If you could have one thing in the world right now, what would it be?

Jun 28, 2007
This is tough for me but I would have to say


This car has been on my mind for the last few weeks and I cant stop thinking about it. It doesnt help that I have Drakes "Dreams Money Can Buy" on repeat (Ive heard tha song over 100 times since Saturday) and the line "that manual Ferrari Italian, some fly *%$%" has been further ingraining my thirst for that car into my conscious and subconscious.

I have watched this video so many times, I practically can build the car off of memory

I know that if I had only one wish and I wished for that, that it would probably be a stupid wish but, *%$%, I want it
This is tough for me but I would have to say


This car has been on my mind for the last few weeks and I cant stop thinking about it. It doesnt help that I have Drakes "Dreams Money Can Buy" on repeat (Ive heard tha song over 100 times since Saturday) and the line "that manual Ferrari Italian, some fly *%$%" has been further ingraining my thirst for that car into my conscious and subconscious.

I have watched this video so many times, I practically can build the car off of memory

I know that if I had only one wish and I wished for that, that it would probably be a stupid wish but, *%$%, I want it
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