If McCain was President...

Originally Posted by Adrian1221

what do you mean "suddenly it's okay?" people have been bashing his decision on here as well.

obama is most definitely taking heat for this.  i may have voted for mccain/dislike obama, but i still think that he gets criticized too much for his actions.  most of the presidents decisions arent even their own.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

My point is that if McCain or a Republican President had intervened in the Libya crisis, he would've been widely condemned for being a war mongerer and trigger happy President.

Obama is still getting the benefit of the doubt by some because some here actually believe his rhetoric about the U.S. acting solely on humanitarian grounds to prevent a tyrant from genocide even though there are strong parallels between this intervention and Bush's actions against Iraq.

Then again, criticizing Obama is akin to denying the Holocaust.

Where have you been the past 2 years my dude?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

My point is that if McCain or a Republican President had intervened in the Libya crisis, he would've been widely condemned for being a war mongerer and trigger happy President.

Obama is still getting the benefit of the doubt by some because some here actually believe his rhetoric about the U.S. acting solely on humanitarian grounds to prevent a tyrant from genocide even though there are strong parallels between this intervention and Bush's actions against Iraq.

Then again, criticizing Obama is akin to denying the Holocaust.

Anyone who believes that any country is doing anything on "solely humanitarian grounds" is a fool. I think it comes down to those on the right being seen as less humanitarian, more personal interest and those on the left being seen as more humanitarian with an equal amount of personal interest.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

I'm rather sure McCain would have gotten the US involved in about 5 or 6 more military entanglements in addition to Libya, including jumping into Egypt at the first sign of unrest in support of Mubarak, as Israel wanted. Oh, and Sarah Palin would have been Vice, so there's that.

When voting for President, it's usually about voting for the lesser evil, as sad as that is.

Im sorry but this is just stupid. Democrats and Republicans DONT SHARE THE SAME IDEAS. They both have different agendas on where they wanna take the country. Its not that hard to understand
if McCain WERE president ... i think you mean to use the subjonctif

grammar is very important
If Al Gore were President...

If Bob Dole were President...

If John Kerry were President...

If Michael Dukakis were President...

If Walter Mondale were President...
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

If Al Gore were President...

If Bob Dole were President...

If John Kerry were President...

If Michael Dukakis were President...

If Walter Mondale were President...
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

if McCain WERE president ... i think you mean to use the subjonctif

grammar is very important
You're right...my bad

I think you meant to refer to the subjunctive
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

If Al Gore were President...

If Bob Dole were President...

If John Kerry were President...

If Michael Dukakis were President...

If Walter Mondale were President...

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

And he decided to take action against Libya, he would've been accused of being a war mongering Republican President who was once again dragging America into another unnecessary and costly war. Now Obama is doing the exact same thing and suddenly it's OK? Me thinks Obama should do whats right and give back his Nobel Peace Prize.

Me thinks you should stop posting for the night. 




hardest i've laughed from a lone reply in a loooong while
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

I'm rather sure McCain would have gotten the US involved in about 5 or 6 more military entanglements in addition to Libya, including jumping into Egypt at the first sign of unrest in support of Mubarak, as Israel wanted. Oh, and Sarah Palin would have been Vice, so there's that.

When voting for President, it's usually about voting for the lesser evil, as sad as that is.

Im sorry but this is just stupid. Democrats and Republicans DONT SHARE THE SAME IDEAS. They both have different agendas on where they wanna take the country. Its not that hard to understand

How is it stupid? Both candidates sucked, you vote for the one who sucks less.

The problem is the 2 party system which creates this b.s.
I think it's more than just because it's Obama. The fact that the UN organized a lot of discussions for action. The fact that the Arab League was involved and approved a no fly zone. That it's a popular uprising. I feel like these things show that there is more reason for America to be involved than just whatever self interest there may be.

Besides, the current plan is to pass off the mission in a few days. And the administration would take tons of heat for not telling the truth when you set a timetable so immediate.

We shouldn't continue to have such a pessimistic view on the future. It's easy to not analyze and research and just say things will never change.
I read the thread title in WyClef's voice like the song
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

I'm rather sure McCain would have gotten the US involved in about 5 or 6 more military entanglements in addition to Libya, including jumping into Egypt at the first sign of unrest in support of Mubarak, as Israel wanted. Oh, and Sarah Palin would have been Vice, so there's that.

When voting for President, it's usually about voting for the lesser evil, as sad as that is.

Im sorry but this is just stupid. Democrats and Republicans DONT SHARE THE SAME IDEAS. They both have different agendas on where they wanna take the country. Its not that hard to understand
And what if you disagree with the positions and agendas of both sides? You're going to vote for the side you think will be the least damaging, no?
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Besides, the current plan is to pass off the mission in a few days. And the administration would take tons of heat for not telling the truth when you set a timetable so immediate.
correction... command of US troops will be passed on in a few days.  There is no way in hell the US should let another country command our troops.  Especially those American hating French.

I don't see this  operation going well at all.  So we destroy their air bases, kill some innocents, make the US look bad to the region again, while the whole time ground forces still going in and wipe out the rebels.  This was a civil war and the US had no business sticking it's nose in it.  All because 2% of the world's oil is at stake.  Imagine what we would do if the ship went down in Saudi Arabia.
McCain would have protected our oil, would not have let that mess down in the gulf continue for as long as it did.

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

And he decided to take action against Libya, he would've been accused of being a war mongering Republican President who was once again dragging America into another unnecessary and costly war. Now Obama is doing the exact same thing and suddenly it's OK? Me thinks Obama should do whats right and give back his Nobel Peace Prize.

Seeing as the Nobel Peace Prize guy Alfred Nobel invited dynamite, this peace prize should be right up his ally. 
Originally Posted by DangerousG

McCain would have protected our oil, would not have let that mess down in the gulf continue for as long as it did.

@ "our oil."
Originally Posted by pjhoody

Originally Posted by DangerousG

McCain would have protected our oil, would not have let that mess down in the gulf continue for as long as it did.

@ "our oil."


"You better git........................................NAOW!"
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