If you could write a letter to your 15 year-old self...

"stop being scared of wanting to have sex" ....
I would tell myself to keep playing football. I was 
stupid and quit when I was a sophmore. My little
cousin went to the probowl, Oh well. 
I would tell myself to keep playing football. I was 
stupid and quit when I was a sophmore. My little
cousin went to the probowl, Oh well. 
Dear 15 year old Joe:

-Pursue baseball (my love)
-take football more serious
-put down the cheeseburgers son

-take junior/senior years more serious
Dear 15 year old Joe:

-Pursue baseball (my love)
-take football more serious
-put down the cheeseburgers son

-take junior/senior years more serious
- Take that philosophy class everyone says is really good for your junior year. 
- don't take anymore higher level math classes because you suck at math. focus on the subjects you're better at even if they are not AP or honors courses. at least you'd have a higher gpa. 

- stay unattached to your best friend whom you caught feelings for, you would avoid the events of her making your life miserable later on and later losing her. 

- learn to have a decent wardrobe. 

- enroll with tutors when you were struggling in chemistry 

- dont enroll at a learning center that doesnt teach you what you need help with

- don't join swimming or anymore sports, you are too lazy to work out everyday and you would have saved some money from buying gear. 

- start learning to speak more languages, especially japanese since you'll meet a real pretty mixed japanese girl later on whom you can probably impress since she cant speak it herself.

- work harder at your skills in art 

- gym more often
- Take that philosophy class everyone says is really good for your junior year. 
- don't take anymore higher level math classes because you suck at math. focus on the subjects you're better at even if they are not AP or honors courses. at least you'd have a higher gpa. 

- stay unattached to your best friend whom you caught feelings for, you would avoid the events of her making your life miserable later on and later losing her. 

- learn to have a decent wardrobe. 

- enroll with tutors when you were struggling in chemistry 

- dont enroll at a learning center that doesnt teach you what you need help with

- don't join swimming or anymore sports, you are too lazy to work out everyday and you would have saved some money from buying gear. 

- start learning to speak more languages, especially japanese since you'll meet a real pretty mixed japanese girl later on whom you can probably impress since she cant speak it herself.

- work harder at your skills in art 

- gym more often
-Take school much more seriously
-Do not attend the tech center in HS - you won't learn anything and it will prevent you from taking those AP classes 

-Be more outgoing

-Start hitting the gym and make it a part of your lifestyle

-Be yourself - stop trying to fit in with everyone else

-STOP BEING SO ANGRY AT THE WORLD - you are better off than a whole lot of other people

-Remove yourself from the circle of friends you have and surround yourself with better people

-Honor and integrity - take them seriously
-Take school much more seriously
-Do not attend the tech center in HS - you won't learn anything and it will prevent you from taking those AP classes 

-Be more outgoing

-Start hitting the gym and make it a part of your lifestyle

-Be yourself - stop trying to fit in with everyone else

-STOP BEING SO ANGRY AT THE WORLD - you are better off than a whole lot of other people

-Remove yourself from the circle of friends you have and surround yourself with better people

-Honor and integrity - take them seriously
- Keep doing what you're doing in school. Don't slack off for a moment. You're straight for the rest of high school.
- Unless its for subjects like math, english, or history, AP's are overrated. Don't wyle out and try to take every AP your school offers just cuz you think its expected of you. You're gonna wanna take some of those intro classes your freshman year in college to start your GPA off high.
- Actually think about where YOU wanna go to college and think about the kind of experience you want to have. The typical college experience might be cliche, but theres only four years in your life where you'll get a chance to experience it. Don't just apply early decision to a school because your sister goes there and is enjoying it. What she might enjoy, you might not. You're two entirely different people.
- Learn how to drive and save up for a whip ASAP. Don't be lazy and wait til senior year to take driver's ed. Having a car in high school makes living at home with mom and dad 100000000x better.
- Smash a variety of broads in life. Don't limit yourself to Indian girls. They're tons of drama and will cause you to waste tons of time.
- Go to every party possible. Get at every broad possible, never think a broad is too good for you to get at. Life is short, and so is the rest of high school.
- Weed will change your life. You'll find out in about a year. Take it easy at first but do as you will when you get comfortable.
- Keep doing what you're doing in school. Don't slack off for a moment. You're straight for the rest of high school.
- Unless its for subjects like math, english, or history, AP's are overrated. Don't wyle out and try to take every AP your school offers just cuz you think its expected of you. You're gonna wanna take some of those intro classes your freshman year in college to start your GPA off high.
- Actually think about where YOU wanna go to college and think about the kind of experience you want to have. The typical college experience might be cliche, but theres only four years in your life where you'll get a chance to experience it. Don't just apply early decision to a school because your sister goes there and is enjoying it. What she might enjoy, you might not. You're two entirely different people.
- Learn how to drive and save up for a whip ASAP. Don't be lazy and wait til senior year to take driver's ed. Having a car in high school makes living at home with mom and dad 100000000x better.
- Smash a variety of broads in life. Don't limit yourself to Indian girls. They're tons of drama and will cause you to waste tons of time.
- Go to every party possible. Get at every broad possible, never think a broad is too good for you to get at. Life is short, and so is the rest of high school.
- Weed will change your life. You'll find out in about a year. Take it easy at first but do as you will when you get comfortable.
-Go well in school. You might not realize it but in 2 or 3 years you'll want to go to a great college
-Don't pay any mind to the chicks at school. Few of them are willing to smash and none of them are wifey material
-Learn how to drive a manual car
-Stop screwing around in the weight room and work out
-Work harder at basketball instead of playing pickup with garbage players
-Save and invest your money cause you will love it when you're older
-Don't trust people too much cause when stuff goes bad relationships are ruined
-Don't ever simp or change your life for a girl, especially when they aren't even all that
-Choose wisely who you hang out with, or start becoming more independent
-Grow the hell up

I'm only 17 and I feel I've changed A LOT
-Go well in school. You might not realize it but in 2 or 3 years you'll want to go to a great college
-Don't pay any mind to the chicks at school. Few of them are willing to smash and none of them are wifey material
-Learn how to drive a manual car
-Stop screwing around in the weight room and work out
-Work harder at basketball instead of playing pickup with garbage players
-Save and invest your money cause you will love it when you're older
-Don't trust people too much cause when stuff goes bad relationships are ruined
-Don't ever simp or change your life for a girl, especially when they aren't even all that
-Choose wisely who you hang out with, or start becoming more independent
-Grow the hell up

I'm only 17 and I feel I've changed A LOT
Originally Posted by scshift

I'm only 17 and I feel I've changed A LOT

This but wait until mabey a year out from graduation. You will change significantly. At 19, thats where Im at right now. Its when you truly form imo.
Originally Posted by scshift

I'm only 17 and I feel I've changed A LOT

This but wait until mabey a year out from graduation. You will change significantly. At 19, thats where Im at right now. Its when you truly form imo.
-Go away for college.
-Get ready for a recession
-Don't fix up your truck. It's gonna get stolen.
-Keep throwing your sweet parties.
-Don't sweat your first major heart break that's gonna hit you this year. You're gonna be fine.
-Go away for college.
-Get ready for a recession
-Don't fix up your truck. It's gonna get stolen.
-Keep throwing your sweet parties.
-Don't sweat your first major heart break that's gonna hit you this year. You're gonna be fine.
dear 15 year old ground king

-please stop wasting money on stupid @+*$ like yugioh cards, nintendo games, and go and get fit
-lay off the mcD's
-choose wisely who you hang out with, or start becoming more independent
-oh, and, you gon be fine

from, 19 year old ground king
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