If you could have been cast to be in any movie scene....

Feb 5, 2011
What would it be?

For moi:
As the part of Billy Bob...

- the first race scene in the fast and the furious
-any scene in anchorman, talladega nights
- tropic thunder, i'd switch places with jay burachel in a heartbeat.
-party scenes in superbad
- the first race scene in the fast and the furious
-any scene in anchorman, talladega nights
- tropic thunder, i'd switch places with jay burachel in a heartbeat.
-party scenes in superbad
The college visit scene in HE GOT GAME, between those "ladies"...
this is going to turn into a low key *I want to be this actor so I can smash this female actress thread*

but um, Eli in the book of Eli, or Ben in the town, or the Sheriff in the new crazies.

enjoyed every movie really much..got to get them on DVD.
this is going to turn into a low key *I want to be this actor so I can smash this female actress thread*

but um, Eli in the book of Eli, or Ben in the town, or the Sheriff in the new crazies.

enjoyed every movie really much..got to get them on DVD.
Most of the races in Fast and Furious series
The first decepticon attacking the base in Transformers
Hancock at the beginning when he flies
Most of the races in Fast and Furious series
The first decepticon attacking the base in Transformers
Hancock at the beginning when he flies
The Heat shootout scene
I don't care if I got tooken out or not....that's one hell of a way to go out.Killa Season
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