If time travel was a thing wwyd?

“If I could travel to the 1700's
I'd push a wheelbarrow full of dynamite
Through your covenant.” — NaS

I would love to do one of three things.

Help the Haitians during and after the revolution. I still don’t see how you win a war, but pay the country that you defeated.

Call Dr. King back into his room the night that he was assassinated, or take him to a different hospital. IYKYK. The man was ready to March on Washington demanding money. That would change the landscape of America if reparations were paid back then. I feel like there would be another Black WallStreet.

Invest heavy into Apple or Amazon. That speaks for itself.
Go to March 31st 2019. Head to Crenshaw & slauson. Somehow prevent the outcome so that I'm holding eric holder down on the ground to allow 60 n199a5 appear out of nowhere to do what they want with him.
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