If you could write a letter to your 15 year-old self...

Don't try to fit in with what's going on. Be true to yourself. Be more committed to your academics. Take your music seriously. Be a creature of habit. With discipline and determination, anything is possible. Don't put yourself through hell to experience love or what you may think love could be. Take your time homie. Ultimately, all you have is time.
Don't try to fit in with what's going on. Be true to yourself. Be more committed to your academics. Take your music seriously. Be a creature of habit. With discipline and determination, anything is possible. Don't put yourself through hell to experience love or what you may think love could be. Take your time homie. Ultimately, all you have is time.
Dear 15 year old self

play football the whole 4 years instead of 1
do good in good school
get braces earlier
talk to people dont be shy
play basketball and keep trying
dont be afraid
get over that girl that you think about who is probably sucking on a lollipop right now lol
have no real feeling for those 2 girls you like alot
get a good job
DONT WEAR CONTACTS or at least take care of them real real real good and get your eyes checked if something seems wrong...smh at that part
Dear 15 year old self

play football the whole 4 years instead of 1
do good in good school
get braces earlier
talk to people dont be shy
play basketball and keep trying
dont be afraid
get over that girl that you think about who is probably sucking on a lollipop right now lol
have no real feeling for those 2 girls you like alot
get a good job
DONT WEAR CONTACTS or at least take care of them real real real good and get your eyes checked if something seems wrong...smh at that part
Dear 15 year old self,

-lose some weight
-in a few years you will meet a girl, stay with her
Dear 15 year old self,

-lose some weight
-in a few years you will meet a girl, stay with her
Whats up D,

Its your 27 year old counterpart. This letter is a warning. I have listed some things you need to do and somethings you should avoid in your next twelve years.
1. Concentrate on school
2. go practice basketball everyday/ hit the weights while your at it
3. During your Junior year concentrate on grades and college prep.
4. Upon gradutating co into college focused on nothing but your school and basketball. Women will be there.
5. When you turn 19 avoid Sabrina at all cost.....AT ALL COST.
6. The age of 21 avoid Crystal at all cost.......AT ALL MUTHA LOVIN COST. YA HEAR ME BOY THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ON THE LIST!!!!
7. Wait until you are well off in your career before considering marriage
Whats up D,

Its your 27 year old counterpart. This letter is a warning. I have listed some things you need to do and somethings you should avoid in your next twelve years.
1. Concentrate on school
2. go practice basketball everyday/ hit the weights while your at it
3. During your Junior year concentrate on grades and college prep.
4. Upon gradutating co into college focused on nothing but your school and basketball. Women will be there.
5. When you turn 19 avoid Sabrina at all cost.....AT ALL COST.
6. The age of 21 avoid Crystal at all cost.......AT ALL MUTHA LOVIN COST. YA HEAR ME BOY THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ON THE LIST!!!!
7. Wait until you are well off in your career before considering marriage
- lose weight sooner

- stop being a doormat with females

- stop being extra sensitive

- be more selective of your friends

- actually talk to that girl you had a major crush on

- man up and be more mature
15 isn't early enough.. i was already stuck in my ways then.. sad enough

but i'd tell myself to not let yourself become so discouraged so easily.. do YOUR work, not everyone else's.. get a job when you turn 16.. build connections with more people because it's good for future business.. and leave girls alone
15 isn't early enough.. i was already stuck in my ways then.. sad enough

but i'd tell myself to not let yourself become so discouraged so easily.. do YOUR work, not everyone else's.. get a job when you turn 16.. build connections with more people because it's good for future business.. and leave girls alone
- lose weight sooner

- stop being a doormat with females

- stop being extra sensitive

- be more selective of your friends

- actually talk to that girl you had a major crush on

- man up and be more mature
Dear 15 year old me,

I am a man now and you are still a boy. First I believe that you are very smart but many people distrust people who are smart and who let the world know that. I smacks of arrogance and an egotistical outlook on life and more importantly people perceive smart people are conniving and up to something nefarious, whether that is the case or not. You also may be smart you also may read a great deal but a little bit of knowledge can be more dangerous than having no knowledge whatsoever. You also should try to become aware of how much that you do not know and even the most knowledgeable person on Earth cannot know more than a fraction of percentage point of all knowledge that exists in terms of general truths and theorems and established facts about how the world operates. Furthermore, your ignorance of data on a given day is even more limited than knowledge of those aforementioned general truths and long established ideas and theorems.

To dovetail off of this more general premise, that no one person, is knowledgeable of only a tiny fraction of everything and that their paucity of data is even more profound at a given moment, why on Earth are you an advocate of discredited central planning and price control? Your intentions are noble, you see the inequalities, you see the fact that one person has enough money to buy a multimillion dollar car while multitudes starve to death or die of other causes because they could afford to buy the means to simply survive. It is deeply unfair to live in such a world where the price of one man's toy could feed and clothes and shelter and provide water to thousands of people for many years and even provide literacy to the children of that impoverished group. thers have reached your conclusions about inequality and have taken a variety of courses.

The course that you should avoid is to create a perfect equality or even a rough approximation of equality in terms of material wealth because it will mostly involve making everyone very poor and even then inequality will remain with a few people emerging as the aparachicks who will be merely poor. You should be first and foremost concerned with the plight of those poor people. While you have doubts and good reasons for doubts when comes to the question of whether or not Jesus of Nazareth was the son of a divine entity, you should not question your Roman Catholic teachings on charity. You and your family are not the richest people on Earth but you are from a very well off family and your father gives 10% of his income to the Church and its humanitarian efforts, has 10% of his wealth willed to charity so that it can provide charity relief to those unable to feed, clothes and house themselves or their children. He also give additional money to secular charities and gives when ever there is a large humanitarian disaster in any part of the world. There is too much wealth, too much food, too many resources in the world for any human being to have to do without basic food, medicine, housing, clothing, bathing, drinking water and even a modicum of comfort is a birth right for every human being because whether or not their is God and wthere or not we are created in that God's image, we should all act like we are children of divine creator, we are all part of the human family.

Just as the notion that every single human being deserves to be provisioned with the needs for all basic material needs, which are required not only keep a person alive and breathing but to keep their dignity intac tand secure or to rebuilt the dignity of those from whome it was taken by evil men. If a person is rich because he lives by plunder, he should have that money take from him, he should have his ill gotten gains redistributed to those poorest amongst his victims and then to everyone else among his victims.

Currently at the age of 15 you are making the error in assuming that everyone who is very wealth is in that state because they stole all of that wealth. Most very wealthy people, in the contemporary West are wealthy because they or one of their ancestors or many of their ancestors found a human want and found way to provide it at a lower cost than any one else had hitherto been able to do so. This is Adam Smith's invisible Hand or the market, in action, it is not mere theory is mere reality, in those ocieties that are blessed with the requisite social and political means to allow free and voluntary exchanges to take place as the primary economic activity.

Many ridicule this notion because they see it as the premise that businessmen are full of benevolence but that not what the Invisible Hand is at all. It is the fact in order to get rich you have to either take wealth or create wealth and by doing the latter you have to create wealth as defined by others's subjective valuation. Take resources and turn them into even more valuable resources and let the prices of inputs and outputs serve as profits. Those profits are not only your livelihood but also an indication that you are serving your communit yand perhaps large chunks of humanity because you have managed to exchange money with a party A, you as party B did some with those resources to chance or combine those initial resources and made them into some more valuable and they are more valuable because consumers, party C, are willing to exchange their own money (and in most cases that means the fruits of their own labor) for your product, they value your product more than that money and all of its altenate uses.

There are exceptions and caveats to what I just said the world is not as simple as the example I just gave but you will see the merits and the downsides of a free market because you will study Economics as a University student. I know that shocks you right now as a 15 year old boy, you currently see Economics as the field of study for businessmen and business is beneath you, it for jocks (even though you play basketball on your school's JV team and in your last two years you will be a varsity player you are not jock because athletics is just one a a few important interests to you) and to an extent you are right, many businessmen, especially Salesmen are in perpetual adolescence but there are roles for serious people to play in business and most business people are more like the latter and less like the former. You will not just study Economics though, you will continue your love of history through your University studies and obtain a double major.

A few main points that you should learn, a few main premises exists that you should know right now. One is that wars are rarely started over religion or over "natural resources." Some people think that they are acting as provocateurs when they assert that all wars have been fought over religion. In reality they are possuers because even most religious people will not do anything beyond stating that they disagree and then cite mountains of evidence that reduce your "all" down to "most" and then down to "some"and then down to the truth, that almost no war is started due to religion but once it decided that war will take place the belligerents tend to seek religious moral cover and before entering battle, they wish to do so in "State of Grace" (you should know what they is, you only were confrimed in the church a few years ago and you eremember everything that you are told and understand Catholic theology fairly well) or the religious counterpart in that particular warrior's particular faith.

Wars are not usually fought simply for land or for "natural resources" and they are most certainly caused by poverty, desperation, crime, conflict and inter person angst and inter group anger will result from poverty and hardship. It takes money to wage wars, like the great or at least well known Roman Statesman, M.T. Cicero said, "Unlimited amounts of money are the sinew of warfare," and he was correct. The gains from warfare are almost always offset by the costs and that is if you win (woebetide to the loser who will often times pay a heavy price for himself and his people, warfare is arbitration thrugh arms and if you lose in this arbitartion expect to not only lose trussure and young men but expect you lose your pride, your honor, the chastity of the women and you will be made avassel of the victor through annexation, taxation, reperations or some combination thereof. 

When you have, through military victory obtrained control of the "natural resources, all that you gain is sand or dirt or rocky mountain sides, it takes human effort to extract the mineral wealth so that means even more costs. Ultimately, it is wiser to work hard, manage your money well, make prudent investments and to simply buy the mineral wealth or the commodities from a friendly foreign person and even if teh yare not so friendly, by trading with them and giving them money for what it is that they do well ,you make him friendly. You are helping to feed his family and he is helping you to get the material resources that you use to feed yourself and your family. This is true for inetrnational politics and true for communities, trade with people, talk with people, make friends with older people, with the adults with people who are not 15.

While you may be businessman in 11 years, at the age of 26, your lifetime goal of becoming a politcian may well come in due time and start building your base right now and when you are older and wiser and richer you will be able to become a State Assemblyman, State Senator, Congressman from Ventura and Santa Barbara County's non coastal areas (what ever your home district encompasses in the 2020's and then maybe Governor and President, perhaps. You dreamt of getting right into law school after undergrad and then no sooner than passing the Bar and maybe working as an advocacy attorney and comunity organizer (notice how your evil capitalist maternal ancestors and your Imperialistic and Aristocratic Paternal ancestors seem to have money so that you can have that chance to spend your life doing what you choose to do and not what scarcity for you dictates that you do, as is the case for many, many people), jumping into a life time of politics by the time you are 35 or earlier, you will, by age 26, want to revise that number 45 at the earliest. By age 26, you will find it is prudent to wait until you are more seasoned and have done things beyond academia and law and politics and when you do become committed to a life of politics you may be that rare breed whose eloqunce may get you elected and your humility, your willingness to listen and to know how and when to compromis by allow you to government well.

Enough about the public, the academic and the inetellectual matters, let me say a few private things about you and your family. First and foremost, your familt is the most important thing in the world. Your baby sister, your older borthers, your mothe rand father and aunts and uncles and of course your granfather and your grandmothers are priceless. You are lucky that your two great grandmothers are still alive and both have over half dozen additional years left to live (tragically they will not all be comfortable years but their minds will not even begin to dimnish until hours before their deaths so it is important to visit them, they lived for your grand parents and parents and then they lived for their children and grand children and their great grand children. Their elders were people fro mthe 19th century, if you take good care of your body, yo yuwill, with luck, live to see your grand children and great grand children and you will be link in a vast chain.

So many people are given to presentism, they believe that they are better because they are living now and they they are more advanced. In a few generations our ways of doing things will be seen as archaic and all that will matter is our legacy. History is not "History," agrand narrative that is not past and something fro mwhich those of use in the present have more or less trancended but that is not true because history is just that "history," with a lower case "h." We are history we are a legacy as we speak and write and live and we should be mindful that the eyes of unborn generations glare upon us and as our clothing will look more and more silly and our choice of words more and more quaint and that our methods of science laughably outdated, only our virtue or lack thereof will be what forms a positive opinion in the eyes of our great grand children and those who live beyond them.

Finally, you should heed what the old people say about how to live your life. They have learned through experience that you simply lack. They are correct to say that prosperity is not guaranteed, that civilization is very delicate and tenuous. Save your money, work hard, play hard, cultivate relationships with friends and family, take care of your body and care for those around you. Also, avoid cocaine, in fact abstain from it all together that and any opiates for recreational us. You are pretty self disciplined but just because you will find, as you progress through college that you will not become bound to alcohol, gambling, marijuana and other intoxicants but that does mean that you shold push your luck so enjoy the pot, which you will out grow, along with the binge drinking and the gambling.

By the age of 26 you will take pleasure in the fact that you will still have the ability to compete in amateuts athletics for all of your adult life, enjoy watching the Lakers and the Dodgers, enjoy the Ocean and the sports like surfing and kayaing that come with it, enjoy the taste of food and wine, enjoy financial security, enjoy playin the game of money and the fact that you are already a skilled player, enjoy the martial arts such as Kendo and Karate and Judo, enjoy learning new things, enjoy art, enjoy the fact that you will one day be rich enough to build a fine country house, enjoy the multiple properties on the beach and near the ski slopes, enjoy the fact that you can share these things with your borthers and nieces and nephews, enjoy running your own personal 10k's on winter nights (nights in socal will not, as global warming alarmist be much older or warmer, they will still be brisk, perfect for running) or 5k's in summer heat, enjoy the fact that you will be able to remove your sneakers and shirt and jump into the poo, enjoy the jacuzzi and the fact that you can take pretty girls there and their mouths on your classically structured facem limbs and hands and feet and torso and backside and then let her tongue and mouth glide over the last parts of your body that would be considered ugly by the ancients because it would seem to be the creation of Priapus and enjoy the fact that you have been granted the wealth and leisure brag about your large penis using a refrence to an obscure Roman God. What ever it is, do not let coaine or any unneccessary painkillers come into the equation, although you will not spend years dealing with deep addiction, both of those substances take the brain on such a roller coaster ride that the myriad pleasures avaiavle to wealthy, spoiled denizen of Southern California will feel hollow and meaningless, including most of what the girls will have to offer.

I want to finish on an even lighter note, 15 year old self, you will lose your virginity in about two years on prom night 2002 and you will last a few seconds but you will be able to have go at it a few times that night and during the next day. The Westin Bounaventure in Downtown Los Angeles will serve as temple to a boy becoming a man by that very crude metric of manhood. It is better to wait and be sure that the girl is clean and using birth control before sex, be patient and you will be able to enjoy the pleasure of your flesh encased glans being able to do what it evolved to do, glide gently out of its casing and into the folds of the inside of a girl while your have spasms of pleasure simply for moving ever so slowl yand gently (and the girl like this movement instead of the hard and dry thrusts of cut man) and finishing in a crescendo of carnal pleasure and collapsing as your powerful muscles will feel like liquid and all of your most pressing cares will for, a few brief moment cease to be and will cease torment you, as they normally would.

PS. when you come across a board called Nike Talk, go ahead and join but do not waste so much time arguing with the idiots and at times, feeding the trolls.
Dear 15 year old me,

I am a man now and you are still a boy. First I believe that you are very smart but many people distrust people who are smart and who let the world know that. I smacks of arrogance and an egotistical outlook on life and more importantly people perceive smart people are conniving and up to something nefarious, whether that is the case or not. You also may be smart you also may read a great deal but a little bit of knowledge can be more dangerous than having no knowledge whatsoever. You also should try to become aware of how much that you do not know and even the most knowledgeable person on Earth cannot know more than a fraction of percentage point of all knowledge that exists in terms of general truths and theorems and established facts about how the world operates. Furthermore, your ignorance of data on a given day is even more limited than knowledge of those aforementioned general truths and long established ideas and theorems.

To dovetail off of this more general premise, that no one person, is knowledgeable of only a tiny fraction of everything and that their paucity of data is even more profound at a given moment, why on Earth are you an advocate of discredited central planning and price control? Your intentions are noble, you see the inequalities, you see the fact that one person has enough money to buy a multimillion dollar car while multitudes starve to death or die of other causes because they could afford to buy the means to simply survive. It is deeply unfair to live in such a world where the price of one man's toy could feed and clothes and shelter and provide water to thousands of people for many years and even provide literacy to the children of that impoverished group. thers have reached your conclusions about inequality and have taken a variety of courses.

The course that you should avoid is to create a perfect equality or even a rough approximation of equality in terms of material wealth because it will mostly involve making everyone very poor and even then inequality will remain with a few people emerging as the aparachicks who will be merely poor. You should be first and foremost concerned with the plight of those poor people. While you have doubts and good reasons for doubts when comes to the question of whether or not Jesus of Nazareth was the son of a divine entity, you should not question your Roman Catholic teachings on charity. You and your family are not the richest people on Earth but you are from a very well off family and your father gives 10% of his income to the Church and its humanitarian efforts, has 10% of his wealth willed to charity so that it can provide charity relief to those unable to feed, clothes and house themselves or their children. He also give additional money to secular charities and gives when ever there is a large humanitarian disaster in any part of the world. There is too much wealth, too much food, too many resources in the world for any human being to have to do without basic food, medicine, housing, clothing, bathing, drinking water and even a modicum of comfort is a birth right for every human being because whether or not their is God and wthere or not we are created in that God's image, we should all act like we are children of divine creator, we are all part of the human family.

Just as the notion that every single human being deserves to be provisioned with the needs for all basic material needs, which are required not only keep a person alive and breathing but to keep their dignity intac tand secure or to rebuilt the dignity of those from whome it was taken by evil men. If a person is rich because he lives by plunder, he should have that money take from him, he should have his ill gotten gains redistributed to those poorest amongst his victims and then to everyone else among his victims.

Currently at the age of 15 you are making the error in assuming that everyone who is very wealth is in that state because they stole all of that wealth. Most very wealthy people, in the contemporary West are wealthy because they or one of their ancestors or many of their ancestors found a human want and found way to provide it at a lower cost than any one else had hitherto been able to do so. This is Adam Smith's invisible Hand or the market, in action, it is not mere theory is mere reality, in those ocieties that are blessed with the requisite social and political means to allow free and voluntary exchanges to take place as the primary economic activity.

Many ridicule this notion because they see it as the premise that businessmen are full of benevolence but that not what the Invisible Hand is at all. It is the fact in order to get rich you have to either take wealth or create wealth and by doing the latter you have to create wealth as defined by others's subjective valuation. Take resources and turn them into even more valuable resources and let the prices of inputs and outputs serve as profits. Those profits are not only your livelihood but also an indication that you are serving your communit yand perhaps large chunks of humanity because you have managed to exchange money with a party A, you as party B did some with those resources to chance or combine those initial resources and made them into some more valuable and they are more valuable because consumers, party C, are willing to exchange their own money (and in most cases that means the fruits of their own labor) for your product, they value your product more than that money and all of its altenate uses.

There are exceptions and caveats to what I just said the world is not as simple as the example I just gave but you will see the merits and the downsides of a free market because you will study Economics as a University student. I know that shocks you right now as a 15 year old boy, you currently see Economics as the field of study for businessmen and business is beneath you, it for jocks (even though you play basketball on your school's JV team and in your last two years you will be a varsity player you are not jock because athletics is just one a a few important interests to you) and to an extent you are right, many businessmen, especially Salesmen are in perpetual adolescence but there are roles for serious people to play in business and most business people are more like the latter and less like the former. You will not just study Economics though, you will continue your love of history through your University studies and obtain a double major.

A few main points that you should learn, a few main premises exists that you should know right now. One is that wars are rarely started over religion or over "natural resources." Some people think that they are acting as provocateurs when they assert that all wars have been fought over religion. In reality they are possuers because even most religious people will not do anything beyond stating that they disagree and then cite mountains of evidence that reduce your "all" down to "most" and then down to "some"and then down to the truth, that almost no war is started due to religion but once it decided that war will take place the belligerents tend to seek religious moral cover and before entering battle, they wish to do so in "State of Grace" (you should know what they is, you only were confrimed in the church a few years ago and you eremember everything that you are told and understand Catholic theology fairly well) or the religious counterpart in that particular warrior's particular faith.

Wars are not usually fought simply for land or for "natural resources" and they are most certainly caused by poverty, desperation, crime, conflict and inter person angst and inter group anger will result from poverty and hardship. It takes money to wage wars, like the great or at least well known Roman Statesman, M.T. Cicero said, "Unlimited amounts of money are the sinew of warfare," and he was correct. The gains from warfare are almost always offset by the costs and that is if you win (woebetide to the loser who will often times pay a heavy price for himself and his people, warfare is arbitration thrugh arms and if you lose in this arbitartion expect to not only lose trussure and young men but expect you lose your pride, your honor, the chastity of the women and you will be made avassel of the victor through annexation, taxation, reperations or some combination thereof. 

When you have, through military victory obtrained control of the "natural resources, all that you gain is sand or dirt or rocky mountain sides, it takes human effort to extract the mineral wealth so that means even more costs. Ultimately, it is wiser to work hard, manage your money well, make prudent investments and to simply buy the mineral wealth or the commodities from a friendly foreign person and even if teh yare not so friendly, by trading with them and giving them money for what it is that they do well ,you make him friendly. You are helping to feed his family and he is helping you to get the material resources that you use to feed yourself and your family. This is true for inetrnational politics and true for communities, trade with people, talk with people, make friends with older people, with the adults with people who are not 15.

While you may be businessman in 11 years, at the age of 26, your lifetime goal of becoming a politcian may well come in due time and start building your base right now and when you are older and wiser and richer you will be able to become a State Assemblyman, State Senator, Congressman from Ventura and Santa Barbara County's non coastal areas (what ever your home district encompasses in the 2020's and then maybe Governor and President, perhaps. You dreamt of getting right into law school after undergrad and then no sooner than passing the Bar and maybe working as an advocacy attorney and comunity organizer (notice how your evil capitalist maternal ancestors and your Imperialistic and Aristocratic Paternal ancestors seem to have money so that you can have that chance to spend your life doing what you choose to do and not what scarcity for you dictates that you do, as is the case for many, many people), jumping into a life time of politics by the time you are 35 or earlier, you will, by age 26, want to revise that number 45 at the earliest. By age 26, you will find it is prudent to wait until you are more seasoned and have done things beyond academia and law and politics and when you do become committed to a life of politics you may be that rare breed whose eloqunce may get you elected and your humility, your willingness to listen and to know how and when to compromis by allow you to government well.

Enough about the public, the academic and the inetellectual matters, let me say a few private things about you and your family. First and foremost, your familt is the most important thing in the world. Your baby sister, your older borthers, your mothe rand father and aunts and uncles and of course your granfather and your grandmothers are priceless. You are lucky that your two great grandmothers are still alive and both have over half dozen additional years left to live (tragically they will not all be comfortable years but their minds will not even begin to dimnish until hours before their deaths so it is important to visit them, they lived for your grand parents and parents and then they lived for their children and grand children and their great grand children. Their elders were people fro mthe 19th century, if you take good care of your body, yo yuwill, with luck, live to see your grand children and great grand children and you will be link in a vast chain.

So many people are given to presentism, they believe that they are better because they are living now and they they are more advanced. In a few generations our ways of doing things will be seen as archaic and all that will matter is our legacy. History is not "History," agrand narrative that is not past and something fro mwhich those of use in the present have more or less trancended but that is not true because history is just that "history," with a lower case "h." We are history we are a legacy as we speak and write and live and we should be mindful that the eyes of unborn generations glare upon us and as our clothing will look more and more silly and our choice of words more and more quaint and that our methods of science laughably outdated, only our virtue or lack thereof will be what forms a positive opinion in the eyes of our great grand children and those who live beyond them.

Finally, you should heed what the old people say about how to live your life. They have learned through experience that you simply lack. They are correct to say that prosperity is not guaranteed, that civilization is very delicate and tenuous. Save your money, work hard, play hard, cultivate relationships with friends and family, take care of your body and care for those around you. Also, avoid cocaine, in fact abstain from it all together that and any opiates for recreational us. You are pretty self disciplined but just because you will find, as you progress through college that you will not become bound to alcohol, gambling, marijuana and other intoxicants but that does mean that you shold push your luck so enjoy the pot, which you will out grow, along with the binge drinking and the gambling.

By the age of 26 you will take pleasure in the fact that you will still have the ability to compete in amateuts athletics for all of your adult life, enjoy watching the Lakers and the Dodgers, enjoy the Ocean and the sports like surfing and kayaing that come with it, enjoy the taste of food and wine, enjoy financial security, enjoy playin the game of money and the fact that you are already a skilled player, enjoy the martial arts such as Kendo and Karate and Judo, enjoy learning new things, enjoy art, enjoy the fact that you will one day be rich enough to build a fine country house, enjoy the multiple properties on the beach and near the ski slopes, enjoy the fact that you can share these things with your borthers and nieces and nephews, enjoy running your own personal 10k's on winter nights (nights in socal will not, as global warming alarmist be much older or warmer, they will still be brisk, perfect for running) or 5k's in summer heat, enjoy the fact that you will be able to remove your sneakers and shirt and jump into the poo, enjoy the jacuzzi and the fact that you can take pretty girls there and their mouths on your classically structured facem limbs and hands and feet and torso and backside and then let her tongue and mouth glide over the last parts of your body that would be considered ugly by the ancients because it would seem to be the creation of Priapus and enjoy the fact that you have been granted the wealth and leisure brag about your large penis using a refrence to an obscure Roman God. What ever it is, do not let coaine or any unneccessary painkillers come into the equation, although you will not spend years dealing with deep addiction, both of those substances take the brain on such a roller coaster ride that the myriad pleasures avaiavle to wealthy, spoiled denizen of Southern California will feel hollow and meaningless, including most of what the girls will have to offer.

I want to finish on an even lighter note, 15 year old self, you will lose your virginity in about two years on prom night 2002 and you will last a few seconds but you will be able to have go at it a few times that night and during the next day. The Westin Bounaventure in Downtown Los Angeles will serve as temple to a boy becoming a man by that very crude metric of manhood. It is better to wait and be sure that the girl is clean and using birth control before sex, be patient and you will be able to enjoy the pleasure of your flesh encased glans being able to do what it evolved to do, glide gently out of its casing and into the folds of the inside of a girl while your have spasms of pleasure simply for moving ever so slowl yand gently (and the girl like this movement instead of the hard and dry thrusts of cut man) and finishing in a crescendo of carnal pleasure and collapsing as your powerful muscles will feel like liquid and all of your most pressing cares will for, a few brief moment cease to be and will cease torment you, as they normally would.

PS. when you come across a board called Nike Talk, go ahead and join but do not waste so much time arguing with the idiots and at times, feeding the trolls.
^ good lord.

*makes a guess who posted*
*checks who posted*

Haven't seen Rexanglorum post in a while.
^ good lord.

*makes a guess who posted*
*checks who posted*

Haven't seen Rexanglorum post in a while.
Dear Self:
-Pay more attention in class. I know it’s boring but it will pay off in the end.
-Play football ALL 4 years in high school. I know YOU love basketball but you’ll learn to LOVE football just as much if not more and the starting DE spot with the full ride scholarship is yours for the taking. SMH.
-Brace yourself, you will learn soon enough who your friends REALLY are.
-The really cute quiet girl that sits next to you in Algebra is a keeper. Give her a chance.
-Get that part time job at the school and buy all the Nike SB grey boxes you can handle. You’ll regret letting them pass you buy.
-Enjoy the time you spend in high school because once you graduate it’ll never be the same.
Dear Self:
-Pay more attention in class. I know it’s boring but it will pay off in the end.
-Play football ALL 4 years in high school. I know YOU love basketball but you’ll learn to LOVE football just as much if not more and the starting DE spot with the full ride scholarship is yours for the taking. SMH.
-Brace yourself, you will learn soon enough who your friends REALLY are.
-The really cute quiet girl that sits next to you in Algebra is a keeper. Give her a chance.
-Get that part time job at the school and buy all the Nike SB grey boxes you can handle. You’ll regret letting them pass you buy.
-Enjoy the time you spend in high school because once you graduate it’ll never be the same.
-take college courses on summer break while still in high school, it'll save you time

-Kelly and Kathy (you'll meet Kelly later in life) want the D and you will give; except I know you can't pick up signals you dummy

-hang out with every one of your friends

-get a job

-take Michelle or Jaime or Astrid to prom

-You'll be fine
-take college courses on summer break while still in high school, it'll save you time

-Kelly and Kathy (you'll meet Kelly later in life) want the D and you will give; except I know you can't pick up signals you dummy

-hang out with every one of your friends

-get a job

-take Michelle or Jaime or Astrid to prom

-You'll be fine
would the 15 y/o rex actually read that?

for me its
-watch the people who you hang with
-study harder
-dont get stuck on that one girl, there are plenty masses to beat :/
-dont spend so much money on kicks until your a size 9.5
-quit the ghanja until your out of school
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