think about me. Problem is that they usually overly inflate my ego. I have a tendency to make myself better and harder working than I actually am. I guess it's a great flaw to have because the only thing that has ever held me back has been my laziness. When it comes to people my age, whether it's girls or random people, I could care less because they are a dime a dozen. My close friends, I care what they say and feel. They are always there to support me when I'm down and stuff.

3) I attribute most of it to the way my mom raised me. She taught me to be free thinking and not to be afraid to challenge norms. Though my family in general is very conservative. Especially from the religious and culture aspect being deeply Polish-Catholic. Nothing wrong with it, but my mom hates how I challenge religion. So my moms liberal approach to raising me has caused this. And she feels guilty that she raised me badly. I laugh at it all the time and tell her that it is for the best anyway.

4) Intelligent. Determined. Great leader when a leader is needed. Level headed who thinks things through before making a decision, rarely make a snap decision unless the environment and situation requires it. Forward thinking. Good-hearted for the needy and good, cold hearted to the fakers and exploiters.
1) Do you know exactly who you are (purpose/position in the world)? Are you in the process of figuring it out? Or do you have no idea?

I have core values and beliefs that I identify myself with, but I am still evolving and changing by the day.

2) Do you not care what people think about you? Do you judge yourself based on how peers treat/react to you? Or are you in between?

I care about what people think of me, but I will not let those thoughts change who I am.

3) Do you attribute your identity and personality to family heritage, religious/cultural values, personal cultivation, or anything else that might determine how you act on a daily basis?

I attribute my identity to heritage and personal cultivation

4) If someone asked you to define yourself in just a couple words (no limitations), how would you answer?

witty, humble, classy

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