If aliens do invade our earth, will they survive?

Originally Posted by Jae Argh

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Originally Posted by FreshMoney15

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Originally Posted by 6demonbag

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

I wonder what would happen if you got 1000+ people to raid area 51 gates at once. What would happen? Would they bomb us?

perimeter defenses, I'd bet...

You'd see 1000 shocked, shot, burnt, or otherwise destroyed carcasses.. this is A51 we're talking about, not 7/11.

Area 51 one is not what it once was since garnering so much media attention. The NEW "Area 51" has been split between two other states. Its still in operation but has become more like a test range for experimental military planes both manned and unmanned. The response would be similar to a riot response, tear gas, tie cuffs and people being hauled off in busses, and you can best believe a battalion of S.P.s and riot control specialists from Nellis can be brought out to groom lake to handle business before anyone would come close enough to see anything.

That's what we got ghillie suits and the Cold-Blooded and Ninja Pro perks for, playa
Also there is no question that there are aliens out there.For all we know they might have done some war of the world type stuff and been under our noses formillions of yrs waiting.But who's to say they arent watching us?I believe in UFOs they cant just be flying around us for nothing,they want something.
If aliens invaded they'd survive but not by much. We'd probably be wiped off the planet tho, long arduous war.

As for the if topic being argued. There's a good chance aliens do or have existed at one point in time in the entire universe.
^there is no way we will survive if aliens invade us. they have to be at least the size, strength of the monstars on space jam, but scarier...i couldnt imaginethem being just pipsqueaks.
^If they did invade us they'd have to be ADVANCED technologically and psychologically I would assume... having the ability to travel through space, more soplanet to planet, galaxy to galaxy, (universe to universe?) is no simple matter. Imagine the knowledge "aliens" would possess, it really is mindblowing... I feel like if we discover aliens and have a chance to exchange intellect, we would have better insight on life and our place in the universe...assuming they just dont decide to erradicate or enslave us
actually using the multi universe theory there could be monkeys in your house, but thats besides the point. As aliens go, theres a decent chance that mankindevolved from alien genetics
this topic is weird, like I rly do believe. have I ever seen them? no. will I ever see them? probably not, but it would be cool if I could.. I think a goodrepresentation of what aliens look like and act like would be in Independence Day..
Originally Posted by alleyzonjay

this topic is weird, like I rly do believe. have I ever seen them? no. will I ever see them? probably not, but it would be cool if I could.. I think a good representation of what aliens look like and act like would be in Independence Day..
Uh oh.
Think of it like this...Why else would aliens come to Earth?There are probably millions more planets more advanced than us...So why come to Earth besides forworld domination?They'd probably release a air chemical to wipe us out in a flash.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by alleyzonjay

this topic is weird, like I rly do believe. have I ever seen them? no. will I ever see them? probably not, but it would be cool if I could.. I think a good representation of what aliens look like and act like would be in Independence Day..
Uh oh.
Was dude serious?

Alien life forms if they exist will probably not look anything like what you've seen in a movie
Human being are so used to carbon based life forms. Many people have not accounted for the possibility that life could exist based off of other elements. Webreathe oxygen, there could be alien life forms that breather nitrogen.

Hell, I'll go as far as to say there could be alien life forms that exist in a liquid or even semi-gaseous state. You need to think outside the Earth-likeconditions box for ET life. Two arms and two legs, I'd be surprised if we encountered that. Although I think the Independence Day aliens looked like squidsor something. Still I'm surprised someone actually referenced a Hollywood Movie.

You may be on point with the "act" part though. There is a good chance that aliens are not traveling light yearshere for the joy of exploration and friendly exchange of technology and culture.

However there is a counter argument, I'm going to go off on a slight tangent. But the counter-argument is bolded at the end.
Here is one thing an engineer at my last job pointed out during lunch one day which I found rather interesting. I've also heard some physicist on thediscovery channel mention what is in the following paragraph as well.Those NTers who have a genuine interest in the subject at hand stay with me.

There is a possibility based on physics that life exist in dimensions that are beyond our comprehension. Let's say I draw a circle on a piece of paper andcall it "Life Form A". Life Form A exist in the X-Y (length-width) plane and can not comprehend the Z-direction (depth). Similarly, we as humanbeings exist in an X-Y-Z-Time dimension and can not comprehend dimensions beyond though. Although they do probably exist.These nth dimensions are right nowphysicist wet dreams. However, nothing in physics currently disproves their existence.

So lets continue. We have beings who's existence we can not even comprehend or prove with our current technology/human intelligence. However, these beingsin the nth dimensions can see us. In lay-mans terms, it's a one-way glass. Life Form A on the white paper can not see me, but I can see it. This creates analmost god like scenario. Which brings me to the hostile vs friendly aliens. If there are aliens who are so advanced they can move in other dimensions or maybethey simply exist in the XYZ-Time plane but have technology far superior to ours, do they kill us for sport or help us out? My old co-worker summarized whatI'm saying like this. "When you see an ant-pile off to the side of the sidewalk....do you step on it because youcan?" Ant pile = The human race. You = advanced extra terrestrial civilization.
That's supposing man's aggression towards its neighbor/environment is a constant underlying element in all advanced life forms ..... whereas outsideout of humans every other life form on this planet is bounded by balance and a certain level co-dependence/natural co-habitation
Also who's to say there isn't said technology currently in place or that it has previously been unearthed and subsequently abandoned .... I rememberearlier this decade their was a scientist that was able to teleport plants but they were usually dead when they showed up ...... who knows how advanced thistechnology is now or has been in the past
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