If Trump found a way to guarantee reparations to every black citizen in the US...

Would he get your vote?

  • I'm making America great again.

  • No.

  • Not just no. Hell no.

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:rofl: @ pass policy

its negros like you impeding our progress because you’re too busy playing a game thats clearly rigged by the rules

too arrogant to give up on the process....a process has NEVER worked in our favor
:smh: :lol: :lol: Da **** is this

Like I said, **** is either going over your head, or you want to be willfully ignorant.

You want to lecture so much to refuse to actually digest what is being said. Now the strawman in your head says I'm advocating for the status quo :lol:

I literally listed policies that would help the black community, ones that have support across racial lines, and you ignore that because it gets in the way of your schtick.

Not point in continuing down the rabbit hole with you. I should have followed RIP sleazyy RIP sleazyy advice about debating pro-black dudes online.

I'm done famb, be blessed brah
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clearly you cant read


the only thing that can help us, is us.

Well until you start the violent revolution to overthrow every institution, some will try to make the change within.

And we will meet you in the middle.

Us with books and you with guns. Sounds good?
clearly you cant read


the only thing that can help us, is us.
:smh: :lol:

I typed out a couple paragraphs in response, but I figure not to waste my breath. Everything I write, you will distort it into some strawman.

BTW, it is funny you use Baldwin to argue your point given many of his views. :lol:
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clearly you cant read


the only thing that can help us, is us.
These fools really think they will wilfully implement policies that is not to their benefit. :smh:

They are are already scared that they are losing "their country" hence the election of Trump in the first place. Make america great again is code word for, make america that's favorable to the white man's interests and staying on top of the social hierarchy
We need more than reparations: education, economic literacy, government systematic overhaul, and much more. I just don't want those Dave Chappelle skits to actually become reality (with some individuals).
We need more than reparations: education, economic literacy, government systematic overhaul, and much more. I just don't want those Dave Chappelle skits to actually become reality (with some individuals).
They won't. It's all by design. Providing all that threatens the white man's way of life. That comfortable living in suburbia with a pension and 401k. They don't want us competing with them for the things they enjoy

Jails gotta get filled. Public defendants gotta get paid. The banks and predatory lenders gotta make money off of financially illiterate minorities, the list goes on. The sytem is not in our favor but we have the internet and technology to help us stem the tide.

Most of the ish I learned, my folks didn't teach me becuase they didn't know. I peeped game thanks to the internet and educated myself on how this system trully functions.
Maybe, just maybe, that not everything is a zero sum game between the white and black community, and many people realize that, even many white people know that, so they will what to push for things that help both African Americans, other minorities, and a whole lot of white people. Perfect example, universal affordable health insurance and a negative tax bracket.

This zero sum framing is exactly how white supremacist frame things too btw.

Like my mans gry60 gry60 be saying, I swear unless something explicitly says "this is for black people" that you dudes will never realize it could help black people. And then the ******** accusation come that any discussion of changing America's socioeconomic system is just hoping and wishing white liberals come through for them.

Please, miss me with that ********.

And once again no one is dismissing self reliance, it is just not mutually exclusive to being educated on what policies can help black america, and activism. And double again, most dudes in here said no to the proposal in the OP
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This topic is irrelevant.

1) Trump doesn't need your vote to win in 2020
2) They don't have enough money to pay reparations, see National Deficit.
3) The money they do have isn't worth anything, AKA FIAT MONEY, not backed by anything.
4) The issues plaguing the so called black community are NOT rooted in finances.

Like my mans gry60 gry60 be saying, I swear unless something explicitly says "this is for black people" that you dudes will never realize it could help black people. And then the bull**** accusation come that any discussion of changing America's socioeconomic system is just hoping and wishing white liberals come through for them.

Please, miss me with that bull****.

The I don't vote / politics won't help us people will never understand this

They tend to have this one answer solution to end all of are problems, instead of understanding the fact that there are a multitude of things we can and need to do. Understanding and influencing policy is one of them which can and should be used as an advantage for us. Everybody wants free health care but if time came to it, these people would still spew the BS they constantly do and not help that **** pass and benefit those who need it. To say that we can't benefit from policy is just nonsense.
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If society is a house, institutions are the walls, windows, and doors.

Wanna burn down the house? Go ahead, but you won't be able to reuse the bricks from the destroyed walls to build a new shelter.

Or, you could be involved in the decision making process of how the walls need to be rearranged, where to set up the fence, should we add a new kitchen, etc...

The thing that people do not realize about the rise of the alt-right is that it is proof that Blacks getting involved in politics is working to our advantage. The alt-right, the tea party, the intransigence of the GOP are all a reaction to the reality that our voices are being heard and our needs are being taken into account.

Another thing y'all need to realize is that it is easy to fight the Black Panthers, and it's easy to fight Malcom X. Just scare people into thinking that they want to attack your stability and safety, and you'll have carte blanche to ban them from owning weapons or to hunt them and assassinate them in their house. It is easy to rally support against anything that can be painted as destructive. It is much harder to fight a black political figure who defends broader access to things we all need like education and healthcare. Just observe how Republicans campaigned these last midterms.
I see a lot of “that won’t help/do anything”...... ok.... so then what? What’s the answer? Civil war 2?
Which is?

having faith in a (widely admitted) rigged system.

were you not following along? my stance is pretty clear.

id rather not worry about the political process until our culture has the leverage to do so.

id rather our culture commit to saving 10% of our income every paycheck and educate our children in economics before we worry about policy, legislation, and politics.

focusing on politics right now is putting the cart before the horse

notice, i never once said politics can NEVER be a focus. just not right now. but i sat back and let these fools jump to conclusions about burning down the house or whatever tf they was thinking.

the fact that my comments sparked labels of pro plack radical AND republican at the same time shows just how much dudes are typing with zero thought involved
id rather our culture commit to saving 10% of our income every paycheck and educate our children in economics before we worry about policy, legislation, and politics.
Can't you chew and walk at the same time?

And you want to educate kids on economics and leave out the policy aspect of it? That would be incomplete.

having faith in a (widely admitted) rigged system

This is where you don't get it. What I believe in is a democracy that gives equal participation to all Americans. What I think (and what has been shown) is that change can come about through sustained political engagement. In other words, if the system doesn't suit you, it gives you the tools to change it to fit your expectations.
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