If aliens do invade our earth, will they survive?

Actually we're the Aliens imo. Just watch Ancient Aliens on History Channel. I have a slight believe that we probably came from another planet because ourprevious planet was destroyed or some other aliens related to human came and helped us build all those Pyramid and weird looking stone structures you see inHistory book. There are signs everywhere.
what makes you guys think they'd erradicate or enslave us?

Y'all watch too many movies
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

That's supposing man's aggression towards its neighbor/environment is a constant underlying element in all advanced life forms ..... whereas outside out of humans every other life form on this planet is bounded by balance and a certain level co-dependence/natural co-habitation
Also who's to say there isn't said technology currently in place or that it has previously been unearthed and subsequently abandoned .... I remember earlier this decade their was a scientist that was able to teleport plants but they were usually dead when they showed up ...... who knows how advanced this technology is now or has been in the past

Here's something else.

If a peaceful advanced civilization actually visited Earth and initially had the inclination to provide us with light speed space transportation technology,fusion reactors, etc.

And they saw how "primitively" we were behaving with the technology we had (i.e. using nuclear reactions for the sake of destruction), they might seegiving us even more advance technology as simply providing the human race more ways to destroy Earth and ourselves.

Regardless if aliens exist or not, as a civilization these next 100 years are critical. Are Hyman beings left to their own devices the equivalent of a childwith a loaded hand gun?

what makes you guys think they'd erradicate or enslave us?

Y'all watch too many movies

Because human have enslaved each other and attempted genocides with a much smaller technology gap?????????

We're talking a scenario where aliens with a far greater intelligence and technology gap could do the same without excreting as much effort. See myant-pile metaphor.

The hostile alien is only 1 scenario, but it should defiantly not be dismissed.

All of this is IMO.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by alleyzonjay

this topic is weird, like I rly do believe. have I ever seen them? no. will I ever see them? probably not, but it would be cool if I could.. I think a good representation of what aliens look like and act like would be in Independence Day..
Uh oh.
Was dude serious?

Alien life forms if they exist will probably not look anything like what you've seen in a movie
Human being are so used to carbon based life forms. Many people have not accounted for the possibility that life could exist based off of other elements. We breathe oxygen, there could be alien life forms that breather nitrogen.

Hell, I'll go as far as to say there could be alien life forms that exist in a liquid or even semi-gaseous state. You need to think outside the Earth-like conditions box for ET life. Two arms and two legs, I'd be surprised if we encountered that. Although I think the Independence Day aliens looked like squids or something. Still I'm surprised someone actually referenced a Hollywood Movie.

You may be on point with the "act" part though. There is a good chance that aliens are not traveling light years here for the joy of exploration and friendly exchange of technology and culture.

However there is a counter argument, I'm going to go off on a slight tangent. But the counter-argument is bolded at the end.
Here is one thing an engineer at my last job pointed out during lunch one day which I found rather interesting. I've also heard some physicist on the discovery channel mention what is in the following paragraph as well.Those NTers who have a genuine interest in the subject at hand stay with me.

There is a possibility based on physics that life exist in dimensions that are beyond our comprehension. Let's say I draw a circle on a piece of paper and call it "Life Form A". Life Form A exist in the X-Y (length-width) plane and can not comprehend the Z-direction (depth). Similarly, we as human beings exist in an X-Y-Z-Time dimension and can not comprehend dimensions beyond though. Although they do probably exist.These nth dimensions are right now physicist wet dreams. However, nothing in physics currently disproves their existence.

So lets continue. We have beings who's existence we can not even comprehend or prove with our current technology/human intelligence. However, these beings in the nth dimensions can see us. In lay-mans terms, it's a one-way glass. Life Form A on the white paper can not see me, but I can see it. This creates an almost god like scenario. Which brings me to the hostile vs friendly aliens. If there are aliens who are so advanced they can move in other dimensions or maybe they simply exist in the XYZ-Time plane but have technology far superior to ours, do they kill us for sport or help us out? My old co-worker summarized what I'm saying like this. "When you see an ant-pile off to the side of the sidewalk....do you step on it because you can?" Ant pile = The human race. You = advanced extra terrestrial civilization.
Think of the possibilities...If aliens helped us out, our tech game would jump thousands of yrs ahead of schedule.We wouldnt be able to containthat type of power imo.
I was reading something somewhere (dont remember...) about how we couldnt survive off another planets nutrients because our bodies arent designed to accept it.They explained it like...

Everything on eart has DNA that is only __% different from ours. There's nothing here that we have found that is "alien" so to speak whereit's DNA is NOTHING similar to ours, so everythingon our planet is Earthly, connected. If an alien were to come here, their DNA would probably be sodifferent that they wouldnt be able to break down the nutrients, etc that our planet has to offer US because their DNA is so different. They PROBABLY evenwouldnt be able to get sick from our planet either because pathogenes here wouldnt recognize how to attack their immune system in the first place. The foodthat we eat would basically pass through their bodies having NO effect whatsoever. Now, if they COULD digest and be affected by earthly matter, then that'sanother story.... I.E.: Nomos.

Whatever it was went deeper into the matter, but I think you can get the gist of what I'm trying to say... In theory, they basically wouldnt be able tolive here long off the planets resources.
ATLien Seeko wrote:

Whatever it was went deeper into the matter, but I think you can get the gist of what I'm trying to say... In theory, they basically wouldnt be able to live here long off the planets resources.

then they'd just blow us up and dip

but no seriously A+ thread for the most part

interesting stuff/ possiblities to get you thinking

moar plz
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I was reading something somewhere (dont remember...) about how we couldnt survive off another planets nutrients because our bodies arent designed to accept it. They explained it like...

Everything on eart has DNA that is only __% different from ours. There's nothing here that we have found that is "alien" so to speak where it's DNA is NOTHING similar to ours, so everythingon our planet is Earthly, connected. If an alien were to come here, their DNA would probably be so different that they wouldnt be able to break down the nutrients, etc that our planet has to offer US because their DNA is so different. They PROBABLY even wouldnt be able to get sick from our planet either because pathogenes here wouldnt recognize how to attack their immune system in the first place. The food that we eat would basically pass through their bodies having NO effect whatsoever. Now, if they COULD digest and be affected by earthly matter, then that's another story.... I.E.: Nomos.

Whatever it was went deeper into the matter, but I think you can get the gist of what I'm trying to say... In theory, they basically wouldnt be able to live here long off the planets resources.
Wouldn't they accommodate prior to arriving. You would think if they were able to travel through space with ease then they would either havetraits that dont depend on planets resources or they would stock themselves enough throughout their journey to prepare for scarcity of resources in futurelocations.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

In theory, they basically wouldnt be able to live here long off the planets resources.

This could be the case.Check me out
There are roughly 5000 UFO sightings reported a yr.Some people have legit stories,different spaceships alot of times.So why haven't these aliens landed,dothey come into our atmosphere to test if they can survive our breathing system?When they realize they can't, they just leave

And the abduction stories?You think these people are making it up or telling the truth?Because that would be some scary itsh
The thing about abduction stories that always puzzled me are the memories of the event ....... You would think that if these people were actually abducted byaliens, they would have no memories of the event ........ which makes me more believe that they were subjects of mind control experiments









Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by alleyzonjay

this topic is weird, like I rly do believe. have I ever seen them? no. will I ever see them? probably not, but it would be cool if I could.. I think a good representation of what aliens look like and act like would be in Independence Day..
Uh oh.
Was dude serious?

Alien life forms if they exist will probably not look anything like what you've seen in a movie
Human being are so used to carbon based life forms. Many people have not accounted for the possibility that life could exist based off of other elements. We breathe oxygen, there could be alien life forms that breather nitrogen.

Hell, I'll go as far as to say there could be alien life forms that exist in a liquid or even semi-gaseous state. You need to think outside the Earth-like conditions box for ET life. Two arms and two legs, I'd be surprised if we encountered that. Although I think the Independence Day aliens looked like squids or something. Still I'm surprised someone actually referenced a Hollywood Movie.

You may be on point with the "act" part though. There is a good chance that aliens are not traveling light years here for the joy of exploration and friendly exchange of technology and culture.

However there is a counter argument, I'm going to go off on a slight tangent. But the counter-argument is bolded at the end.
Here is one thing an engineer at my last job pointed out during lunch one day which I found rather interesting. I've also heard some physicist on the discovery channel mention what is in the following paragraph as well.Those NTers who have a genuine interest in the subject at hand stay with me.

There is a possibility based on physics that life exist in dimensions that are beyond our comprehension. Let's say I draw a circle on a piece of paper and call it "Life Form A". Life Form A exist in the X-Y (length-width) plane and can not comprehend the Z-direction (depth). Similarly, we as human beings exist in an X-Y-Z-Time dimension and can not comprehend dimensions beyond though. Although they do probably exist.These nth dimensions are right now physicist wet dreams. However, nothing in physics currently disproves their existence.

So lets continue. We have beings who's existence we can not even comprehend or prove with our current technology/human intelligence. However, these beings in the nth dimensions can see us. In lay-mans terms, it's a one-way glass. Life Form A on the white paper can not see me, but I can see it. This creates an almost god like scenario. Which brings me to the hostile vs friendly aliens. If there are aliens who are so advanced they can move in other dimensions or maybe they simply exist in the XYZ-Time plane but have technology far superior to ours, do they kill us for sport or help us out? My old co-worker summarized what I'm saying like this. "When you see an ant-pile off to the side of the sidewalk....do you step on it because you can?" Ant pile = The human race. You = advanced extra terrestrial civilization.
VERY interesting theories there, man. So basically, there could be n number of dimensions out there that we have no capacity/comprehension for,that other life forms do? So there could be like 10 dimensions around us which other life forms exist in, but which we do not have the capacity to realize.Wooww, imagine the possibilities.....

also, it seems the mental state of ET's could be completely different than what we're used to. Who's to say that they think or that they feel,functions which are only normal to us because they are familiar to us. We automatically have the tendency to assign characteristics consciously orsubconsciously to ET's based off of how humans act, how humans see the world. But who know what other level %#!@ ET's could be on?
Originally Posted by FreshMoney15

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

%$*!, they probably don't exist?
Your madd ignorant if you think they dont exist. You know how many galaxies there are in the universe? NO... no one does...How many Solar Systems? How many planets?
Your stupid if you think there are only 9 planets
Statements... not directed at u... im just sayin... dont take it personal...

Im planning an Oceans 13 on Area 51...
Anyone in?

There's no denying all the planets and galaxies in the universe but who's to say there are other beings out there that can actually comein contact with us? Say what you want about humans but we are very intelligent and our technology is very advance. Many reports are out there that saysomething COULD be out there but if anything it's thousands and millions of light years away. And nothing in science says we can go faster than the speedof light to actually see what's out there.
Dips3tRydah wrote:
FreshMoney15 wrote:
IHeartBoost wrote:
%$*!, they probably don't exist?

Your madd ignorant if you think they dont exist. You know how many galaxies there are in the universe? NO... no one does...How many Solar Systems? How many planets?
Your stupid if you think there are only 9 planets
Statements... not directed at u... im just sayin... dont take it personal...

Im planning an Oceans 13 on Area 51...
Anyone in?

There's no denying all the planets and galaxies in the universe but who's to say there are other beings out there that can actually come in contact with us? Say what you want about humans but we are very intelligent and our technology is very advance. Many reports are out there that say something COULD be out there but if anything it's thousands and millions of light years away. And nothing in science says we can go faster than the speed of light to actually see what's out there.

Humans have a very limited understanding of the Universe. Just to put things into perspective. Matter makes up 100% of our known existence. That same matteronly makes up about 5-10% of the entire basic material structure of the Universe and we have know idea what the other 90% is.

The question shouldn't be whether there are any advanced civilizations out there. The question is would they actually waste their time trying to get incontact with us? We're probably Universal ants.
Originally Posted by FreshMoney15

Originally Posted by dkjordan23

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by FreshMoney15

Im planning an Oceans 13 on Area 51...
Anyone in?

lets do it, i really wanna know what the +%+$ they got goin on over there

Lets do it. "Team Oceans 13 on Area 51"

sidenote: also, people of the future live among us
Niketalk's 13....

-FreshMoney 15
10 more...
room for one more?
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